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Morning Chronicle



London, England


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Morning Chronicle


... LAWr NOTICES.-TirlS iALV. VICF.CIIANrlELLOP8.'S COURT, LINCOLN'S.INN. Sittings at tel. Percival v Reddish to be apoken ?? v Dnnhig, rltte- Murgan v Howell, ?? v Kirsopp, farther directions by ordlr--Ghl- ott v Bridge, diltta-ililler v ditao Cause ly Orlelr- itdley v Bannister, ?? loit, hlitto-I parte 1tvcrr pe- titi~on by aier-ltodlick v Itolihne', to prou Ic ?? v N I- tal, part Itcard-tstite ...


... LA V IiA7'ELLIGENCtE. ii thle COURT OlF CllAN('EllY-Ssi1URDAY. Is ii- [BIof ore thle Loni15 '0 C wiit l.'ioxNrns.] it on r IN ~~I'll ii l;A I0N 1.5 KIRIKWALL. LII~lt The od Cotniioe' t art Counsul in 1 heir private teh'ic rooii upon ai petitiolt in I his miatter. re the Upon this petition cortliiig on to be ar~gued, which related bL t to thle aptpowtltrent of a rt cuiver of certain property ...


... INSOL ITNT7' DEBTeRS' COT'R7-'11 i's)A. it [13efore the CHiEFt ?? and Mr. comlminsuoller Bow ?? I Rioutipt Hlone, descri'ied as JSlte of' the VXandsworth-roa. lodgitig-house-kceptr, witse ppseted by M r Coteil on beha of Mr. (Guoodmain and scvetal other creditors, one of stow, Air. Mtorgsin, a s!iceiriake, declared that the imioiveft had g ?? hill) that hie had ail appointilleat Wider ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. Yesterday, a Jew, named Simmonds, charged a young woman, under the following circumstances, before Alderman Farebrother*- a Mr. Simmonds stated that at about twelve o'clock on thle preceding night he saw the defendant, who appeared to be a decent servant, address two or three women of the town, of the lowest description, and was, from the nature of the con- versation, induced to ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENA'e. QUEEN- SQU ARE. Theomas and Setru/i Lau-son, alias Thoms aa wontian with whoill lie cohabited], scere brought before Air. W%\hite to undergo oni~tltlr extimmlioisjn, thle former charged %fith t~iC latre (hiring hittirgay at the re~idence of hie Ilev .1. 1I. D~avies, at Oak- bill, to iv 'I olibridge %Ii rile, and thu laner %kith being aeces- nary to talo fact. The malle ...


... LAWV NOTICES.-THis Dar. CO1'RT OF CITANCFEIr. L:'flrN'S.INN. Aiefore the lirti i's t ?? a. sittiul,\s at fell. fit r. ILd tX rbirrali, petitls ptart hetar l'-HotlqY v RItlihven, petsti. lrr byrd, ?? Ir I, E'sei i, ?? rry, ba ?? pettiI ont. n be s'rrtbc' ?? ?? f r,, tioi hy ordrer-AnidrelvC Walttle 'trr Icrd-TttrIlei v ltiehsell, ptition -Crolre v \Varren, ditt0- Ervals v tanzelrtine petit fly ...


... SIIEiRIFFS' COUfR, RVID L(0N-SQUA RE, WEADN El)S DA' Y.I ISLING~foN M1AI, ?? T. 111101itiS V). PERNitNS. ''fllIs seas a case instituted by Mr. 11hiotI-c, Ofidiig ton, v agninos M1r. Perkins, of IBlechingly. tilt owiner of Isfingien Mlarket, to recover compensation foir -'tIr. liticides's land, t withcit is required to ma ke roads to tile rie tD iail ket. ~I1r. Enc~i., Alr. F. 1hEcrL, and Mr. f ...


... POLICE IN1TELLIGEA'CE. 13OW. STI E ET. thle VIholu otf Saturday niorni ag in disposing of thre night charges, which, as usual at thist season, ccasisted of' persons whto hadl, been drunk and disorderly. 'l ire usual tpieas t'lri'itmras tin, your W~orship-never did so before, was, t in) most ientttnees, a]l owed as an excuse, and the parties wore discirarg d on promising to go and siti no ...


... ICENTRAL CRIAMIIINAL 1O7RT-DLT. 17. irrifore ?? ?? IVIi tLA ?? Tir i il. . a ron P AL E. CUTTING AND WOLUINDING. Sussrianln Blake, aged 3-1, wvas indicted for felooiouidv cultiuo and shitnbbi; Matilda sucrt, wvith intent to kiii and nourder her. Matilda Scott, of 5, Crns;-roa, Stepoev-golen:' Ihe pri- sono:r bas lived in Toy -eivice abollt ?? yErrrn, alr1l iattertv h1V lhas lii etd 1loe it the ...


... LAPW' IA\ TEL ILIGEN,\CE. VIC'EXIClAM ELILORi'S COURIT_-~ Wjinmt~qiA. i Si % ARIt'tI F . C('SillI 1R. t. Tlii- exii se Was IIies several months a ca~. IITse plinitiffis , tiv, seatC sori of ti~e ItO ?? no~w C,(ilionel Wiird c, nodl tie ilcivioldint is ai't livlsiitstei', Ill I T10II-ilI fo, to Whomitt the t 1lailitiffllo .eds [it- ha~l born I iiillwcd Ii, s.II I riverintrc ia- t, c UIider ...


... LAWT fA TELLIGENCE. runm VICE-CHlANCE AMRVS COVRT-.FRIIDAY. 'tier Alr. I''unv-i~;tmoved cipi -tov for att injitfltioit to ?? te defenda nt Croft, who ~al; formier!y in partnership with the 'Ily pltititiff, in ii colffee-ltoiile iii lieckloisburs', front drawing or tilfe acteftiting any bills Of exolhinga, or entering into any nago- itty iatitous whe treby a Iturse nal liabtility would ...


... POLICE INTIVTLLIWENCE. a -e itI -u ni is orI MANSION-r i(T SE. Yete-rday a yarrng man si reel iolshm Thompso n who is bc- lieved to be ars w(n-erienced hanl at housebreaking, was b ors-lit hbhr re Sir C iapvsil a Marshall, s ho wat for the Lord Mayor, charged under the frllowing circumstances Alr,. Owen, the Ivife of tile proprnetor of the Ship public- house in Leaslenhall strect, Oilted t0iut ...