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... COURT OFi KING'S BENCH-De. 23. DELBoS V. %BERDlsEN;: . lr Maule and. Mr Barstow, appeared for the plaintiff, aad ite AttDrnay-Geocral and' Mr Cieswoll for the de. fendant. . ThiRwasian action on a-policy of insurance effected on the seip, L3 Clemhentine, insured for the space of one yev.r ?? Caelitfatther port or porta of discharge in FranueeY Tfhe vesselo-which was purchased by the plain. ...


... -*?Rit;1tA I A!NTINIG EXTnRAORI)NA rLY SH{DR'FS7 COUaT, GUILDIALt., L.ONDOY, rlV.C. 12. ?? V. Encjs. - Mr. `Rynil stated tlie case for the plaintiff vitl, was, he said. atl artist of in urh celebrity. He soubt rc'lr )ipense for labour done in painting the por- traits of a Lady, a Gentleman, and a Newfoundland doz. and also for touchinig tip the por trait of the brother of the defendant (a ...


... LAPW' IA\ TEL ILIGEN,\CE. VIC'EXIClAM ELILORi'S COURIT_-~ Wjinmt~qiA. i Si % ARIt'tI F . C('SillI 1R. t. Tlii- exii se Was IIies several months a ca~. IITse plinitiffis , tiv, seatC sori of ti~e ItO ?? no~w C,(ilionel Wiird c, nodl tie ilcivioldint is ai't livlsiitstei', Ill I T10II-ilI fo, to Whomitt the t 1lailitiffllo .eds [it- ha~l born I iiillwcd Ii, s.II I riverintrc ia- t, c UIider ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THIS'DJy. VICEtCHlANCELLORsi COURT, LINCOLN'S-INN. Stltil).s at tell. Walrell v Cti tii, cnlse, for i otgn, ?? s.n v Reed, furthier huh.e tiyirii bar;t- )t'gts }tljl a ra'ts'in cr if rth r C>rei tiois :writ pthrthtion, !,v ortiCI-' Hi'ti vi fla Irt,'ta 1u cmvze an' ,allitno. bn nirdr. His tijionurwtliliofl ltv, r a'-ii- e 'rtitiol,:ItitIotI oflt`tl nrailltie pater Ih. ?? ,~tMt he ...


... INVSOL VENlT DEBTO R)fS' COLTT-MoNL\A'L. I I ~4 I [Before the ClIcEr Comiist:, l.11 anid A1i. Conmmissioner liillolm 7g It, descrilwcd as late of 'I imnto -s-ieet, aitie, wials vppo) c d la A; l sicm, ol bi eltal ot Aie~ezis \\ titbmei and ominpaniy, browerl. Mir. id ?? cF supported tilh insolvent. Feont Ih examtination , it appeared that he haad reaeliztd by his n mdutry,'and by bettigou the ...


... SIIEiRIFFS' COUfR, RVID L(0N-SQUA RE, WEADN El)S DA' Y.I ISLING~foN M1AI, ?? T. 111101itiS V). PERNitNS. ''fllIs seas a case instituted by Mr. 11hiotI-c, Ofidiig ton, v agninos M1r. Perkins, of IBlechingly. tilt owiner of Isfingien Mlarket, to recover compensation foir -'tIr. liticides's land, t withcit is required to ma ke roads to tile rie tD iail ket. ~I1r. Enc~i., Alr. F. 1hEcrL, and Mr. f ...


... POLICE IN1TELLIGEA'CE. 13OW. STI E ET. thle VIholu otf Saturday niorni ag in disposing of thre night charges, which, as usual at thist season, ccasisted of' persons whto hadl, been drunk and disorderly. 'l ire usual tpieas t'lri'itmras tin, your W~orship-never did so before, was, t in) most ientttnees, a]l owed as an excuse, and the parties wore discirarg d on promising to go and siti no ...


... LAW IATELLIGENCE. ROlLS' COt'RT-i'-Ii'lrst.Y. 'liThis being general petition dav, his Hloam ur the .11 ASTF of r the was engaged dunrieg ilhe day in going through lhis r petition paper, which contained no niatter ot public interest. COURT OF KING'S BENCi_-TUtIESr)AY. t [Sittings before 3ir.Jestice 'A'i i.DsoNt, ndaCotmimonJniry.I rISK V. 1. BUiIClIlUM.1) 5ND. 5 ' I.l1liIHED. V Mr. ...


... POLR-E JjNTI?LLIGE'NCR. MANS IO N- lI I0U 'S . l Mr. Tlimoth y Citrtis, the, dh ector of' thle H ank of England, s 3yesterday appliedi to the Lord Mrast for tis Llrdship's 4as- skilincae to su ppress lith vecry groat ri i~a ae, w lich lie sail o arrie l'tram fit roni~tiet of tile owners of ominibuses. I le 0N 155 n hap;ty to see that anl accommodsation was afforded to the pub. us, lie byv ...


... L.,ilIBETIT STarrTa,-CUST01n0inoco P03in i-- Wednesday, Lea, the officer who apprehendledl William ti- Jleeribn cad Thomas Sul livan tno a vlra'ge of being coti-, neo cerned in the late ext ensive robbeiri t the Customhouse,' rd stated to Air 1-ferdaick, thle pwsi~ling Alfagistrtite, the li ?? which ?? aei sina ednqani bie the pri'SOntrs, an d his digCnV'CTV Of some mliiit imrortajrt hie ...


... PollCE N.'TELLIGENCE. Boli~'lsT'REET. T~o -n. i cci.-Y stelrt Y It* ilal' ' a Jher, a bilker, At- tackled or, it stiniiitlfs to Iit5IN-e to II eottpltint h:idl at tile iro~attol'i if 'It 1l,-hcpeit tt( Se~cretary to tii Soc'tety tatl tle fit 5sottiti:t o oo it, I 'ito Iw itb 111hvy tit gil ito.k,~ tl :, ti- olttot (Ii siotitti ifoat' t IIouttt ?? iiy IthrL, utI Pti to ,ici 0 ?? ?? L, oi' o ...


... SPERIFFS, (11(Ull'-Tllvlt-1)m,. B!letor .Jltv4 -tlutm I I, l:sc., se-ioi Uittler Sheriff.J [X~ ~ ~ ?? ItI \\11 I V P.~ IR . I, V I IS. hi, v--s on ietiost isoes llt to iecover the am soint of \\t attoltIle. bill of Coits;. iMr, i.I's -tSlteu ti-\ ease. The plointiff is n re-sptsclae . ' so' t iD Fits-isis --nn, andI wio rittpsoved by the i-ferln- n i s11it to culleliot lt t csse ilts als ...