Winchester, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1836

... SATI.UVRDAY, DE(EMBER 3, 18a5. A meetiln, of the 'T'owu C o 6cil of this (ity took place on zl ednLtlay, ft)r tbe purpose of deciklitii i1hat steps it WvaS 1ecessary to tike, in CorSe(qujence of Ii it i ;e 71isi hiaving issued against tle corporation froiu thim tcourt of Kig s rnlchl, comnudilnog them i to ?? ciuse Why)' tlhey did riot admit iN1r, John IDumieCr, '11i1 Mr. ~ LI a1. ire, IS ...

Published: Monday 05 December 1836
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2002 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... EASTTERN COUNTIES BA1IJWMAY A meeting of tfie Shareholders of this railway was held on Thursday, It inst., at thie Clarendon Rooms, Liverpool, L. Heyworth, Esq.. in the chair. The Chairman having opened the business of the meet- ing, which, it appeared, was convened for the purpose of obtaining for the shareholders resident in Liverpool, a voice in the direction of the company's concerns. Mr. ...

Published: Saturday 10 September 1836
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 648 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

ROLLS COURT, December 19 and 20

... I ?? 'i .41iiio A,,qal ?? h aa 'halis:; an inforination by thi ?? * , gainoa t the Malor anid C(fifor;tilfin of riw ich in xx loi. the' bill priyed for an iOieiii'0 tt Cli e' d- fendants 'from defray'in, iut ot the boroeglh mulici pat .runids' certain expuceLs. illclTes0 in de(eideisi. o ue warrnlter in the Court of ;-Kjn ' Beinili, ciaiitg upon Messrs: Springfield atid Brighttoell to osheici ...

Published: Saturday 24 December 1836
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 2049 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... DREADFUL AND DEFSTRITCTVE FIRE. On Saturday murning, about half-past 4 o'clock, a dreadful fire took lace- at the extensive rie-mnills and granary at the head of tne Grand Surrey Canal. wbere, before the engines could he brought, the flames had Igained a frightful ascendancy. Ft, Braidwood, the superintendent, who came with the engiaps fr6an Watling-street, had been misled into 8 belief that ...

Published: Saturday 01 October 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 638 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ,RgmbEN AMTB liQBUMCN FRANCE. The lositezur of Sunday contains a series a decrees of the Minlister for Public Instruction. authorizing the establishment of eleven primary schools in various departments of France, and of which six are for Protestants, uind one for children of the Jewish religion. )e Aatongst the domestic etets which excite most attention is the depression or the funds. The ...

Published: Saturday 01 October 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1551 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... TO ANDREW SPOTTISW(ODE PRINTERt, NEW STREP.T SQUARE. SIR-You are well acquainted with the causes of dissatisfac- lion aniong the persons f rmerly in your employ; but as I intend publishing this letter, I will here briefly recapitulate theme:- In 1834, the compositors of London becoming sensible of their unprotected state frow, on the one hand, the encroachments made by unprincipled employers ...

Published: Saturday 01 October 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1645 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: News 


... ILIBE RTY OF THE PRBudS. On Monday evening the dinner given to Messrs. Hetherington and Cleave, for their exertions to procure a cheap and honest Press, took place at the White Conduit house, when upwards of three hundred most respectably.attired working men and others, the friends of a free and unshackled press, assembled to testify their esteem for theabove-mentioned individuals, in ...

Published: Sunday 11 December 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 13970 | Page: Page 17, 18, 19 | Tags: News 


... =oMIGTW IThAXrIGM;CN. SPAIN. The 9arly papers of the week annoucee little that is new in the way of intelligence from Madrid, or from Spain generally. The Jeunal de Paris states that on the 2nd inst., the Radical. or (sa the aristocratic prints term it) the Revolutionary party of Valentia attempted to expel the civil goverUnment from that city, but failed. .The swedte was more serious at Secca ...

Published: Saturday 17 September 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 436 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: News 


... ColeBzalO@UPiC. To the Editor of the London Dispatch. Sma,-I will not say that the money affairs of our country at this time present a gloomy appearance; for, believing in the mis. chievous effects of all money. and especially of paper-money, I regard the present embarrassed state of the issuers of the latter, in this and other countries, as a happy omen that it will, ere long, destroy its ...

Published: Saturday 17 September 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1047 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: News 


... I EWELL, SURREY, Oct. 12, 1836. This day the pensioners bave again seized my property, for continuing to, resist last year's unlawful surcbarge, inflicted through mere wantonness of power; but, although thcir printed notice fixed on the 3d September as the last day of mv domes- tic safety, they nevertheless deferred ,the execution (likeVatkut's executioner, deferred the 'coup de grace as long ...

Published: Sunday 30 October 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1426 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: News 


... A PANCT BALL. We are indebted to a morning contemporary for the following animated tableau of the grand fancy ball Whieh, followed the conclusion of the late festival at Liverpool. For the fancy ball in the evening of Friday viSitor8 were all On the qui rive. They began to assemble as early aso'ix-#cuelh,1 and every vehicle was in requisition. By ten o'clocwlthewhole. of the elegant suite of ...

Published: Sunday 16 October 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 483 | Page: Page 23 | Tags: News 


... TuEtR is a spirit abroad amongst the working ment of the world ef whicb the tyrants and Oppressors, to whatever class belonging, bad better take heed. In Belgium twe find a brave demonstration of this feeling made by Jacob Katz, a. working man of Brussels, and who is worthy to be recognised as a fellow-labourer in the cause of liberty by our manly operatives. Katz dared to assemble men of his ...

Published: Sunday 23 October 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 348 | Page: Page 21 | Tags: News