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... MANSION-HOUSE. Yesterday, a Jew, named Simmonds, charged a young woman, under the following circumstances, before Alderman Farebrother*- a Mr. Simmonds stated that at about twelve o'clock on thle preceding night he saw the defendant, who appeared to be a decent servant, address two or three women of the town, of the lowest description, and was, from the nature of the con- versation, induced to ...


... AIA It LBOIR) UG ll-STREET. - ?11- 11 .1 . I 'ii 1\ 11 t II .I k 11 tZ . -- X - - I . I AiSSAV XIA'~~llusll~nil CU111041ile Ciffey, t ii id the hon ciltes5/' Cfili h. alais it1ilv Sit. Job n, aln impertatioala flitl * ?? ii rot it loer of' ime car tii, was yese-te1rday Ipitt to ti balbre~tl ItDyer, Conanit, and Cliam ihersds i ch ir-i with h'aving cinvcrted icr t palaisol, the fragame t sof ...


... . a ScANDAroUSINIsUNATioN.-On Saturday night Mr. Baker, e the Coroner, and a jury, composed of the churchwardens, and e the most respectable inhabitants of the parish, assembled at d the vestry-room of Whitechapel church, to inquire into the circumstances attendant on the death of Mr. Richard e Nelme, a merchant of considerable eminence, who has re- r, sided for many years in that parish, and ...


... iEnLAND. it n The Newry paper states that a farnern )f Ryan, was murdered on Wednesday o Ib e turn from Newry towards home I gO it custody on suspicion. d Seven whiteboys ornightboys savel bt to Carrick-on-Shannon jail, oin a clhare f5 n cerated and punctured with holly be ' I t James Hynes, near Manoriamil t 0 paid a nocturnal visit. Armed parties are s, h in the county of Leitrim, plunderilv ...


... A rllw clt 11vsr A TIROUBLESOiit SERiVANT. On Thursdlay Elizabethi Burlington, a middle-aged woman, of remarkably spare figure, who for some time past hasbeenilivioigasservantto llr.llenryAmosAsh, surgeon, of 53, Brook-strect, Bond-strect, wascharged licfore Mr. I loskius, vith creating a disturbance at her masters house, and refusing to quit it, althoughishe had receivedl die svarning. Mr. ...


... J ULR Y C ( U RI ?? '01fj'iho WIa' ?? 1.IA J c'/'ii., Att IN' P tao Ii' If ?? ii. I 1 T Ptt r ci tC 'itPltosI, 'cit by it 6 , ia I ?? C;IoI I tiP t - 10it t ?? j a nlsot apf'i ?? ith t--it fi it, ost 1 ?? q a ia (ts Is itte savitit , Ott''t nitl C i ?? ot c ttt,tt', CiiiU :t'doe I ii ii it Ito, c t It- ft ij',iju g it' it 0 t'ott'oit ht ihis tovnSotpaic? li ?? i 4'b '111 SItt to haveio juo ...


... ColIo'(LI'S' INQUESTS. INILrANCOtx Caeel or SruiuT-tr-Ymqterday afternoon all inquest wvan held forue TI. Stirling, Esq., at tiel, D'Oyley AintF, Mariboillugh-roal, Chelsea, In ?? into the ileiitfl ol' John Foril, eged 57 yeurs, butleri in thle flointly of thc l)oicager ('oltersl; irownolw, d30, Hl l-stitret, Berkeley- Silekifel] Coleman, of 15, Syduey-tcriaoo, Marlboronulh- road, stated thet ...


... THE PRISON ,VSIILCTWOft' I 2EviI ?? Two of the Commi-ii nei l'rr ?? :, the new Act, have be, . rb' m'i - J in Newgate, and havc : 4-l. tile;: ilnqu cation to thle Alderme ., >ih, Siwrlifs. 1i6 gaol, or any other perorn, with utl exceri themselves. For the r 112)-,Ie of gamning ledge of the state and h on l I ie ?? the different apartmenS ?? penvuie is tired to rest. Some surprise has beon r ...


... BaENCH OF MAGISTR4TS. 1 WEDNESoAY, Dec. 23. A boy, named GSarge Watkins, was committed for trial on a' charge ot' stealing four pairs of boots fioni a shop in. Albion. street. He had offered them for. ale in the Lanes when he was detained. The mother was gred'ly afficted by the 8ituAiion which her eonts misconduct had brought him into. Jl'i'ltsDAV.-Preserrt: W.S.SEvmoutr, Esq.. A man, named ...


... LAW NOTYCES.-THIS DAY. SHERIFFS' COUAIT, RED LION-SQUARE. Sittings at eleven. Dodd v Lutton and ?? and another v Meson- Saunders v Davir-Fennelly v Stacey-Wlllarms v Maugham-Col. Uns v Johnson-Brown v Coupland-Garrey v oasher. BANKRUPTCY COURT, BASINGi4ALL-STREET. Before Ir. Commissioner FONBLANVOUN. Yrigoytl and Williams, of Little Brituin, at twelve; choice of assigneem. ADMIRALTY COURT, ...


... GUILDI)ALL. Yestcrdlay Johin Dyson, a warehousemfln, employed ait tile Depository of' ite Religious TIract Society, in P'aterno~ter- tow, wvas charged with stealing periodical and other riublieu- ?? issued by thein, to tile amount of betweeni £200 and set £f3Ot, and Mr. James Patid, a bookstiller, in Patcrnoeter-ruw, lin was cliurgeel with receiving the satne. Mr. FinwiErn attenided on behalf ...


... POLICEI INTEL LIG(,ENCE. SOWY-STIZIEET. OltanrR or oior.A',ity I1 ONFY ti ALetF P,'R TrCx'S.- Clte-los Oi~ontd, 1lo' e, it lad of jcapectub le extetrier, wayt Charged wvitk having obtained1 two sumos, of' Lla. each, by eanei of Ihfail pretenceii, from II,, Roirtte celebratd scene. painter. Mr. Roberts stated that on thle l~th of November thle pri- Holet' catl led oil tlint, etid reseuteit a ...