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London, England


London, London, England

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... LAW ]ATELLIGEN CE. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COU RT-TuESDoAY. 1MICHSL Vt. DE TASTET. The arguments of Counsel upon this henvy Motion hadil oc~cupied thie Court eeveial days, and were only concluded . this morning. f, Mr. KAvr~irn (with whom were Mr. BETHELL. and Mr. nr IIEATItpiEi.) appeared in support of the motion. lts objectI was to compel tue paymueit into court of DO less a Sum than ti £55,000, ...


... [Before Mr. Commissioner 1X1EtIVALE.] WOLLUE, DARVII, AND CO.'S B3ANKiRUPTCY. The bankrupts in this case were extensive Norway and Danish merclhants, agaiust whom a commission of bauk. ruptoy was issued in 1812. The amount of debts proved against theestate was j220,000, anddiridends had been paid, amounting to 19s. 8d. in the pound. The last divideng was declared many years since, and the ...


... EDiNB UR GII JUR Y CO UR7. SAMUI L JAMES tALLAM Vr GYE: AND Ctt)MPANY. The principal features ot this litigation, ia its various stages, have already been from time to time before the public, and may be briefly recapitulated as follows In July 1827, lallam, wiO had been previously employed for some years by (Uye and Co, in Londonv was seiat to Edin- burgh to conduct the business belonging to ...


... CORONETIS' IVQ UESTS. to SlaOCKTNG. CantF or D~EATH t 11011! ZSTARlATtoitta-At seveni sy oco~ock last Itigltt anl inquisition iias held hafore Mr. lg , or at thle 6eorge Titvers, Caatle-street, lleice..ter-sqjuare, on lit tile body of' tames iWaicks, aiged apparently about l5t, v ito diedl from uttec want oifthe common nceresaries of lile. Ad W~illitam Sc ivan, policentann C 120), deposed that ...


... LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. The Coutrt of (hAnry ani tile ItoWla CoUrt do not -it to-day. The Courts of KilI's sllen;h, Cornoion Pleas, and 3 ?? sit in Banco at WVestimitnator, at ha 1Jpast nine. COURT OF EXCHEQUER. ,Sittiugs at halt past lnine. LoNron\' CoMON JL'RItE ;.-Westmore-Ind v Pyke-Sntith v An- ?? v Codrilngtol-Dflul1l v Ilayley-Elhis v Cl.lissman- Bindetin v Mostyn (unnefelnten -lioteigt v ...


... SURRJy SESSIOATS-MONDA'. i efere R. flurinocz Esq. and a B9,nch of Afngrstrate.] CON rICTION OF A RING.DROPItER. Genrgs Ailuoms one oftiloss fellows termed ring-droppers, who abound in the metropolis, was tried, convicted, aid sen- tenced to be transported forseven yearn, for obtaining the sum of 12s. Gd. frotn a servant girl, under the follewing cii- cumstancess- Sarah Juseh was passing ...


... PARIS.-COURT OF ASSIZES. TRIAL OF LIUISSIER. This Court was occupied on Wednesday last with the trial of Lhuissier, accused of having murdered a woman named Ferrand, and of having afterwards cut up the body, made the pieces up into two packets, and thrown them into the Seine. lis mistress, a girl named Leconte was also accused as an accomplice. The Court was crowdgd with a large audience, and ...


... LAW NOTICES-TffiSDAY. COURT OF CHANOERY, LINOOLN'S.INN. Sittings at ten. In re Cooper, lunatic ?? v Earl Maeclesfleld, ap. peal ?? v GooOan, ?? v Jones, ap- peal-Elli3 v the Attorney General, ?? General v Pear- son, ditto. VICE.CI1ANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S-INN. Sittlngs at ten, Forty 7 teny, two petitions, for ?? v Scruton, ?? r Mfackay, demurrer, forjudgmrnt-llotiono will he afterwards ...


... CENTRA.L CRIMINAL COURT-MONDAY. At ten o'clock the Lord Mayor, Mr. Alderman White, the Sheriffs, the Recorder, and the other officers of the court, took their seats on the Bench, and the sessions were com- menced in the usual form. The RECORDrn. addressed the Grand Jury, and observed that from the appearance of the calendar, it was not likely they would be detained long by the duties which ...


... INSOLVE N'T VElTOIS (7O UJT. [Before the CmrF CeommissioNon and Messrs. Commissioners BowENs and 1-ARRill]. NLEW POINI'. IN TOE 31ATTER OF THE rk'JITIrN or Gorroce IARSKER JOHINSON. On Saturday, this insolvenit, described as late of Wansted, Essex, and also of WVapping, corn-snerclhant, was opposed by Mr. NICHOLLS, on behalf of a creditor named Walle. Messrs. COOnE and WVOiaocrF, supported the ...


... SHERIFFS' CO Ul T-TURSDAY. [Bcfera Jmrsrs BDUCIIELU, Esq., Senior Under-Sheriff.] WILLIAMS V. MAGOHAM. This was an action brought by the plaintiff, who is the pro- prietor of a lecture-room in the Borough, to recover or the defendant, an eminent professor of chemistry, the sum of £15 for l eit of the said room, and £3 129. 9d. for cleaning end lighting thereof, &c. The defendant had pleaded ...