Advertisements & Notices

... TO FMrILIES, HOTEL PROPRIETORS, 4c, CHEAP SILVER & PLATED GOODS. -PREVIOUS to an extension of Stock, J. L SHIPHAM now offers, at GREATLY REDUCED PICs~ a Selection of SILVER and PLATED Articles, in Tea-Pots. Cruet Frames, Candlesticks, &c. Tea Urns, Shell Caddies, &c. all excellent in quality, but not of the newest Patterns. Genuine and GERMAN SILVER SPOONS, FORKS, &c. on the lowest terms, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EtcnE0iana & Ekuti#ap'o vto. LONDON, Weduesday, October 8.3 PAIN.-Thc following Decrec of her most Faithful Majesty the Queen of Portugal, has just been received LISBON, Oct. 16.-OOlicid Depa D tmnzCt of Foreign Afifirs. ' -Her Most Faithful Majesty, desiring to accede to the wishes expressed by Her Majesty, the Queen Regent of ha! Spain, in the name of Irer august diughter; her Catholic the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO. 9, BRIDGE-END, LEEDS. BINGLEY most respectfully informs the Inlhabi- 3 ,tooits of Leeds d its Vicin ip thorthe ?? idgconnnecting the t LiuliCI ,iid Woo;lico t)rcieiv n oeishiisea together, :oud will OPEN i (,ll M(;ii DAY, with nil enitire nlewv S1 OCX of WOOLLENS, FANCY I wA~lTCOA INGS. xc. 'bich hc is determined to offer at suobb 1 ?? as net tifl to give batll fiictioii, ht to Incure a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1' ,BLJC ,1iI-$ .EEVNTS. COLOSSEUM -Mr. DUCItOW'S lAST INIGHITl.-Trrlra EEa'~iG (S trday', ?? and elegant Itepre. Nelli i-n of Rtapti IOUa(; IIh Ie ait scellic eftects and de- .oratiolis; Mimic S;nes of Mirth* Grand C trenal el des e at &C. &C.-lDOars oae ?? Seven o'clock ; cornetneeat: Fight. Enltrance in Aihnny.Btreet.. , SPLENDID EXHIBITION.- ADELAIDE- t STREET GALLE.Y.-Nanitical, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. it SPLENDID EXHIBITION.-ADELAIDE- n STREET GALLERY.-Naliticol, Mechanical, Architectural, and other Models; Philosophical Appiaratus, With brilliant Chemical Experimenbt Hydro-oxygen M~icroscope, Magnets; Steam Gun; Combustion ?? ; Cabinetsot choice Mlinerals, Fossils, &c.; Sir- cimens of useful Inventions and Improvements in the Arts and S Sciences,; Music, Sculpture, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMIUSEMENTS. SPLENDID EXHIBITION.-ADELAIDE e STREET GAILERY.-Nuntical, Mechlanical, Architectural, and e other Models; Philosophical Apparatus, with brilliant Chemical Experiments; Hydro-oxygen Microscope, Miagets; Steam Gun; Coimbustion ofSteel; Cntiinetsofchoice~linesels,Fossils &c.; Spe C cimens of u1sefill Inventions and Improvements in the Arts and Sciences M 3usic. Sculpture, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTgRTAINMENT TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE-LORD LIEUTENANT, AT THE THEATRE, On SATURDAY next, the 24th inst. at THREE o'clock P.Mi. ROBERT JAMES TENNENT, Esq. Chairman. Vice- Iresidents. WV. Boyd, Esq. Robert Grimshaw, Esq. John Sinclaire, Esq. Vere Ward, Esq. S. S. Thomson, Esq. M.D. e(>. T. Mitchell, Esq. J. Cunningham, Jun. Esq. John Donvill, Esq. Stewads James Boomer, Esq. Thomas M'Cammott, Esq.! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR PARTS'S PHARAMACOLOGIA. Just published, a New Edition, being the Eighth, very considerably improved, and closely printed in One Volume Octavo, price 1I. 4s. of p 9N A R M A C 0 L 0 G I A; 1or HISTORY of MEDICAL SUBSTANCES; with a view to establishing the Art of Prescribing, and of Composiog Extemporaneous Porwulre, upon Fixed and Scieutifc Principles. By J. A. PARIS, M.D. Cantab. ?? The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... alto0 bpJ auition, SI-A UN TI1IING, REDC~AII.-By Mr. JOHN WATSON, at the Howe- of Mrs. Sowlitv. the Red Lion Hotel, lReduar, on Thvrs- 1101, the 29/i1St;; I! ti October, IBID. at TBoree ?? in the Alter- itoonl, precisely, sultjjeet to Conditions thett to be prodaced. ALI, that delightful AIESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUISE, situate Iin the far fined and Fashionable Water- iAelute, IRedenar, Iin the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sHIPPING TNILLIGENCE. ~QR'\IPIS (on Lt' T-cunt 'wgcr CI . AI tN . HA1trhi, ?? t rntteijter. i II ,.,rrc cc 1ri'dl ?? freh yr ]'alge a;.; t~ to Dlet ?? lone, 1.irrlrti:. J 1~\ I IIL-The UIJINE, vi;a RUT- it ?? I:1 r E t F I' rtE.S.-Tha N: I An:, ,.n sr,renai II BAI'AAt Ca, ap oUr1 1). lllrot.w of 4400U1rr'e ~rrl1or, O'e r ?? ?? 'crv l'srllrre ic tlc501140. i't Ito'i'. Ih~ ~ n l ?? tar us S ...


... GREER, SONS, & o EG leave to inform their Friends and the Trade that tbeyintend OPENING, early in OCTOBER, a WAREHOUSE. at NO. 15, WATLING.SfTRE:E1s MANCHESTER, Which will be conducted by one of the Firm; where there will be an Extensive Assortment of COTTON GOODS &c. From many advantages they posss. they will be en' abled to offer those visiting that i a well-assorted STOCK, at Prices, such ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11nites *2tti, -%a- PHILADELPHIA LINE Of PACKETS. 7. 841i on Me 8&h of ewry rsnth . 0USQUEHANNA, T.B Caorim ?? 600 tons, 8th Nov. I ALGONQUIN. J. H.CHvNy . ?? . 480 tons, 8th Dec. a MONONGAHELA. 0. P. ...