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North West, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... .1visx~fa SHOP, situated in Market-street, J ff4ANTED as an Office.-Apply to A. Z. at the Printers- ?? rANTED, an CLERK & COLLECTOR m T T'imea Office, an active ndintelligent Pordon. He musiffluce testimonials as to character, and security will ?? to be made by letter only, ad. dressed to the Printers. PORTER VATS. W ANTED to PURCHASE, Two or Three v YiJcqaS'-hband STOVE VATS, in good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UR. GBREAVES, ORGANIST OF THE PARISH CHURCH, EGS leave must respectfully to informi his. Fl Friendis and Pupils tliat he will ,re-commetlce . , of his profession othe 21st inst. the nat Skeet, Jan. 6. MUfSIC ACADiEMY, : 3, FSHERGATt HILL, WEST- END. JOHVSON respectfully anlnounces that liAcaeY will be re~opbued on MoNDAY tile bth inst'lnft. u ?? T&E'v ?? A ?? ' ?? ' Her 1Oft GaiU ~~~y THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1I/ANCHESTEltaand SALFORD BANK M for S VN S ant GO VERN MIENT ANNUITY ' l' SOCIETY TIj'l ANNUAL. MEE TING of the PATRONS thiS C E rt*_ttit ll lel held l at the Bank, in Cross-street, ofl A hondav 2the of January next, at half-palt tell o'clock (ii tM londlay to e- JOHN ATKINSON, Agent. tlaur tbe i forenoo. .Q ASHTO% yljNf)El-LYNE GAS & WA TER WORKS. V 'TCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the f II Half- ...

ri)TLCE IS H ?? Salf

... ord-iik General. ,LI. DIE'FINO vo tlI rad R Om of tbe okoie NCrII, will beo held ini t a ?? on- tb.~od o r t ~nt~e pe or ?? ! On.- dtrfiewsinL the t oors'tbte';lletlseof con- qidirivga the PrOpff y of r musoodlug tnfutut overseer jltit the rite bin laid open the rack-tent or rncertninedannisa vlue. LLA WVhENCE ROSTRON; Churchwarden. T1 -IOS. BIJRY. Jum., , WN1. LOCKETT 4 Overseers. W1,. NE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 13ubttca£tfon%. -A ._ New Edition. In one vol. Imperial 8vo. price 15s. in cloth, fCR DE?'S CONCORDANCEto the OLD U and sAJ fxsTrAMtE.NT' or a Dictionary and Alphabe- tieal Irf:r t~he Bible, with a Sketch of the Life and Cha- racter of the Author. By William Youngman. II Every precaution ?? been taken to secure the highest possible degree of accuracy. We are glad to perceive that forauer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. ALlIAN'S CATHOLIC CHAPEL, BLACKBURN. N Sunday next, January loth, 1836, TWO 0 SERMONS will be preached in the above hiiel by the Rev. Dr. WISEMAN, President ri FliEnglish College, Rome, and Professor of the . ieeila Languages in the University of that city. A Collection rill be made after each Sermon to defray the costof the organ lately erected in the 531d Chapel. MUSIC DURING MORNING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. ANN'S CHURCH. rI.¶)M~l1RW MORNING (Jan. 24tb), ,ill be preached by thle Rev. W. J. Cuae hna Curs,1,FXT1sN will he arande in aid of he .pocis ~I3. Polpagatioin of the Gbspel in Foreign ncricc, at half-past ten. ' IugWfjlN7; of the Mill Owners and Manu- A s il be held in the Exchanfae Comiittee ] rtw OlltoW (Saturday), at ha f-past twelve to couoider the Alterations required iD the Act for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i a - russo, November 17, 1835, - 'TE~Ik .dtCK;ET, at' the SIXTY-SEVENTII ?? G 4'fiT LOTTERY of the STATE of HAM- f go~itag most ra91ntly, and11 being nearly cleared off, . Hi{E'T1'ii9fRS, :the Contractors, beg to state that is,, ssae o be lost in' ordering, if desired to be obtained be~fol X iso in price.' 'T those remitting a £10 note wvith- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1onirnissiorters in a Fiat in Bankruptcy T bariag date the 12th day of April, 1832, awarded' and issued fnrth against JOIIN H A- WORTH, of Burnley, in the County of Lancaster, Ironinonger, Dealer end (Chapman, intend to meet on the 17th day of February next, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at the office of Mr. HAYDOCIr, Solicitor, Lune-Street, in Preston, in order to audit the accounts of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MACCLESFIELD. BAGULEY, Tea Dealer and Family lE. Crocer, King Edward-street, Macclestield, most respectfully informs the Gentry and Inhabitants of Alacces- field and its Vicinity that pivis nxv (Saturday) he intend' OPENING the premises in King Edward-street, recently occupied br Mr. Wagstaff, with an entirely new Stock o, TEAS, which he has personally selected at the Coinpany's Warehouse iii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... c4'( HI~IRIS ' C'luRl7U- AVARD. I -91 A3VING beenectrtl el by You to the offce of Co C illuraflureattr alarin.'o' Cite'St, tst.lwa edl to thee acast tniiitu alloweel by lace, itis now t my duty to r lto n thanfks for iefre exrlli tins by ubhi;] it wvit brought to a snecescssft teraiination. 1i otwi hatxi1tig ?? p iirity ?? oenvass anti the antintital.limtel mpo af our opponents. To ito so ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? CARD.) Surgeon, 8, IUNE.STREET. precst0s J51., 2B, 1836. WANTED, By a Young Man, aged 27, SITUATION ats FOOTMAN.. The country: A would be ?? 1'the Priutersj- if by letter, post Paid.o VALUABLE TIM3BER. N ithe mddle of telxt niotlht', nt beaoflrr(d . IS11 by Auction, At thorley, a'sraluablejlot of. Oak aind Ash TIMBEB, tlie Oak tsf ?? la rg-te dimtengitols, antid ow growing Oiln Hoghlton ...