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Advertisements & Notices

... DISTN an SON Co~xpny tithes place at theSPull. utt nth ch occasion h ItsitOit lV IItful soiicits tie kind patt'ooitaP and iipftof thlt Nohi itv and( GinSt-11 of AhIenldeeti. 3S j ~d. each, tobeit hail at Mc. Taylor's 'M sic Saloon. Cl' Full particularts in the luititilills. ALVRDEEN GENERAL DISPENSARY AND LYINIA.N. INSTITUTION. F111H 1,nnua I hi' elil in thle House oft the Instittition, liii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,IR13nElr ToTOI Z S ?? 7 3AD 'lilE ANNUAL GENERAL MIEIMNG of t hee PARTNI41. IL of the ABERRDEEN. TOWN anul COUNTY BANK, fki Eletion oft DIR of ECTORSIP. 1, will be 1ivis in4 the Baik iiing 004usi 0?. t4 r 0 ti1;v 5th M arch nla1cx?t, att 2 o'4?sock, 4. 44 JA-,. WESTLAND, Seely. A ?? lcn, 2617i Jan. 1.8311. 011' Syl Dl W) AIffI Its to,* Iex TO B B LET, TILE BELL AIND PA TTY P OT' RtO4Is, iF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... zig Ity Y' THE iers STIRATliE0GIE FARMEWR CLUB, A PREMIUM ?? ec, will hi' givelt folc the. best in D11AUG Hi STALLBION, froze oat, quatoor, shlvitit onlth DMarket MN riv tif H ut1itly, nitl Tht areday theo 10th March curt, p)in. vided anyv Shttl appealt of mnerit eiifficient, illii the opti~on of lthe I ofijudges, t.O entitle Ititti to the( rienilituln -suich Scalllotl lu-lug hound to seive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iii- ' ?? ' - _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _l~ li D3ONE ]t!ANUIR1, AND ANXIMALIZED CARBON. Geo ng ' iascatlit. i wits to intfillate, that hie has Onl hiaiid ita a I L quantity of BONE, MANUR) E, of' verv somiperi' qnallltY. Al ?? viery soon' exp era the a irivcal Urt a Strick of thle ?? tiltO1l ?? I' mend ed't Ih Iait s, ANIMAL! ZED CA1111l N, aidl( will roil tiole to Lvii ha se a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Md,1ERDEEN TOWN AND COUNTY RANIK. iINTIMATION is hreroby given, Iii termis Of tireeighthi Articlet of otatof Coparitnery, that it the Arrimirl G.'Iieral M~eetin! cfr ij ''coipany', held oII diel. 0hi inswtant tire $II loting, Gucirldellen iipr ele'LieA U:irectors for thle errsuirig year', Nvie. Aijli;XAN'DER B3ROWVN Esir %erehrsrt, Abonleco. e Lrt.r-ri.ctu. VI LL IAN BUR311N ETT. of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ml I ict ASSETP IBLY fov the S1-aSon, wil I take 115c ill the A-I' on1 rio ]o os, oni W1 Ic ulrES IAx theii I 4b tit 11CliA. parl-icill;II ly ?? that Ladies and Gmi-tIvilliell ill4 come (4 *i(II mder ?? ninitic4t4 4411' coulei'lmcts lt N 415e ?? a nO'ClOCI.-CardAS aotl letrsliatolll tS as itsiial. SI'oIrunprs infrodtuced bY Sw~wiibci's 1( 1)(14 'is,.i each' TiScTEAVARDs ilt' req nlestedl to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BARK WEE'TING. lIE ANWrAL GENEERAL MEETI:rNG of thle PARTNERS of T the BANKING COMPANY in AIIERDIEEN will bc h eldl lel', On TI1Uesday the 5th day of April next, at 12 o'clock nooti, in i tel ns of the Contract. 'rhe LISTS Will be ready for delivery to the Partners on Satulrday a the 2d pro~xinic. the 2tl Itroxitno.A. MsORtRICE, Coslkier. PIAN KING COcrt'ANY'S OFFICEA Aberdreen, 15th M1arch, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ASSEPTIBLY-TnES LIVENING. FP .Hlast ASSEMBLY for the Season, wrill take place ill tile, J -PtrlmcRoolsTilis RvtrNlNti Mr I)ISTIN'S aidmijed BANnr will attend, anaI ply some fivoirri in Pieces durivn,, the Ev-enineg. Itis 'artienilarlv req nested that Ladieis andl G4'ntleii'ii)' 11-lII c01in YI i, i order tih t Dancn ?? :iit Ti-i ?? and Refii'shln~llts as Visnall S~t;auIjgcrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOUP OF TOLLS-ABERDEENSHIRE, 4GENERAL MEETING or TrURNPIKE TRUSTEES for' aIkABERDEE~NSHIRE, wvill be held ?? thle COLIrt H-omse a.of Abeordeeni, on 'rd LIte )1t dav of Aptill next, 'it 11 o'clock Il fovtonkon, wehen tlieT'OiLL.DUTI ES levi able at tle respeIctive. BARS, Ito oiltitle LIines otf Road afteroit'nltioited, arie to) hie Lot, itt Taick, hr polcRn1, all tor the period of (I le Tear, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALEXANDER SMICLAIII, 'L1ate of Sinctlair and Simsone't B~road Stree't. E(iS~ til reut iin his 2i'ate-fi thlatik~s to his Frienlds adl -3 pl!,foi-' hit kind anti liliblerlsuplt hhlt'asiiiknyhu I ?? ti lat 19 els i:1t cjan heta i a liti li;M-OVE D to those SIaci~lots andeletitt ?? ll No. 37. thnio-1 street 12 slicli arei now bv Iinit fitted up iii a sii evior' 11ian1lel'. call Ai:, ola''. t th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THPE AINNUAL EXHIBITION OF' MIR. CALVERT'S PUPILS tile coarse of whitth an ORIGINAL DEBATE, (TTil ioai1PosITlON 0OF Til i1tI0 , ON THE COMPARATIVE 'MERITS OFP ANCIENT AND) MODERN ORATORY. ALE*CTtURE, by ~I*I'CA INAIlT, onl tile CAUSeS why Moidern Edit- cc tioni has p roduc ed so lbv goodI Speakers and Readlc's: tand Other Novellnes. PSI jlitu'i/515,see handbills. CAR-PETXI'GS, &c. T1HE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DO'NATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS§ HOUSE or REFrUB---AB3ERDEEN* D NATIONS of £10 Jos. oI' upwa~rds, to ?? a Direttor Dfot', Life. Donations of £0 5s. or an Anunual Subscription of' 10s. lid, to qualify for the Office of Director. Annual Donations.'i inijirt Otis. Amount formierly advertised - X1230 17 8 £90 2 6 l'art of a Sumi cent 'ibuted for Charitable ?? by the S1ubSCribet' to ft Fancy o M1a ll ...