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Advertisements & Notices

... pONATIONS I 'TO THtE FOIt THE POLISH EXILES. Grc tle Duke of hianmilton * L.2L 0: 0 C, rA C0 of lirearalb5 Br 21 0 0 - 1 l itr ?? enrrlner, B~aot. 21 0 0 11 'iiieUton . rf uaith, Esq. IMi.P. 2i 0 0 D le't I h 210eo ;Ill Poutts Stuart 1 0 0 en jor Cordiott5o i 1,, Iar of Honderland: Esq. . 10 10 - rl rhymple, Batrrt. . 0 tO 0 Tl of Iheebety10 00 Sire .i- G- tl Bnrt. 5101 0. l~it IsS th Lod ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E 4'7TLICFNCtY BnALL, t ,9 !3qENLBE~FI'T OF HIGHLAND R SCHOOLS. ; is to take place, under distin_ 0 1 ill~s l Intronuetn the Assunlau tly ROOMs, zos1 l~e gth JANUARY 1836. Thre Tupus D. I h tepee , will be aeblied, in Tl f P epafidt t he SCHOOLS of the_ 'IF X ASSEMBLY, Of the, GAELIC .S 111Ij SO TY, FNIL1 and to the CELTIC a R ' i trh~etD LdiesG paN~trnesses, and Stewards will TI pO I C Pn151A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOREIGN WINES. ino hi A LLARDYCE & jopp wvould beg to call the atfentm io hi F ?? to some FRENCH `VINjNES, which diva'-, have just ,t~o'i~~filt~iitgCLARET and BURGUNDY, it oit t ic e serot' i ~rtpttT.'Ihese Will ble readlv Ibr bottil ing int! tile Ive, 's s'I2 tldaitittVI tknfm the caslk, it tvill be tat ld ) teril, whiich will be found very W~adea agcout; to pul.- A. & .1 aerecellved, at thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIALv oV LADIES' WORIK. PATRO-N1SCO T15 L ADY BRUCE, of SetOL~tltti ,\irs ALEXAN)ERt BAXNNERMANw; I,.V5 P3tOA7ST BLAIR11IE 'it vs MTAJOR YOUNG; atnil A~irs Tii-oAIso:A of llalirhchiy. f ' nLAD- IrIPS'W(1 foitb r' of riruri I s, Ii. t t tk 6 ninnep! ~alra tladi lo llwvtire l trvungcrrr I vof til Tit Is'l Scho * jnc ?? tm' on ni tee trill yti at t1nd ticol faioto pn' 1. ; aiP. ~c tor . E a I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAtNORA31A OF NEWL YORK. - n VIIrE PROPRIETORS most respectfully W;] intinmate, that they bavc ?? frlm London, IN .id OpinDed yesterlday, 3Joth instant, in the ROTUN. CO! on tre M10 UN 1), their highlly interesting ap; i:illSTREtfPHIO PANORA A of the CITY of NE YORK, ?? every interesting point of ad. ?? Coummercial Calitul of the Ullited States, together ad, v tli the Hidrisron and East ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INEW YEAR'S DAY PRESENTS. WHITECROSS & CO. SJLITERS.4IIT1IS AND JEWEVILLERIS, 43, UNION STREET, W)ITbE~G to tall the attenttion of the putblic to their ex ieankd _J-)0valuabtlle assortment o~f JEWELLEIRY, GOLD, SILVERI, anti 1PLATED ARITII2LES, of'gt'eat variety of prices, and of thle fi likst descriptilon. Lsidies Goldl Watchtes from.X£7 10s. to £17 10ts. 1olid Chialins frontl X5 5s. to £18 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I- DONATIONS AND) SU1BSCIRIPTIONS yUOCUSE or nEFUGE-41,313DIEEN. 1 0tNATI'ON S of V0 INl-OR i wrs to ?? ?? i o o,__ R ,I )oijjjt1o11Rat 151 LIIi. IliIR AnRimalR SIbciOR ptilol of 10s. fill. to IIIRlifyS f01' till (~iC lot D~irectorR. Amot 'tlOUI ?? dv IlrI''tsILI, - 277 11 4 i 17 17 0 Sir' M'liclullel 13111110, BarRt. - 55i 0 Lady' Btruce1, 5 tI RI MrsSkilille, (1152l S115 1 01 MIrs Ala. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . uT, ?? MOIetilvX fc t3,0 SiTIi C1Iit.IZtS to the ASSEM I .it f1-- fi weld veostertaIv, tiic i)llo0.iving Gent k 11101 wi~re iiji Tilti Loi-d Provost of Aberdeen. Burl IonettI. F.'ii{ sly .hnI Vorles, Btart 1 Willialn 1)iiif, F: j. tif Mlayen. (oom.0 F'orbesQ, 50q. of Sf.tng. Patritick Davidlsonl, Esq. TI.' l r11ST ASSE11itLY Will ?? place in the 11LI 0OM1: iii I I'ib awythe 231 ?? inst. It ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . PyE, BEGN IS has theirhonour to *1iG\O' No!bility, Gentry, andstthe Pulrlic in i 5rsrl :~ilOmO C a eres of 1 in te THEATRE ROYAL, C f ILI '1ODA f Y ?? Next, Dec. 7. 1835, l' With Rossini's Opera of rIARBIERE, DI sivIGLTA. eat II/ '';2(iniontrato di Rosina), SIGNOR CURIONL - ?? (utttoreIi Roslina), SIGNOR ffO DP ANGlO LI (, ola di Don I3artflo), MADEMOISELLE q;piil(2l DE ANIGIOLI, Irra ?? sbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOOMZ~S AND STATIONEXIY. J. SUTit FRLAND, BIOOKtSELI.ER& STVATXONE5S, Aberdeen, ?? PFCTFULLY infisnis3 his Friends and miuneros's Cues A4, tornsers that he hats lately ar-rived from London, where ht soll'~cssd a1 Isie- ASSOR5T'Mt.NT of NEW arid SECOND-HAN1 IIOO1(', now Selling at his Soios, 153, G~AaLOWGA'rr, numon] wshikh tar, the t;'loseing, viz. : Folio. £s f Jisineson'z Practical and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOUGH FARMInNG FRIENDLY SOCIETY. W4flAN.NUAL GENEII kL MIEETING Of said SOCIETY at 4 o clock r. at., IO oen all thtose in Ai reroatoare 'eq ?? to pay get lip, Olitiri se they will be Strtuck off' thle Biooks, inl terus of thre oil. Regulations. BVy 0iii', JOHN MACKAY, Clerk.- Totuyh, December 3, 1835. NORTHERN REVERSION COMPANY. 1 1-IIS COM,\PANY was origittated in Ethlnhirgli everttlmnontito ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )VBLIC MELETING 11N LEITH. ti3e Un(lereigned, being Commissioners nif lrtirlioi r aud Docks, chosen by the In- J -d Public Bodies of Leith,,requnst a V . lfTrirgisTING lf the HERITORS, MER- ti /-pLIC 3 SH~lPOWNERS, andi of the said IN- Al 'I iiaiO'NS and PUBLIC BODIES, to be ci -~r Lotl~ciolnge Buildiings. ol Tuesday the 15tb to l 1 0 D'Uck P.M. for thle purpose of considering clt nt ' ...