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... RY reP ,nT9 for lSTJDY on 1st O4'TO- fliF th flue CLASSES, Viz. j-(Ijait~ f i l Tauht ;byMr ?? Conp. ~~ ~ rrtii~ ' Aentlittyv Uraviflg ant Sketulbing fromn l Vaev'~tion Lectures on Natural Philo- . ID ?? ?? Dr Fylfe. 03 fl~er 3y the R1ev.MrSehd bat' 'toi u~n~keeieg~y Mr Trot- I aNrp-.Dy acdlrlern listory, Elocution, i.:L'P lia'1-lOJ:I atth bi-BY Mlr Ballan. C Ii 1A Cr s etncltier -i 1 e Per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D. WYLLIE~ & S6N'S 51, uniota Stre~et, AbefaLoen. Pr iii LIST of NEWIll I OKS latti . roceived at Ibis ?? iY is itolt' rea'dy, attd mayli e had~ on ajlillicttition. Ini ibis -t. ool ii te (erand C aitsiu'lfl, isill Ib' tbiiil ;III eattilsive (l cion of tie principal Books pit lifie Ii duriinig the la st I in tv BookOWThA of iitteremit, and the Th'-i'it'i'i a itf Mt!Ii~l~tt ;jat!,I'd to this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'oTEBURGESSES OF GUILD OF AflERIDZEN. I9' F!E DlTAN OF 64'7Li) b u''rhljilt iojItT:Itl', ill till'IlTS If til HIII- Ij3_rIS~j ?? t~io'ofli FfTI'ANi~TI O (4TI)flD- 27m'lld 'v o ( toTITel',: T tl1it Ol T hin o ' ?? ?? 1)1111 whil tl l. ?? ii' ofi'' Tl ?? ?? Itii', Dv'TI' I.111 at' kh t~ nc~IT :;t TO 11 DIOZ-I k : I SI G I, -h O Mil' Ibv, L o'i r t il,-GkI. andl~il.nolin i~l sl''l i.Ai XRili. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r ~poNIS1; T' T1hEiR MAJ9STIES. qhi ;ght [dor2. the LORD PROVOST. aeE1iflROYAL CIRCUS, T1 LOTNIAN ROAD. d do r Oeatest effeet having been produced by -E jig 1 R'802enttiion of the best Works of the A ; 2r be rrfele uoder the scmblance of T .I Scell't¶ yNT STONE FIGURES,. ' A A Cooxr; and in addition to the I lless fiti hich this effort is nightly receiv- arere ctfally referred to the opinion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNIPS TO EE LET, ON THE FARM OF OVERHItfLL OF BELHHLVIE. iROM SitV1S to EIGIIr Aries of veey Supe. ior TURIN!l'S. It Il' waotrd fliii' tri1illl,, afoitlItildCL! of' StI-11W CoII be gitenl, ?? I-loising fiu Ibollit thh)tY Cattle. For fiurliti'e piaticiilars applY to James eitd, Esq. of Meadow- bojik ; or M Ir (Oardre, KIlltoieditie, between tihis and 24 i October; oil wh'1ich d(ov they aill ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *jgE B THEIR MAl'jESES gwJ S',RIE cg o rT 'OF' THE RGITT ilON. i'i 11,qjisloH1 ( PROVOST. ?? co 11 L CIRCUS, rQESTR IAN r rLSTAEBLISHIMENT, g ,0r RFINI THE CIRCLE.- ?? TO.MORROW ttir F\t.5 iof 1 fl11;tice first tineo ia Erlia ' Chitvalri Scone and 11i!;'l berrt ir;P V Iii popclaro nlb e iE SEVrEN CHJAMPIONS n CmtISfENDOAI I ,Aseaifr~tfrrri~t, otution~with ohe Feats I flnil. -13~liires1910,r t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9, Union assliodingn, B. b 7G to recronuinend his prvesent Stock oft BOOT1S finl SI-IC) E, ' ) wich are of execlellet (Ij ili vN and workilla 40)41p I t thw LAIJIES' C01I)OVAN LEA.THERK~ SHOES, 4 ?? fll1. LAI tFS' PRtTN ELLA SBOOTS, -7 ?? fiII. 1. 4. DIES 1'RUN ELL 1Il1O1tle,7s94 LAPIES CLOT WMTflo, G;ls:5i44':, I'll.. 7t s. till. LAD'1 I'-S'Cl(t Ill 0441', 0I014 - - 11.'.1 to i1k. Gd. Do) Li ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANI3MALIMZED CARBON. I-B HIS MANU RlE, width li:e blen sold il Scothmlind Sit slrl4e | IiIlitii'e, tiisy ot' Co'teiill' ()\VII Uf } ' illayV ?? o lie ?? iii Loitilaji, Sitil{ {Ii'llveI'd toan)i WVImi\tf or ?? iL I'ttie, it Is. lid. 11im Imsitl ; it is a dIuist, and N Ill'my tie Sn'n in 11w drills with colnt Tirnips, Pulse, &r. It is tlmid imrlvi nore efficacioums thalin BlIIe I)nst, Or i11V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ABlER)EEN' FIBE, AND LIVE ASSUR11ANYCEv CC N PANY r'ONTl'U'U E to tvalisfit P uv~ Slsc it's of bmzliit'ss cttitc'el with bjti, intlliuuuttt-tlco titn'lt L o anith ~iot i hio , Un I 't-oq Stv, ,2i O ciurtobe , ife ?? tr'tS il.7111 Iita Lailal LrAwn~t',r tfl-r AnIi. eS T CIl-tt's. ion tt1 ii 1 I 'lmi N/to, wpe1, 1 Ill 27,ci 111215. ti 11 lit it. llit iC N N it 'I', tti tid iceltiens 'its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE BUR t3ESS Or GUILD OF AREnlfin.m GC 'VTLrNtt!T, AV IN C been, solicited lby at ,nuMe-ls t0115ho (rii mt Fow ..RjL BttrCCs5C to become at ICamlidltte for hie offle oif v Ou Deaom, o)11 it' ensiilinl Election, I be~g letive to state, tha, itt amirmi.itic ith UthI etr wishes, I hat's ronomi~eted to oltfr insvt I Its lf - Canhdaititi ?? i~lt office(, and respect I11 vy to solicit 30111' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -mi5ug wilil too greatest success by J. Parry, iumor. )~rice 2S. CRAM-Ri, AL li.50Y, & BEALE, 201, Regent Street; nd sold by the principal Music Sellers in Edinburgh and Ilasgow. This day,: THE FIFTH VOLUM1E SIR EGERTON BRYDG&S'S EDITION lTHE LIFE AND. POETICALt ORKS Nc OF MILTON. TI ,Ontailng the DRbAMATIC'WRITINGS oftheiPnet, pai ?? Seinson Aiosrites, I* eonue~ LdjThe'Ar ades. Eaquisite'i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIE1StnGII S~30th Octoluct If3i. IFSTHOSON, Erq.r ' ''Arthilibail Place. he1~ler..signeel ELECTORS offlhe - ,l.:lplST ?? AL DISTRICT,b having, - iiedIeCO in your ybilities, assiduity, and local asl l tru -ell nsas ?? your public conduct, all which ue &er a' 1s u If you for becoming one of Our Ba-iirn inl tho I'own Council at the ensuing c 11115 est that 3`-eJ ill allow yourself to be put ine ...