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... . . . . The periodical assize of the revising barristers has fur. nished matter for serious reflection on several very in. portant subjects; the facility, for instance, with which a political partisan or personal enemy can giee notice of objection, without being obliged to give any g oand for it whatever-the objection itself being withdrawn and no reason assigned. The trouble, inconvenience, ...


... 9ft ItUibtrpv Jsturp. SAWDS POPUIZ LEX SUPAZJIA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 183. As we are now fast approaching the period when the -new municipal system will come into operation, we deem it our duty to call the public attention to an advantage of high importance which that beneficial measure holds on t to the town of Liverpool. The adninistrasion of justice by magistrates totally ignorant of legal ...


... THE~ BREAD AND BEER FRAUD. It seems to be about as hopeless to excite any move- ment against the Corn Laws, at present, as it would be on a bright summer's day to induce the grasshoppers or the butterflies to lay up stores for the winter. The pub. lie ought, however, to be kept in mind of the evil conse- quences of the corn.monopoly; for though, as we intend to show, the greatly increased ...


... I . I -1 I .1 ?? in- Ild r, Bib a ,t or hiii lit ili no rig liii jII, ?? )le oer me it) lie n- Id. he he At a meeting of the commissioners on Wedneisday, the following roports were received and ordored to bc enterod onl tho backs. SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF' THE L AMP SCAVENGING, FIRE ENUINE, %sasn INUISANC~ Co.)MITTEE, 1635. LAseeLirscrmau.-The number of additional lamps fixed up durng ...


... I OESTX, QUARTgR SEsS1OS Oil Wednesday last, the Qliartr Seqtilsasfor i Hlnilredsaof Amounstveriesg, Blackrll, imd LeyW ?? held, by diljloiretmeltn at tile Cirlw csrth -T'V B. Addkon, Esq-uire, Clnirmall Snon afe the opening of the Court, the fiilowillg Minititralr appeareti on therbonchn :,Sir T. D. Fleshtb, Bjit' . Jolin. Lwew 'I'sl~i~lel.ym Pe,16lrl Jo SImnpvilfI Win. 'CAl , T. Wilson Fr ...