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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... iS0tt, 7MHE Annual Generail MNeeting of tile INDEPENDINT CA. Ce to &ILLEDOIANX LODGE or OD)D-VELLOWS, lii Fensort. t0oti bur-li, wiill be hehl wvithin tiei r Loilgi'-tilt onl the 31set of Deceto - 'lme ?? 1flmrtsilerv-buit Oil Tutesday tue 6fth Janmuartv, 1313, hein ?? ml O first dmiv of Old Oh 'isti oas ; Ithenl the prseti ce Of the Miemhers is dill.. ripcii e sttii, tid etslitiially5 thioot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLuB ?? in tint PUBLIC BoS. on MONDAY tile ?? of jO L Pt. thee ulrcell. Blisinless at Five; Dinnei eactiv at BOA Ft. o'cloclt. of 1; ,l i ewvl les lth-vo iz 2 ;l, D e 'IVl li;lli3 5.lzl~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INEW YEAR'S DAY PRESENTS. WHITECROSS & CO. SJLITERS.4IIT1IS AND JEWEVILLERIS, 43, UNION STREET, W)ITbE~G to tall the attenttion of the putblic to their ex ieankd _J-)0valuabtlle assortment o~f JEWELLEIRY, GOLD, SILVERI, anti 1PLATED ARITII2LES, of'gt'eat variety of prices, and of thle fi likst descriptilon. Lsidies Goldl Watchtes from.X£7 10s. to £17 10ts. 1olid Chialins frontl X5 5s. to £18 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I- DONATIONS AND) SU1BSCIRIPTIONS yUOCUSE or nEFUGE-41,313DIEEN. 1 0tNATI'ON S of V0 INl-OR i wrs to ?? ?? i o o,__ R ,I )oijjjt1o11Rat 151 LIIi. IliIR AnRimalR SIbciOR ptilol of 10s. fill. to IIIRlifyS f01' till (~iC lot D~irectorR. Amot 'tlOUI ?? dv IlrI''tsILI, - 277 11 4 i 17 17 0 Sir' M'liclullel 13111110, BarRt. - 55i 0 Lady' Btruce1, 5 tI RI MrsSkilille, (1152l S115 1 01 MIrs Ala. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... elog JAMtliS l0INI). STRICINEN FRIENDLY SOCIETY. It ANNUAL GENERAL ?,IERtTINU of saitd SOCIETY lil L will itil hield here, ill thle T'IN tS-iiAIt., uilli WIIl rnesda y thle Sixth of Jttn lary nlixt, 10-hen the Mttnatinrs nill lie ini attenditiicet i~v antI to trtunstct the Other bilsiniess of the Society. sl ?? It is partlic alari reiqnesled, that S ipeinittinated Metnbiirs, and o'h nlea- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V-f'p lii B: ?? ei leajrn. to i fljoitt Itta ft ,eLtt~dn ati te pub- I ?? a 6oi to:11 had rn -,-pl )i mo' articles inl It' nuihl~ sol Iii,,t s Itd with 'the gratest Cal'fo fa:in us ?? Stut which he can cotilidetIlt'V reconitloiltl, patrticilitily BE1,.X tIE .i G1rEEN' TEA~S. Some~ cry film (31JNPO) IV)M1It, !it (Thumittriote 2 ]I ea C( tP BEl ?? 0(ilN.. i ttC ?? 11lentle 13 romiv, very Old. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . uT, ?? MOIetilvX fc t3,0 SiTIi C1Iit.IZtS to the ASSEM I .it f1-- fi weld veostertaIv, tiic i)llo0.iving Gent k 11101 wi~re iiji Tilti Loi-d Provost of Aberdeen. Burl IonettI. F.'ii{ sly .hnI Vorles, Btart 1 Willialn 1)iiif, F: j. tif Mlayen. (oom.0 F'orbesQ, 50q. of Sf.tng. Patritick Davidlsonl, Esq. TI.' l r11ST ASSE11itLY Will ?? place in the 11LI 0OM1: iii I I'ib awythe 231 ?? inst. It ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOREIGN WINES. ino hi A LLARDYCE & jopp wvould beg to call the atfentm io hi F ?? to some FRENCH `VINjNES, which diva'-, have just ,t~o'i~~filt~iitgCLARET and BURGUNDY, it oit t ic e serot' i ~rtpttT.'Ihese Will ble readlv Ibr bottil ing int! tile Ive, 's s'I2 tldaitittVI tknfm the caslk, it tvill be tat ld ) teril, whiich will be found very W~adea agcout; to pul.- A. & .1 aerecellved, at thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIALv oV LADIES' WORIK. PATRO-N1SCO T15 L ADY BRUCE, of SetOL~tltti ,\irs ALEXAN)ERt BAXNNERMANw; I,.V5 P3tOA7ST BLAIR11IE 'it vs MTAJOR YOUNG; atnil A~irs Tii-oAIso:A of llalirhchiy. f ' nLAD- IrIPS'W(1 foitb r' of riruri I s, Ii. t t tk 6 ninnep! ~alra tladi lo llwvtire l trvungcrrr I vof til Tit Is'l Scho * jnc ?? tm' on ni tee trill yti at t1nd ticol faioto pn' 1. ; aiP. ~c tor . E a I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'fr, the0 EDITOR of tlsc Arrrxtn'CEN JOUitNAL. Ll:, \NER BANNERMAN, Fslq. M.P. iraviln RitAr-Ileti s~o .i 1or0-tarnre to his I etter', ad11dircssd tnIt' itr !r'al' - .Irt , .tire 21st, as to dircti its r'e-pritlflurtioir ill voili' JI. I think it right to infocri your'. I erders that I SthailI Ait ill duti. tinre. I aml, &c. PAT. FORBIES. &'otkgC, Nov. o0, 11135. 1FRIENDLY SOCIETY OF GIT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I prO. t-ICE tha~t 1D1ESSUS. UT'AM!IE & SON~, to L's I retPublishsers, Glasgow, Hot( le i- ,91INKit proper to intimaote, thilt GAEORGE MAN,(a tieiL.) o ap. _Lnative of Yor'105hirI,) resifflng at Wonilitlie, neal' A berdeell, Unt aving~ Who for somle timle artel its ouc otf their 'Trav'nllers, Inis b'en diginis. 'll' It hII sod 110r11 thieir I l~lpliOv` AS it appeail'S thalt MU'lle, both ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOOMZ~S AND STATIONEXIY. J. SUTit FRLAND, BIOOKtSELI.ER& STVATXONE5S, Aberdeen, ?? PFCTFULLY infisnis3 his Friends and miuneros's Cues A4, tornsers that he hats lately ar-rived from London, where ht soll'~cssd a1 Isie- ASSOR5T'Mt.NT of NEW arid SECOND-HAN1 IIOO1(', now Selling at his Soios, 153, G~AaLOWGA'rr, numon] wshikh tar, the t;'loseing, viz. : Folio. £s f Jisineson'z Practical and ...