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... COVENT GARDEN. We are sorry that Ewe cannot accede to all the pleasant things that have been said of Miss Helen Faucit. She is clever and intelligent, but she is not a fine actress ; nor do we think her likely, at present, to become one. Her theatrical vein is not that of a rich, natural product. It is forced, pampered, sophisticated. Anybody may see she is an actress. She is always doing ...


... I THE BUR TAL 0 P THiE LA ST fliA YOR. ?? . His worship, on the last evening of his existence, having nobl0 sacrificed his sobriety at the niahonanv table of ancietnt civic festivitv, was carricd homne and decently depositei in his bed by the Town-cUeik, and such Alder- men and other menivlers as were capable of nioving. Tlhey were too fills to speak. I,. Not a voice was heard, not an ...


... Farletteo. I -- f Ont Tusday more than 2,000 people met at (Greenlill h near Kilpeaco, in thte county antd liherlies of Ltinerirk for the purpose of relieving, by subscription, a numner of 1-Miflies (about forty), on whom notices of ejectnoenthd been served by landlords in that neighbourhood. XAdvantage to thc Afoderns.-Tlhough there were lann glints of old in physics and philtsophy, yet I say ...


... S URRIE Y TI'EA TRE. Two novelties have been ploduced here this ?? Ilrztred ?? or',the s1rel/or's .Strrd, and T'hre BronCe Ilrre. Of the tirit litle cau be smid i inteed, Mr. DAV or;IF, wvvhlor skill iln ncoatring for the publire taste is generally very SUrer 'snti, Ih.S not in this inetsigce been so forttinate as lie isuaily is. ' !in piece ?? to lie tluwied upon tie eccentilitilies of tlre ...

On the Death of the late Lord Vernon, WHO DIED AT GIBRALTAR

... On i. Otith of the iae Iatd Veron, - R tW2 D1£D AT ZiBRiLT&A. WHO DMED AT GIBRALTAR. h Anothier feeting year In gone, h Another noble spirit's fled; 0 e MerIt to the knell's deep solemn tone, el WM hidf tells another Vernon's dead. d 0 Dark hung the cloud o'er Needwood's brow, o And spresd aloft its palil of gloom, a Where many a tearful eye below, h Wateh'd the dark hearse and nodding plume. ...


... L I . .I. F SHiI V t I - I 1 0O c lce ofdee, iondon, on wer pal5 r-tst Eo~ ~a rou~ghbe orkr. Conait, e effecg tmiths, 1'I~t #te wes'bt enfh~tetonr of thS ew very~aniZ t ~an immense amOunt. -gi ezi who 'had b.en robbed b ngbl jc . 125,~ ae ~cFo Rtegeutstab .~eet, degpsed~ ngIanj utrenti the priskona~er haise itochised sde . , ,.hst persn k#sogt e desritiiond of s the p iSOer : rapit lo . ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... . 28. - a.-nd Stolm'n'Re .1 Pivheieta restC Pafeicineto. fly the Author of ?? Old Moaslds. t l1,odotia I S ittil, Elder, & Co. 11136, t Tills is a tovel from the let of the witty writer of Old Malids,' one of thle Uit tosl1eeletlt works which have of late issued fromt thle tress. As a psint~er cf life and mnaniters, the ,an thor holds a highl Ttrout, s~letsci is itol ?? by ON tlt talent ...


... NEWV MUSICA L PUBLACA TIONS. IT1 Thm N ?? Horninnicon I; a /)(iuiizinep i I era and Piaw,- 19 bg le AIaesic eind .luuiedl Lilefwiute. Itr [Sherwood and Co. This periodkeal *vss couiniorc-d abo:: six monthls ago, ,; alid proulilses to be .I vis useful as well :s suleossi ii ;n wo-rk. It is siolihlr in its plan to T7w Iarmoniieen, a jutinlal whichh for a numb er of ears, contributed po% vr- i. ...


... FROM1I WILLIAM TELL-BY SCHILLER. FISHER-BOY IN HIS BOAT, SINGS. (Rails des Velches.) TiE lake smiles bright. In stirring light The little boy sleeps ol the sumnny flowers, A voice sails slow The waters along, Like the flute's soft flow, Or an angel's song, Heard from Eden's bowers! He wakens in wonder from his rest, The light spray falls upon his breast; Is it a dream, or is there a voice That ...


... I PARSON TRULLIBME INV HIS TANF'RUAls. Suit in'l sen wsill, G(vinuica, fimd uiin on-nut To wivitt tiuh liurets il thi pat is1 atmist, Vhic;i ihurfjdll let wo ubserve, is nppi(i(d- ( II tue at1, t I i ltL sailnu , n t' i (III e gla-1 ly (deried\ I trust 'tis not mreant b lie fli idinl WI its To use it for running, i heir rnscally r igs. By robbing; the paris l; for wonrse 'terc thian iseoll, ...


... MIRROR OF FASHIOMN I -- 1. ~BRIGHTON, JAN., 1 Vi. ?? His AMzlc2 I'c, 022221'i.2222d iY Laidy ?? ',to a of 12.. CA ' [,S e.,,lic ,, 2 2.. 21. O ikv2- p lug ; I.22 atnan ~'co~ai -ilC. d Iadv`.' Eerton, ti Ailrqiaoss anid MNrlrclionne'~or0 h*I% LIat A\laii1tl[P LftUS, V~ Lords Adam aiid Augustus Loftus. on leaving ; Captaiin b1 Janefs Nlor~au~2 Lad and I,lidy W(hariwloh2f, L'ady G. t ~. i1i 2' ...


... I - I . .Of the 106GcorporAt0.;boroughs mentionced in the Act nearly ?? of, which 8sd .toryr corpoeratimns, 84ha returned a majority of 'reform! town coslncillorn, l6 h1t .returned tories, and 6 an equal number of each. in the county, of. Argyle jin -§cq~l14Rd, there is,as 1 countryn inn, bearing i teeacqu jtnp C.eof. Drurnilghinhi s1ilchaittan; rather a dilticui5- ?? for an En. lishmanl. ...