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... LACENA IRE, THlE PARIS MURDERER. 'T he t'kiistimntdel gives the following as a physical and 9s moral portrait of Lacenaire:- c L.acenaire is thirty-five years of age, of ordinary stature, il and of a bilious-sanguineous temperanient. Ilis conititution is robust; his complexion dark ; his hair jet block, but in some parts it begins to verge on grey; his neck is shoit and thick, its arteries ...


... LA IVt' .lATELLI CI NCE. I(lC h' RTO (iI1ANCllf'. \i V ou Nov. 2 'I hI., t, log tiit lust (Ltv of _'ili('hilt'fina 'fero, the J oiils C(MIitmIMoloIre ot tile;O tn it Soail C'nee'e to WC12tflinlter flail in flb ('1101 111(r1 stale. Ii 11000,1 liv tile 1 Oivetei oI. Ilie ott 01' 'oiieo. thle Rie, ( ouin'et, and Se gealtil. ITheir LordshiPs dfid l ,( o no ('iieuoiaerthe aen .iiigeciiit at ...


... BOW S'I'RIE'I'. ROImrnucIES Al I loirs. -Charies Mllakhe ShOrtrit ivas a cs- ter ay pltietdt nt the bar for rv-eeiiioiatinm oi a c liarge of steailtit, a varicey of attilel o tjewsellry Ironi tlhei Ijttll otel, P'iccadilly, the plopcrty ei (h'hirIL. Pratt, Esq., at guntlciaii o-cs-edf tV nii eriyble prtpeviy \it the nwgihboarhood ot Soutilhampton, ind an ofiiccr in lhci navy. 'T'hc folloing ...


... [Before - WALKER, Esq., Chairman, arnd a full Bench of Commissioners.] Mr. George Rawlins, of Salisbury-street, Strand, solicitor, secretary to a Conservative club, appeared on an order to show cause why he refused to pay Air. james Soames, a car- penter and builder, carrying on business in Cecil-court, St. Martin's-lane, the sum of one guinea, for loss of line in at- tending before the ...


... EXTRXOlRDINARY CASE OF ACCIDENTAL ENTOMBMENT. o! the morn inc of Thursdav, the Sth tilt., part of tie roof of Ic coal-works belon ging to the Duke de Coigny, at ligrarnnie, ,,r the villac of Dailly, Ayrslire. set down. and befor- the me, cosidd get clear oif the workings, John Brown, a native of li 2 Ilothiau. about sixty years of age, was intercepted itt his ereis. ael coierqnently ?? in this ...


... POLICE INT1MLLIGENCE. GUILDHALL. A journeyman hatter, narmed Edward,, applied for a sum- nons againstt a broker for illegally distraining some linen which hadl been entrustedl to his wife to l e washed, and the forfeiture of ?? would deprive them of the tieurns ot sub. isteniee heteafter. Ile had beeti out of work nine, vveeks; and havit g two children to naisittii, they wvese inr great dis- ...


... XIELAYD. I the Court of King's BoebDaln. day, a conditional order for a crihi , o was obtained by Rorlerick' aernnorilitfr Lord Kingsboroug11 ,Fo avn en i containing a challenge to light a duel. eldt was sent to Mr Connor on thc 12th i, stated that ' Mr Connor, having ?? iand of honour in a private matter thc connected with which wre so ?? unnecessary for the wfiter to repeat 'htn peeled ...


... LAW JIATELLIGENCE. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-F1teDAY. His Ilorten' announced to the Bar this morning that he would sit as a Lord Commissioner to-morrov se'ntight. MALCOLM V. ItCALtAoTIAN, 'IThis petition was opened this moriniig, but the petitioner's case had not concluded when his honour rose, cousiderably alter the usual hour. I COURT OF KING'S BENCH-FRIDAY. 'Sittings in Ptenco.] TIIE SING ?? ...


... MA RL BO H OUC' H.STRE E T. Air. Atkinson, thle cliurcliiardeti of St. Anne, Soho, Came on Saturdayi befinc ii . Conaant anl Mi. Halls, for tile pmr- :Qeofeh:iJ. ill, _1r. lii jilt, thle ;st. .1mi aics'soverseer, with iii ti i lec~iin' ct. ?? 5invtl ittney co01k to' f-i,. ( IL u-c of a aolk fu a ale pauiiper Al ?? COSNAN r ll~silli liClrI Mir. Atlinsonl's stitesnent, ste.t asiIe~ tht V1 I. ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-SATURDAYs . [Before Mr. Justice PARKE and Mr. Baron ALDESON.] STEAM-BOAAT ROBBERY. Two shabby lookiig fellows, named Johni Wright, 21, and Thomas Peet, were indicted for stealing a portmanteau co0- taining wearing apparel, the properly of Philip Ackerman, and Jumes Sauude)s was indicted for receiving the same, well knowing it to have been stolen. Robert 1 horp, a porter ...


... ,1111)/)LESEV sESSION-,?, t-,tle qa- Ii u. a.:,s ?? aoJ I I mr it iol, r 1;.1! ;ii di\o ?? !r ?? :, i,m : tie tioho Ind Vaulie,,n 41. 1axl:-- il, N't. In, - ?? ?? 1!1i apray',!t);,!e,,- 1 Xa t *1)o011. aill'i ?? +zi~t tr ito till ?? t.,rew jotI-lr: on_ Ant1!ic :iti^S,. ?? Il i. pslli'ni ite!* I 511i.: 1. :.1 i dItI Iz ( : sl- ?? it I.. m b! , ! I xio lr *l. lte \ 1 ( i: .i, I % it ! ...


... LAW NOUICES.-Tnis DAY. COURT OF CHiANCElRY. Before the Lourts CnO)IMrssIONvIrts at 1estmiaster. Sitting% at ten. Wattnssr Brent, for ?? v The Irlah So~cty, by ?? v Irving, ;aesl by ?? FSale a' th- *nioe, ?? v the soimie, ?? Vayrees v 1ur5s, ?? v the Earl of alilraleefield, appeal. VltCECIIANCELLOR'Si COl;RT,1VJSTMINSTER. Persio v MIatnstietd, part bleard-illte v Torriman, by order- Templerrv ...