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Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... t;ityl AJ3ERDEEZ1 HARBOUR. Cri iast ntio, TO E.NGINE MAu'Iviis, LImE ?? 'MMICHAN'rS, ' Sbip Carpenters, Blacksemithts, Jaii fined AND) R(OP'l AND PUMP'.LEATrHIER MAKERIS. All Ilhe linrinjg Attce, ft Otis1 Yr n, loisl the' first dii' of Febriuity int)xt, to tite ois I lit dy of' Februtan', I11137, viz - -- ?? T'IMBLER. 11 ROPES. s PIMi'ii-LEFATIHERS. 'tCattt 11LACKSMVIT11 AND CARPENTER WO1RK. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P01': 1,Alt I..I'fJ ?? ON 7 ONC- AN Ill GEOLO GY, Jo Tro PO-sir iO. it 1,iivE coae(01 U I i''i t' i~., td ililitttil'011 Gcologictil 4Ti1N ' h !,R ?? kkmti.vmi Cotsatr, Uiiion Sireit. z ?? - hPar't-, Ils.-I list Part, I Os. I laii V -.Riitli Parits, 12s.--ont ?? t, 7. liii 1rUIi' the highest palcitrlln-'o on his pieselit 'visit, tII i his kitil rvci'ptioit inl 18210, Mr'. KEIR1, who ?? his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U DONATIONS AND) SUBSCRIPTIONS- Car- FORi S1,rE orit- HOUSE OF REFUGE--ABER-DEEN. veat th al 1830. H- fo D(-,%IATIONS of £10 l~s. o* upn-aids, to colistitute a Director tilr JO fv Lfe;Dowistwios of £11 s, Or an Annual Suibscription of Y of l0s. 6d. to qualify for, the Office or Director.r lotic Asa iter. lsta. hof Suaaii a-t. t Amonitit foor-yalviisl 401 0 0 11; - Mriis John, M. Campbll, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P-F7MIFP nest ASSEMBLY Nvill tiake 1daac inl thle Pumic 1ROOMS ont T1'i UIIS 0AX, thel 41th Fellhitiyt. it is pttill-filullila' vequestid thatt Ladlics andl~i i Glthoten1 willI comeit I v:t Ii v' inl ot dei' tiwtit Dalti jig eta', corn Illie e ?? _Nina ?? S 41. 'it:l ?? atill lti't'rhi'lntsiits li stlal. St'll strang~qers ?? 1ly Subseribers to pail 7s. (C/. tefi.h T1i0 ST EWAR: ttlasL ate ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A~mr:DEEN TOWN AND COUNTY RANH. m tFANNUAL GENERAL MBETIN'rUt of th PARTNERS T1ou, the ABERDEEFN TOWN and COUNTY BAINK, for 0w ~~i1Of DIR ECTORKS, will be heldl in rthe Rultikng House, 'Fr Ott * 2*hJani180 JAs. WEST1LANDI, Sect&. NEWSPAMflIS. ?? iiil the LON DO N, and other FINC LISH and s. svIH PAPlERIS execitteil at rhe Pubit it-iah'iv'pices, by ti LEWIS SMrtH, (;I, Brotria street. tl * .d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JIst Pidliali'd, S g? lez ABEIRDEEN ALMvAN~ACS~ c A No 51k lb For T1o lbe litii of alt Bto~kseller'e. till- TSiq ABERtDEEN TJNIVMItSIT1Y MAGAZINE, 'lb N O. i.CI Wi:)0 IPabliShed Onl WXI'lN ES DAY tho M'ilt instailt va Tro I'j C intil anei Fe-tnltzbh I v, on ci il ev lternt-ie W'iulliesdlav. t Prinlvtt fou P. GRAYx, 7l3, itroa d Stroet, alid Sold by all Itotliei P II1,P lIE It c 1It ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ESTIMIATE, 77AVTEID, R o II MA ,ONS. PLA\STERtERS, CA S'NTERS, UILAZI'l, It'LUiE7t [Fts, SLAT'1'tis, PAINTERS, OlF FIXED) PRICES fccr sliih RI'PAltts, AI)DITIO'NS, 01'n LI'TE,3ATIONS-as mcc be.wctt t Ciini s SCc Ot) tS, 01 l lii' icildcia,&c. itnileor tile ?? if thle MAOiISTluxfl's ?? .ct1sI1. ot thec City of'Abc'i'ieei, tor' tile yeit ei'iid cI 1st Janlticicy,tc aciw~di cig to She[lcli is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rr R .t'.COIUO of SAC RFD MUSIC takes place in ST. AN. Tbt q i:w clHAPIL, KING, STRfti.T, this Evening, at Eight oec 33i 31k. !tod Tickets, 2s.,entry by' thle N`VetrY doo ; Itlack Tickets, ive Is. jlti- In' die frout door; to be hadl of' Mr A. Turriff, 33, Union Pire bcIZ .3 sojcn S treet, or at the Vestry Or' tile Chapel. Alierdo:.,f ai. 13, 111311. Tat TO SHOEDhIAXEnS. Gil , i IJun. begs to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Is le DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. H FComl '\N-CoNCERN cai'i'd oiln nder tlefirmofWIL. SI t _|LIAM GORDON, Seiior, and COMPANY, Merchants in d Huntly, was this day Dissolved by mutual consent. Ci At.Ex. STEWART, Juln. Witness. WILLIAM GORDON, Ser. )r TllOrAS OGILVIti WVities;. WILLIAM GORDON, JUn J is st IN refirence to the above, the business il future will be carried on A as formerly, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;~Ijv.s -j;P~es~ Y ASSEMB1LUM~ ?? AS~EMITILY will tali' place inl the PUBLIC 1100t r oit ?? UlItSiAY, the l4th JatIttary.'V It is partit ularl 'oI'i''iiestoeil that Ladiies atid e Gmtvlenien Wfill calttit e'ti y, i t. wder thtit D)aticiitii Ila'y coniilelttce lit 1'NiSl O'cloiik. Tii ilt TlIIi it'll tk .CaI'ls aitd ?? iitos ilSuanl. ?? e:tipts tintti'dtteed by~ Subscriber's tos pety' 7s. Ill. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARD. al1 MITCHELL AND BAXTER, I -_TAX ING retttrnsd froins visititi th ?? I ownsin Eighulananti Seotland, whelree they lttve purchased .J 'he aI Sprocic of GOODS untdee the utost tdvanta geous ci rculistnetces, of resptectfuilly beg leave to infirm ltheit' Frihends, and the Public in 5 Ice gitnetri, titat thtey ititetud commnsitcinc ig Ti siitss as CLOT HI FRS, . DRAPERS, SILK-M RCERS, nti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A. iw .iSE'MI'LtY will talte tlune in tile Pwttt.c' ROOt'tl. 't ItA Y 1,tl, A!tli 1Febvlal'v. i 'iw I',Ialy rvltieitei that Ladie~s alil Gentlemen't wrill cl~ i* I;!iltra Dtrnillt Ii'' 111y )lillnute ,ll''it ?? ?? MO * ?? tiald anid Ref'i'islulentrst as 118list. ntilloil nu migrl'' ie to ;ruq 7.. Cr/. lrach. - it!:v s le ireq(ti'odi to riret irl the Carid It ,oil of tile( ii 0 tiC Ileevld' ...