... Entertainments, .For the Benefit of .V. B2URRO01UG.11104 And the LAST NIGHT of the Season. FIRE ARMS. E v\DWARD PORTER & SON nre now receiving en 1EAssortment of FI RE ARMS from thhe most ap- roved Makers, and daily expect a further supply, all of hiech they ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ready, with Twenty-six IllustrafonR Y B EAUTIES of the C Ouj~t i Scenery, and the Seaoonns. Author of sA Day so the Woodo.' John Van Voorot, 3 Paternoster rowv. HE~ SPIRIT of the ANNUALS.- Jus liTheshed, M in 3 vts. foolscap Svo. pricoat8 in cloth, Co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thomas Royden John Dawson and Co. Humble and Milcrest Ashton and Qinn -Lonax and Wilson William Dickinson and Co. Charles Grayson and Son Bannister and Simpson P. Chaloner, Sons, and Cato Christopher Hayes, Sen. !Matthew Clover and Co. John Mottershead ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wrnr. 13ictterworth Baylcy, Pascoe St. Leger Gren- l-on, fell, Esq. ]3azett David Colvin, Esq. Edward Lee, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Major John Luard. 'Ihoiras Willis Muskett, Esq. Autditors-lRiversdalc William Gronfell, Isq. WVilliam Sharmari Crawford, Esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Joseph Poster Geo. Willoughby J. Hemsworth John Bowling Edwd; Woolley John Charlton, Junr. Jno. Craggs John Rayner Benjn. Hebblewbite William Whitehead Joseph Webster W. R. Freeman Robert Ostler Bethuel Boyes John Thornton Briggs Carlill W. F. Towers Francis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Chairman. Will. Butterworth Bayley, Pascoe St. Leger Gren- Esq. fell, lsq. Bazett David Colvin, Esq. Edwvard Lee, Esq. John Fuller, Esq. Major John Luard. ?? ?? Muskett, Esq. Auditors-Riversdale ?? Grenfell, Esq. William Sharran Crawford, Esq., MLP. Bankers-Sir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the ilansion and Park will he accompany them. 'to be hlad at the White Hart, to Oakharnpton ; Bedford Arms, 'i'avistock ; Royal Ho- tel and Kimig's Arms Hotel, Plymouth ; Netv ltondlon he Inn, Exeter ; also of Messrs. Paul ant Smlith (solici- tm tors to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Liverpool Arms Hotel, Bangor. HENRY DENMAN WEGS leave very respectfully to inform his Friends J3 and the Public that, within the last eight monlths ?? above llotel lis been considerably enlarged and of othierwisve improved, as also newly furnished; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... St. (iorgel'ucker, Ecu. 'Ie s.,ieo. Gardiner, Elsq. IRichlard Williams, I'sq. Edwardl I1. Williamns, Esq. SmiCREmI lit v Mr. John hellpis. F ll IS Society makes additilills to thc Stilis insuresl a by Policies issued after tbe 13th May, 1835, of iA .,5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAnI).d, Swan'sea; ydr.G.Huoiiss, CbbourglHotel, C 'I'enb$' ; Ir. 1lmaris, Britannia Hotel, -lfracombe Mr. PEARcE, Fortessue Arms, Barnstaple. At Southampr r ton,to Mr. Las F-uvsE,General Packet-Office, of whom Passports for France may be obtained; SIr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Opened at C.xnNkavoN .Y rand l I.I, on or about tle 18th day oA1Y aext, under the Superintendency of responsible Ma- I' Itagels. JOHN SUDLO\V, I Liverpool, 16th April, 1836. Secietary. m To be Let, Furnished, Genteel Eesidence, delightfully situated in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOWVNPATRICK;' where likewise may be hrid GRATTAN & CO.'S ANODYNE LETTUCE . LOZENGES, 'for coughs and nervous affections, requir- ing the ..Anodyne rwyitoieit the stirisulating- propetiesof Opimn.- Is. 6d. GRATTAN & CO.'s PECTORAL SYRUP OF' ICELAND MOSS ...