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Advertisements & Notices

... iS0tt, 7MHE Annual Generail MNeeting of tile INDEPENDINT CA. Ce to &ILLEDOIANX LODGE or OD)D-VELLOWS, lii Fensort. t0oti bur-li, wiill be hehl wvithin tiei r Loilgi'-tilt onl the 31set of Deceto - 'lme ?? 1flmrtsilerv-buit Oil Tutesday tue 6fth Janmuartv, 1313, hein ?? ml O first dmiv of Old Oh 'isti oas ; Ithenl the prseti ce Of the Miemhers is dill.. ripcii e sttii, tid etslitiially5 thioot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |OA' EDINBURGH. | PE t ,ARANCE OF THE ITALIAN AI' OMPNY, *;,R F0 T~lE ''E AGE'M&;IT OF DE BE'GNIS. , 'i s ~esectfully informed, that orr the Nigfits C ?? P tle prices of ndmittance will be the . ,1 si~g ior ?? fengagement, Be~~ ~ no sec Gallery, 9i 5 ' see ait Half-ps S~evef; and Perform- Ii 0r'rreae at eight o ock. K} lPE BEGNIS has the honour to ?? Gentry, and the Public in ~ ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W 1E, lIFT TWO Tt SSO IN EDINBURGH. * w OA ltE'IQUESTRIANR CiRoATCUS, LOI 111.1NN ROAD. ,.,rCEDDEN7'ED NO VELTIES. THURISDAY December 3, ic the i ateliate t Paitronagte of I t chletr LORD lIROVOST. the ?TES l the TOW \N COUNCIL. ?-,SIEFIT O F 1 fOR CO O0KE 1,AN AGER. IProiitor andI Manager, in in this Evei, THURSDAY D c. ' NEFIr, cannot hirt a%'clllhtimself or fii5 o : 55 r , t. e Public of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'fr, the0 EDITOR of tlsc Arrrxtn'CEN JOUitNAL. Ll:, \NER BANNERMAN, Fslq. M.P. iraviln RitAr-Ileti s~o .i 1or0-tarnre to his I etter', ad11dircssd tnIt' itr !r'al' - .Irt , .tire 21st, as to dircti its r'e-pritlflurtioir ill voili' JI. I think it right to infocri your'. I erders that I SthailI Ait ill duti. tinre. I aml, &c. PAT. FORBIES. &'otkgC, Nov. o0, 11135. 1FRIENDLY SOCIETY OF GIT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . PyE, BEGN IS has theirhonour to *1iG\O' No!bility, Gentry, andstthe Pulrlic in i 5rsrl :~ilOmO C a eres of 1 in te THEATRE ROYAL, C f ILI '1ODA f Y ?? Next, Dec. 7. 1835, l' With Rossini's Opera of rIARBIERE, DI sivIGLTA. eat II/ '';2(iniontrato di Rosina), SIGNOR CURIONL - ?? (utttoreIi Roslina), SIGNOR ffO DP ANGlO LI (, ola di Don I3artflo), MADEMOISELLE q;piil(2l DE ANIGIOLI, Irra ?? sbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EI'ES, its the PUBLIC H Moil ilOxNNAY ithe Ist of Pessses' ci uretit. BIISinleSs at Fivse; Diasur exac U y ltt Iair Crtii't Ft se o'clock. Airdleess, 2d Dec. 1835. 'N.B11-IPrsss lith reat illconvrestience exrperienmI.' t/sreuis,/s 11i/s Wniii/itSed~t 5) (.1Of PrivateI .Serat'ds', Ilso rerl'tjit/ttion `qf i/the r'olt! as to I/h se will be etsfsrced. A ,2ertts:, numhttcr wsi oisb be ...