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Advertisements & Notices

... PACIOIUS RESIBIENCE to be LET, At a very moderate Rent, C IN SAINT GILES'S, OXFORD, WI) l5 !MHE5JIATE POSSESSON. 71O be LET, for a term of three or five years, and O 11 may be entered on immediately,-A most excellent Al DWELLING HOUSE, handsomely furnished, situate in St. Giles's parish, Oxford. The house contains entrance co hall, elegant drawing room, and five sitting rooms, of a su- dr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON, BRIGHTON, AND SHORE HAM RAILWAY COMPANY, capital, £F.900,O0 IN 13,000 SHARES, OF £50 EACH. IIE Original Western Line, by Epsom, Dorking, Horsham, T and Shoreham, which is intended to come into London by the Southampton Railway, and to be continued to a I terminus at St. George's Fields, nearly equidistant Irom the Five Bridges. This Line, having been re-surveyed, is submitted to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - Winter Garments In Endless Variety, are wW f1eady 1r Inspection, at the, W.nter Garments In GOLD]EN rLEECE. a -1 JONES. in agau resetiug himself to the. noticeof the Public -begs to acquaint them, that he has met, J i. with the fb3lowing description of ARTICLES at ASTONNISHlNG REDUCTION .Viz.-Petersharms, , artington's, Beavers; Bears' Skins, Witneys, and 1illed CloLhs, in every- shade, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R- POSITIVELY TIUE LAST WEEB / 1n f lE PARISIAN. INFERNAL DIJJfiE, le and ?? Fieschi, taken from life in Paris. A Descriptive Book of Fieschi's pedigree, life, and ,e habits, to every Visitor. COALS. 1/ d wFOW delivering on Gosport Beach, a Cfgn o ie N1 RUBLY COALS, ?? Shillingsper Uhal t dron, ready money,, e.T Friends, Adventure; aPPIY On ,, board. ;. A Cargo of WALL'S END expected daily, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POST OrFICE, SIOIV, Oct. 15, 1835 to D1IRS. NEWXVANI OST respectfully informs her fricods, the Ladies -Pt of Stow, and neighbourhood, she is just returned .frdn; Lonidon, and hrr French Milliner is arrived from Paris, therefore ishe has had unusual advantages in both branches af ber business. From the general del)rcssion of trade, site N has Iiien estabhld to tnake suchi a reduction in her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bicester and Aynlta and Fbosnere Brime* l Road. wpl T, OTICE is hereby given, that a etil t N Thustees of the above Turnpike Road willS bf Id at the King's Arms Inn, in Bicester, in thlecounbehd5X on Wednesday the 28th day of October next, Yafnt I o'clock at noon. At which Meeting between t Tweite Twelve and Two o'clock, the Tolls'arising at the hoarnl Gates on the said Road, namely, Bicester ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOWN 1-LALL, BRIGHTOQN. UNPRECEDEN rMl-) USICAL ATTRtACTION. 1F0 thi ldtrst an(d iiZtly/ titrue -t 13nighton, BO JISr'!S celelbr ated L'onerti, ( inl I iiiqsse, Intitled 1 'oywige ii1asical i'z dijerene pdtis n tie ad! as pejinrnwed (it the ?? Oinctr 1lUNo.s, Di nty Lane T1eatre, (and /fisa }.ightr'e i Successive Lih'gts it, the Groad Concert R6oomr ait the Colro~sseumoa, lIStcdoss, wit/h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3- EVElXNGr- CONCERT.' R. DAVIS has the honour to acquaint ?? a bility, Gentry. and Visitors of Portsmouth, that se his SECQND CONCERT pf VOCAL MUSIC will c1o be iven on Tuesday the 2dith of October.-Single e Ticket 5s.; a Family Ticket to admit four, I is. Id SO'PRAIe-11iss A. Mic. Mahon, M1iss C. Stockman, srs aerd Miss Mullett. to CDoNTIALTI.-MiSS Calsspi, Miss Redford, and Miss ki Lanza. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARIO'DON, BEIKg. F ) be LEI, tor a term of years, or as may be agrevil I- ?? valuable PRE iIUSES, eligibly sihaited in BuIl.strcet, Fariflgdon~, Berl-s, fornerly it, the Occupatioll ~f Nira. E~ile5 and late of Yr. oung; consisting of a con- nicnt Dwvelling 11ouse, butcher's sihop, slaughter house, stable, yard, anid cottyenient ?? particulars, and to treat foer de same, apply to Mr. WnM. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oj 'WB7 , the REVISING BARRISTERS for the VI -*VY. .Southern Divition of the Countyvof Hantsf do V hereby kive Notic e, that our Court for the Re vision of 1 Votes for the Borough of Portsmouth, and far the 1 'Southern Division of the said County, will be held _ by adjournment, at the O1LD T0WN HA%1 F High-street, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, _n llnday the 19th day of October, inst. 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIERS and SON respectfully announce that her kJ Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased to honor them with permission to dedicate to her Majesty the NEW PERFUMIE they have manufactured on the occasion of the Royal Visit to Ox-fud. It is published this day under the title of THE QUEEN'S OWN BOUQUET. Oxford, October l7th, 1835. lllANTED immediately in a Grammar School,- VAA GRADUATE as ...