... THE DIA.MA. COVENT GARDEN.-Mr. KEMULE S performance of Shylock is to us a most painful exhibition; if lie were not a clever man it would be a ridiculous one. But the in- firmities of talent are too respectable to provoke laughter; we associate with them, as we associate with the weak- resses of old age, the power that is gone by, the hours of delight afforded us by the talent itself; and the ...


... 'TIH EATRI ICALS. DRE U-Ry. L13N E. Mr. BU NN has hitheito reserved commendation of no meagre kind for his managerial exertions, and the public has in return bestowed sterling narks of its approval. Here we have, nearly every nignt, a legitimate play, and the reign of nonsense appears almost at an end: at all cyuts, his season will form an interregnum at both houses. Last Monday was marked by ...


... I . DRUVR-LAN.'D Mr. BITNN has hitherto deserved comnmendation of no meagre kind for his managerial exertions, and the 'public has in return bestowed sterling marks of its approval. Here we have, nearly every night, a legitimate rlai, and the reign oftnonsense appears almost at an end: at all 1 eents, this heasou will form an interregnum at both houses. Last M-onday was marked by the re ...


... CHURCH GOOES.-By RICHARD HOWXTT. How sweetly wide, this sabbath morn The chime of village bells is sent, Over the hamlets, o'er the fields With sabbath sunshine blent. The noble hears, and quits his hall, The peasant quits his cottage home; All cheerfully, all pleasantly To church the people come. They come from far-off henthy moors, From lonely farms, from quiet dells, Led strongly, ...

Spring Show of the Derby & Derbyshire Horticultural & Floral Society

... Spring Show of the Derbyl & Derb~*dre Horticultural & Floral Society. I r. -. . - e esterday this Society's show of Auriculss and Polyant. d thuses took place at the Town Hall, Derby. The show td was not a very large one, but it was of the first character, We subjoin a list of the winners of the Premiums and first Prizes of each class. To-day the exhibition of Hot-house d Plants, &c. takes ...


... GOG NIN MANGOG. 'DIfr followsing legendary ballad, modernized in point of orthography from nin aiciest co, y, and embellished with it- Ilstrations, has just been pu1lished in London. Aitolfers, says theEditor, ,.an apt illustration of the origin of those gigantic figures which have for ages excited the wonder and admiration of the worthy citizens of Londoni, and their nu- merous I countty ...


... I.INES WRITTEN IN OCTOIERi. 'Tis gloomy Oetor-tlh, se-ar lcaves aro finig , A.nd seatter'd alroad oul (Ile 1 - ilngs of tine bLihst; The trees of te forest aro fadigj and dying- Their season of bloont anld of beauty is l :ast And the blostons 'of summer have all pnt aivay For the fhirest and loveliest ?? to deeay. Oh i! how joyus the eeason.-how plleasillg the spring, When naturi around us in ...


... ( OURT CIRCULAR. 'The Duchess of Kent and the Princess \ ictoria, attended by Lady Catherine Jenkinson, Baroness Lehzen, and Sir John ('onroy, arrived at Claremont on Monday afternoon froui Buxted I'ark. 'Ilc Duke of' Cumberland arrived at Nordeneve at eight o'clolk ?? morning, where his Royal Hightless lauded, and remnaired v itl his son Prince 6eor4e till ee evening, when the R('yal Duke re ...


... COUIT' CiRCULAIt. ! 'Ihe levee uppointcd to be held by his Majelty this day at 1, St. larmes's, is postpored until next Wtednesdly. h h 'lie D)uchess of' Kent and the Princess Victoria drove and . walked in the parks yesterday. d ''lre Duke of Snssex passed a good night on Monday night. . I'he vision of his Royal Highness continues to improve. v '1he Landgravine ot Hesse ?? and Prince ...


... COUWRT CIRCULAR. 'The D)ucihecs of Kent, the Princess Victoria, and Duke of Saxe-Cobourg walked and drove in the parks yesterday. i 'IThe I.nadgravir,e of Hiecse ?? honoured the Rarl and ('ountess ol' \Ilnsfield with her company at dinner on 'I hursidy evening, in Langitagih-place. 'lbhe Due of Cumberland returned to town on 'T'hursday evening, fromn attending Ascot races. A Cabinet Coiincil ...


... BRIGHTON, JAN. 17. Divine service was performed tbis morning, as usual, in the Royal Chapel. The prayers were reed by the Rev. Dr. Evoradrind aon sevnion prerchbe(l by the Rev. Ir I Wagner, from Ecclesiastes vii. 10. There were present, ti in the Ro al pow, her Majestv, the Duchess of Gloucestr, t the Countess of Mayo as 1ir;ly in Waiting, and the Rev. Dr. Foord Bowe, as i ?? in WIaitirig,. ...


... COVENT-G1:ARDJEN THEA TRE. Aliss ?? EN4 FAcCIT took tbe part of Juliet last night for the first time. She was quite as successtul as in any of her previousclraracters, and more happy than in one or two of tlelt. Silo possesses great and delicate sensibility, that pecu- larly adapt her for the undertaking, in addition to the youth- tilness of her figure and the tenderevss of the expression of l ...