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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Hull, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... - LODGINGS WANTEI: ID iltYC T-rO Sitting-11Ooms, two or three Lodging- .1 RoomS, in an open situation. Enquire of A. B., at the Office of this Paper. r, E Commissioners in a Fiat in Bank- 1 7riptcv, bearing date the 20th day of July, 1835, awarded and issued forth against JOHN FEWSTER, of the Lordship of Myton. in the County of the Town f rinlston-upon-Hull Builder, Dealer, and Chapman, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRS. LEVErT IR 3SPECTFULLY informs the Ladies of '-Hull and its Vicinity, that she has received from aI t rate French House in London, an elegant assort- neet of MILLINERY, for the approaching Season, which 1i now ready for inspection. NB.-.The Trade supplied with Paper Patterns in great variety. - iLADES' OWN MATERIALS MtDE UP. 13, Savile.Street, Hull. MRS. TURNER R ESPECTFULLY informs the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / To THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. FOR SALE, ANeat and nearly New set of FIXTURES /for a SURGERY, comprising Counter, Drawers, ~helves, StoPPer Bottles, &c. The above are very suit. .ble far any Person commencing to Practice. Particulars May be known by application to ROSS and BURTON, Lowgate, Hull. ANTED immediately, a COUNTRY WSMITH of unexceptionable character, and co' .lrst.rate abilities. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T be- SOLD by PRIVATE CONTI ACT, TlWO CLOSES of Arable LAND, contain- jg together about -FiveAcres, situate a! PRESTON. in OlderneSS. FOT Particulars. enquire of Mr. KING, So' iuitor, 22, Clapel-Lane, Hull; or of Mr. HENRY TRO, ILL, the owner and Occupier; if by letter, post-paid, / T'o be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, (Either in One or Two Lots,) T HIRTEEN Freehold COTTAGES, vwith {L GARDENS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TREASURER OF THE BOROUGH. PETER CLARKE takes this mode of ap- P prizing his Friends and the Town generally, that bnuld the present Treasurer of the Corporation not be .,.appointed, it is his intention to become a CANDI- DATE for the Office. pgrsa CrA RKE hopes that no offence will be taken by %,v one, at his not, for the present, adopting the plan ,f personally soliciting their support, it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &- BEACONAGE. WIMT1'yjj irO MARINERS. RTRINITYLHorUsE, HULL, 181h November. 1835. WO ICE is hereby given, that the ~ UOY on the LOWER WEST MIDESAND, in the River I-umber, has - been oved down to the North-East End othsame Sand, and ti~at the Bearings for suhBuoy are as follow:.- Marfleet Jetty and Preston Mills about 15 fathows open, bearing E. 4' S.-Sutton Church on with the Lower End of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At MERCHANT SEAMENS' REGISTRATION ACT. TO OWNERS AND MASTERS OF SHIPS, 8c. SC ace T H'E various PRINTED FORMS required Kit .3 by the above Act, which came into operation if oa August last, viz.:- - I MUSTER ROLLS. for ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. HALF-YEARLY ACCOUNTS. Pal LISTS OF THE CREW. _ SEAMEN'S DISCHARGE NOTES. &C. &C. h May be had of MESSRS. GODDARD and BROWNED IlullPacket Office, 55, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NoqaCx']TO MARn~IaFER ;7illOUSE, HULL, 3rd November, 1835. OTICE is hereby given, that 6- ' SAMUEL MACHIN, one of the Humber Pilots, having, on the Twenty- second ultimo, brought theBrig Canada, then under his charge,. up the Humber; at too early a perid of the Tide,-and by enot .keeping the proper Channel, been lhe cause of that Brig taking theGround, Edhereby sbe upset and became a Wreck, Is ...