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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... AItR I VED. TO0 TIlE \NOIIILITY, GENTRYV, AND) INIIAHITI'I'TS OF IEDS liORE, O ' C ASTER, AND TH]ElIR VICI[NITIES. 2NComioRDIBIX ARITIFICIAL. T1EPTH FIXED without WIRES oties IGArTiRENA N~A.SiCDA P, for FILLING IIECAYED TEET H without IHEAT oir P;RESSURE. C,! ONS.i J. MALLAN, Suso iON DrifTlIST, (ol' ?? C FirmI oif 5Moits. Malioand to ilsou, ?? HIM If.5-ll'o-Strect, Pie. 'dI. aid 2. Great 1H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vattitt ;MlairiCuC0, &f+r R, I. ARMSTRONG'S LIVER PILLS. D ansenture of at Quack, but advice of a1 Physician, whlo I am ?? w.Ill proscribe nit l ore, for ale than may coilsSIL With1 mly Safety, and Ileed dloth requi re.-0ld Dirl'e. 'rho1 possessor of the P'rescriptionl froml 11whilb these Pill are prepared, solely forl h in by Mr. lohil T. Ed d, p. ascionltitle Clle- moist, obtained it fromn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :K ,MERRION-STREETco 'fIANIST i-or l'o~rtieulars ilply to TIh 'io, ti ?? or to mr. williIisOll, ol eer- 3T'. P'AUL4S CHiURCH, JIUD- *,rtIle Oihc-e of 01104e NNISTr to the above esthion anitlo of Iherayjcker on) or before N ondloy iat ~Cted to tile Itcr., j. it. Old ho to ft oludd erolield. aflay, w Ill be ttmmud for all itll,,e Cto did l~cS eiible to~ llrfoot n, thl ie (Ooni, ?? beinlg l Ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;I.LIING'I, &c., it SIMLBY.- I nI II, L i SIlht. in I he Lion-t I''or/ny, Va'e 25th and 26t1 te Duo lif ,Ii Daty; AND IMPRO)VE,\LE '-10 F-i Ee'ABlLISHlED IfNNS, PI tOPS. EX StIlE WATER CiliN MILLS, ,1ARFIS, FL; BUtOR, IILDING SliTES, Itt-t cl!6.. fli~tatie Ill thle toot' caitl'l eodly imlt'~itviti MIAKIHE'r WN of SILlY te tt r ftornedi into iiwr-roLT, l'70ed iii tile printitM Partietii:r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nolv 1obishiieng, In W~eekly NumberII, price 2d. THIE LITERARY TrIMES, a Register of Belles LeteScience, and thle Finle Arts. ,Ilejit-v Ti,,'e ?? Eight i'.lgcs uof i 'I printed matter, ?? a It beet'the Size of thet Aige New'qia per. 'Tihe Typle is all nleW, tild thle Ipaller o If t sijlleriori ltiftity l Ialou c 'riteC proplrictolrs ofI ithe Li-rar Tvnato donii tinllle their Pub- ,ieltiiil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thu)Iic_?jotirt0, D ITLIC DINNER TO DANIEL GASKELL, 'File 110 of. -te of, tir 10 Boou~gh of WA liltill LDI Electlors and N4on-Eeeitortz, i~tend( giving a DINNER tO their highly retpected lkl inbl)r, 1111 Xwidiohq. A'el'r'erl 301h, 1353, at Willie's iteerns3. 5 Diriier onthe 'feble at Five o'Clock. fly Order of thle Committee. Reorm Asosoelrrtioll Itosiri1, CrOW11 Courit, 'Ivahliefield Nov. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIPIoltIANT SALE OF HtOUSES, ?? atSLI. By 11r. LANCA ,T ISII, ait the IC Ieorge Ion1, ?? , IT t tbe Coun-. ty 0',,Vurkl nit Wi'deth-cdda and Thlio'sdau, Aei 251/i and W1it Dlays qf Non'r:/l,r, 1I035, at Okto mod ck- eanli Day;, T~~ANY VALUABLE A ND IMPRICVEABLE A / JFIFEIIOLII DiXWELlINGAOIIjSrES1, EST'ABLISHELD INNS, OLILLIU-IOC lSIS, ShOPs, EXTENSIVE WATER CORlN MILLS,, WAIXL-IIOW;~l MWI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... raiIdwall. WlI'IE is lherceby given, that Appltication is inl. N tend ed tot 1we nade ti, P~a itmnct Iit thle next Seslion, foi tinl :Act cit it it ?? and~ naiilta i'I a Raliiway or Rtailway' (with prolier W'orks andil ve Tilnr iowtdtwert to Commeincite at cit ca oacitIA (me of 1:load witiV te wnship anti Parish o Huddersficlii, it) thle 'A'est-ll Witt jugf thle Counoty of Yoid It thle Pro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jolt pubslislled, In small quarto, colbellished wlithi 17 Enagravings, elegantly bound in Morocco, price lbs., diedicated by special Per- mission to thle P'riness V,.ictoria, VU '1IE CHRISTIAN KEEPSAKE for 1826, edited I ~ by the lIe'M WI LLIAMI ELLIS; 11A t'olrnoe to n-hijo' toe are aile to give 1151r warel anod loquaelij'd comflllerdatI~ign. Its iltOustrl'Oions0 are i'i'leresiflg atnd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TORTIRAIT iii''rIii: RiY. RIICH-ARD) WINTER, lIAM tUl'(N, Il'ioutedtby Mr. SIOVAN'.xFOFTiC Sir. ?? bed(s tit ifirt the F'rieods, of Sir. Harrill- tool . IjI hie l'tll~lli g,,eeilrII3. that ait 511011 as at S~ttl!ieiett Number of Soitelitie); ill) oi aitfd, h wirjioses pu,110 og te iam'C Pv ,ortrait jnot0 tbin 'IISl ill I'll11MMI'S Tiintltt a,£q. ito be engraved ill lisa best Sit S.Iileit ?? I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Trhis Day Is published, S I)EMARKS ONT THE PRtOPOSITION TO RE1- MtODEL thle 110058 OF' LORDS w vith all ADDRESS 'PO '11 II: PE LIlS OF WiItLEAT BRITAIN'. 1Exirict-ted froms tue LovedjI Sfcc-rcee'PI of October' 10th and 24th, 1835. t 'rice lii. or i? per 10.).S Dii. ?? is Reformy ?? but llce ?? It waith that hch e o is the mast solid ?? for lieforui and tote Liberty-, Teen, I NllLlSit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _~St PublIsbed, in Quairto, containing Thirty-six highly-finished Engravings, lialisitsssiely boantd, Price ?? Guinea. ISHER'S DR1AWING-ROOM SCRAP-BOOK, FfrIll;' bi %with Pi-,TICtI ILIXST''RATIONS, hi' L. lE. :tuqt Published, hin swril qsuarli, emblellished vithl 17 Engravinigs, elegantly t ho Ind it, mI rolect. price hts., dedicated by special Per- missiontl ?? the ?? seezs Victloria, THlE ...