Advertisements & Notices

... EtcnE0iana & Ekuti#ap'o vto. LONDON, Weduesday, October 8.3 PAIN.-Thc following Decrec of her most Faithful Majesty the Queen of Portugal, has just been received LISBON, Oct. 16.-OOlicid Depa D tmnzCt of Foreign Afifirs. ' -Her Most Faithful Majesty, desiring to accede to the wishes expressed by Her Majesty, the Queen Regent of ha! Spain, in the name of Irer august diughter; her Catholic the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTgRTAINMENT TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE-LORD LIEUTENANT, AT THE THEATRE, On SATURDAY next, the 24th inst. at THREE o'clock P.Mi. ROBERT JAMES TENNENT, Esq. Chairman. Vice- Iresidents. WV. Boyd, Esq. Robert Grimshaw, Esq. John Sinclaire, Esq. Vere Ward, Esq. S. S. Thomson, Esq. M.D. ?? T. Mitchell, Esq. J. Cunningham, Jun. Esq. John Donvill, Esq. Stewads James Boomer, Esq. Thomas M'Cammott, Esq.! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO. 9, BRIDGE-END, LEEDS. BINGLEY most respectfully informs the Inlhabi- 3 ,tooits of Leeds d its Vicin ip thorthe ?? idgconnnecting the t LiuliCI ,iid Woo;lico t)rcieiv n oeishiisea together, :oud will OPEN i (,ll M(;ii DAY, with nil enitire nlewv S1 OCX of WOOLLENS, FANCY I wA~lTCOA INGS. xc. 'bich hc is determined to offer at suobb 1 ?? as net tifl to give batll fiictioii, ht to Incure a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1' ,BLJC ,1iI-$ .EEVNTS. COLOSSEUM -Mr. DUCItOW'S lAST INIGHITl.-Trrlra EEa'~iG (S trday', ?? and elegant Itepre. Nelli i-n of Rtapti IOUa(; IIh Ie ait scellic eftects and de- .oratiolis; Mimic S;nes of Mirth* Grand C trenal el des e at &C. &C.-lDOars oae ?? Seven o'clock ; cornetneeat: Fight. Enltrance in Aihnny.Btreet.. , SPLENDID EXHIBITION.- ADELAIDE- t STREET GALLE.Y.-Nanitical, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. it SPLENDID EXHIBITION.-ADELAIDE- n STREET GALLERY.-Naliticol, Mechanical, Architectural, and other Models; Philosophical Appiaratus, With brilliant Chemical Experimenbt Hydro-oxygen M~icroscope, Magnets; Steam Gun; Combustion ?? ; Cabinetsot choice Mlinerals, Fossils, &c.; Sir- cimens of useful Inventions and Improvements in the Arts and S Sciences,; Music, Sculpture, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMIUSEMENTS. SPLENDID EXHIBITION.-ADELAIDE e STREET GAILERY.-Nuntical, Mechlanical, Architectural, and e other Models; Philosophical Apparatus, with brilliant Chemical Experiments; Hydro-oxygen Microscope, Miagets; Steam Gun; Coimbustion ofSteel; Cntiinetsofchoice~linesels,Fossils &c.; Spe C cimens of u1sefill Inventions and Improvements in the Arts and Sciences M 3usic. Sculpture, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For A TWERP(from HULL,) Th ne o sg aBelgian Schooner ILDD, %la t.THO ASJACK~SON, thrwill si aout tuhe 8th instant. Hullby Mroe 2, MO MreJOHN FOSTER. Mr. C. BOconbemit Whtfrage Hul; ad b *E W for the fine A.lgi an Schooner GUS- V, Captain M. KAU'dNGER, admea. ment 123 Tons, daily expected here from D nmark. This fine fast-sailing Vessel is Char- tereutolrlcedfrm hence to MESSINA, and ,vil8 be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Und(er the ?? Palrelage o DIRIS, 1flkkyonzEs. wh h s pefrfnl ed ~h m 4,p1ife toe at Aheir 5li0jes- iW R J AVILE S m1A R TIN, C'elebrated Voutisit~ f Itit Lciidfl, Qrittorws anid FCa1~t1ilcr NevasuAmturG Assistesl by ihl. C. els ,adli LI!),dleAatur(lr a Gto scjtiit tileS N\ hility, Gentry, ?? J.G) tobttt N,ii 0 t lli, ttilat thee will ?? a Doors to be tipett1il sit jlitpl-tI 1, 31i to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - . . EXMOUTH; z BAI `-*1l take place at EIW N3 ROOMS, A onu Xbe 'BE4ACON HILL, in the bcginiiing of Novepi&jr,' 8l35.-Pariieulars Nill be given in the nlext Adeti'emet. Rooms, Beacon Hlill, Oct. 20, 1835. ITALIAN STRINGS. .t A1, ROMAN, HARP, VIOLIN& GUITAR IU.' STRINGS, of the veiv first quality dire.t from th. Manafartiiiref, to be had' at MiII. PILIBROW'S Musical Re. poeitory,59, High ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATER COLOURt PAINTING. MR. A. NICHOLL respectfully announces his re- M turn to Belfast, and his intention of giving instruc- tion in the above Art, to a limited~,nu er of pupils. 27, COLLEGE-STREET, BELFTTj 28th Sept. 1835. / (773 OPENED ON -YESTEtDAY, THE WEST a 9ioRlTIN OF ENGLAND WOOLLEN WAREHOUSE, No. 6, Waring-S.treet, ReElfast, OPPOSITE MR11. LEWIS REFORD'S, Supplied by the most eminent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... illeeting- tbL% Day. M E E T I N G of the SUBSCRIBERS to the A E N T E R T A I N M N T to his Excellency the LORD LIEUTENA IT, will be held at the TOWN-HALL, P iICE-BUILDINGS, (THIS DAY) FRIDAY, at T o'clock, P. r;. (By Order,). 837) J. E. KIDLEY, Secretary. LONDON HIBERNIAN SCHOO CIETY. T HE ANNUAL MEETI of> the ablove SO.. CIETY Will be held at the OMMISSIONERS' ROOMS, FoucE BuTLDINGS, ONDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOODSTOCK. I f 0lO be LET, with immediate possession,-A most L. delightful FAMILY RESIDENCE, with stabling for II horses, coachhbouse, gardens, &c. lately occupied by Henry Peyton, Esq. and overlooks Blenheim Park. For particulars enquire of Mr. Margetts, Bear Inn, Woodd stock; or Mr. Ileckford, Buscot Park, Faringdon, Berks. ) LETr, with possestion ptt ichoelmss,-A de- L 5jrable RESIDENCE at ...