... TIHE ATR ICA LS. 0 . TA~LAN~ivE.. It is tile fate of marla-grs to be disliked. Rarely, indeed, do their actors give them credit for one ,just te t h and as inr tile iubliel-bat heoe we aye ?? critics t are the ?? to.pleast on earth, and have there. d fore no right to coerplairn of the fastidiousness of others.- To retlsrn, threforej to oui'noeniiigyreiiark, we intst fol- | low it up ...


... She leaves beside her mirror, in her old accustomed place, V et s'oicthielg u1nfamilitIV is oin hler locVly lfacc She Nweavr a wvreatil, a snow-whitv wreath, which yet hse never woare; It gveR ta paleness to the Cliech, uniknown to it before. The uaiden goetli to thle grove, and of the flowers bencath;, She tithes tile lily or the rose, to hind her eji ldight wreath tBut of one plant shte ...


... LITEfHAR V NUTICE. Tbe[f-,,e nd Abttcc of Cv1tfssiqns, 1.6ioq i/ic substance ?? ,aClt, be deliwried adth X/cMvd~ny ty' the Generalj .S~nod o U~lster isl Co& ut By I/se Rev. JAMES CARLILE, of DubNin,. 'Tis is Ia pamphlet of no ordinary description, anid in the ?? circumstances Of thle Sy'nod of Ulster it will be rind with avidity. With Mr. Carlile's views respecting tue inipropriety of ...


... BEF112AST A S.O('CA Ti ON' 01 A H TJS1'Tl'' The drst exhibitito of the Bhove SOc'ety wivs op ene]d to the public, on Tuesday list. We are happy to ftid thit at lefgth, the arti ts oft this town have perceived the nev s- sity of an exhibition, not only for the pirupose of imtprovile the pdblic taste for the l'itte Arts, bitt also fto the iniprove ,nCert which it is atniversilly llowied thalt ...


... V1IrUOUS WOMAN. What charm on the earth is so dear, What treasure's so valued a prize, As a woman's affectionate tear, If she's faithful, and virtuous, and wise? Whllat joy under heaven above, What sight to our wandering eyes, Is so great as a woman's fond love, If she's faithful, and virtuous, and wise ? In affliction, in trouble, or grief, When the bosom is bursting with sighs, 'Tis Woman ...


... U 1-1 l S TM A S. A SONG FOR GOOD ';ELLOWS YOUNG AND C OLD. ii 135'tiEItt IGIHH ?? b Christmas comes I He comes be comes, rr Ueler'tl with a rain of iclmus I nt Hollies in) tho windows greet him ; Sehlinls ceme driving post to meet him, Gifts precedei him. bell proclaim him,, Es 'ry nouith delirthts to name hint ; Wet, and cold, aud wind, and dark, r Make him but the wsoirmer inark e And vyrt ...


... THEATRE ROYAL Our tilc iaricalamusernebtse haveeherteeieu l this w -sk by tie appearance of a s sta of the first ?? Nisbett, of the London theatre, To those who have seen this lady, we need seY nothing of her personal attractions, which are So atdmiraduly suited to tie line in which she walks- genteel comedy. fit respect to natural ease, grace, archness, vivacity, and all tile other et cccl ?? ...

Grand Musical [ill]

... -ranX ,u iaI Stft IbaI. -1 ~i'e ~co~dl~anceaergrand Magical Festival hce tval~en 7ijgceP',duriiig-th4, present,6eek tutidor 'most ausp caitowtireutnstalC , an theauskis axs successful a, cout4 haves been xpctd 'rliev~y'~ttn~idtsucces 'w~~'%tes~edtbufestivill of'182 'endc~ditalinoit certain ?? suboequeii festival, got uip on the'same scale, must he at least attend ed wvith pt Iti's I, iftinot ...

Literary Notices

... _ tittrarp woticet. Tail's Magazinu for Nouentber. The article Agricultural Coammittees, is worth all the money charged for the magazine. Mr. Tait would be doing the country a service if he would publish it ia'a twopenny pamphlet. It appears that the rents in Scot- land are doubled and tripled since 1795, and set the land. lords grumble about agricultural distress. There is an interesting ...


... LADIES'FASHIOIS FOR APRIL. ricc [F Hos THlE 1. I, II S tIA(;AZINt.,] \oaRVis(;o tII il ?? i l)ke O-- I s i-e a, mae en demni-retlIn- 11th gotte, of white emli mueslin, lied throughout with pale pilui: vho taffettis; the corsage i-s foe, aini httling tliht to the b-it; time 'SI, sleeves, i la- rancills I., arc ln six pulls, separated by nar- rowbands ofinsertion ;the pIui, are lrjge at tap, and ...


... THE THRATRES. DRURY-LANE' Nothing new, wail presented at this house last night, and the old gives little room for any novelty of remark. We have outlived thre time by about three generations when RowE's Tamner'lare used to be played annually for the gratification of the King; andi we are now soine years beyond the period when Lirro-'.s Barcnwell assrapresented every Easterillonday fyr tire ...