... SUDDEN DEATH OF THE REV. ISAAC SAUNDERS, Or ST ANNE S, BLACFRItRS..-Witl unaffected regret we publish the sudden death of the reverend and estimable gentleman who for many years was rector of the parish in which we write. While preaching from these words in the Epistle to the Colossians, Ye are complete in Hier, lie dropped dead in the pulpit, and yielded up his spirit, without sigh ...

Published: Sunday 03 January 1836
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2325 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... MANSSION HiOUSE. On Wednesday a Jew, tiarhed Simmonds, charged a young woman, under the ?? tciiaistances, before Alderman Farebrother:-Mr Simmonds 'tAttd thatat about twelve o'clock on the preceding night he saw the de- fendant, who appeared to be a decent servant, address two or three women of the town, of the lowest description, and was, from the nature of the conver- sation, induced to ...


... POLICE INTELLIENCE. MANSION-B 'JTJSE. A female of decent appearance came to the justice-room on Saturtlay, Pon aln occasion of rt'ther rin uncommon descrip. tior. Having stated her name to the Lord Mayor, she men- tioned that, oil Saturday last she came uN to town from the country to meet ier husbaad, who set for London on the preceding 3i onday, and Olpointed to meet herat the inn upon hel ...


... EDiNB UR GII JUR Y CO UR7. SAMUI L JAMES tALLAM Vr GYE: AND Ctt)MPANY. The principal features ot this litigation, ia its various stages, have already been from time to time before the public, and may be briefly recapitulated as follows In July 1827, lallam, wiO had been previously employed for some years by (Uye and Co, in Londonv was seiat to Edin- burgh to conduct the business belonging to ...


... INSOLVE N'T VElTOIS (7O UJT. [Before the CmrF CeommissioNon and Messrs. Commissioners BowENs and 1-ARRill]. NLEW POINI'. IN TOE 31ATTER OF THE rk'JITIrN or Gorroce IARSKER JOHINSON. On Saturday, this insolvenit, described as late of Wansted, Essex, and also of WVapping, corn-snerclhant, was opposed by Mr. NICHOLLS, on behalf of a creditor named Walle. Messrs. COOnE and WVOiaocrF, supported the ...


... DECLARATION OF CIRCASSIAN INDE PENDENCE, ADDRESSED to the COURTS nJ JEUROPE. [P-1sl0 TuE rORTFrOio.] The inhabitants of the Caucasus, instead of being subject to Elussia, are not even at peace with her, but have for many years been engaged in continual war. 'T'his war they have maintained single-handed. They have ieceived at no period encouragement or assistance from any Power. While the Porte ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS-MONDA Y. These sessions commenced this morning, at the Sessions- house, Clerkenwell, before Mr. Sergeant ANDREnWS, Chair- man pro tem., and a full beach of magistrates. The calendar contains the names of 65 prisoners, charged as follows:-Assaults, 13 ; assault with intent, I; idle and disorderly, 36; misdemeanour 2 larceny, 11; threatening,2. GAMING iHOUSES. Mr. ADoLPHuS ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT-MONDAY. [Before the CHIEr COMMISSIONER and Messrs. Commissioners BVWZN and HAIRIUS.J IN THE MATIER OF TIlE PETITION OF WILLIAM SIENRY CHARLES OTHON BARON DE BODE, KNOWN BY THE NAIME OF THE BlARON HENRY DE SODE, AND SUED AS HENRY DE BODE. This Insolvent, described as a Major-General in the Rus- sian army, came up to be discharged from debts and liabilities amounting to ...


... BOW-STREET. Yesterday two young men, of fashionable appearance, named Fisher and Beethant, the first a medical student and the latter an architect, were placed at the bar before Sir F. Roe and Mr. Halls, charged by William Howard, the watch- man at Staples'-inn, Chancery-lane, with violently assault- ing him. It appeared from the evidence of the complainant that he was on duty at Staples'-inn, ...


... LAW IATELLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY-MONDAY. [Before the Lords Commissioners Sir C. PEFY& and Sir J. BOSAN11 VET.] EXPARTE THE LORDS Of THE TREASURY IN THE MATTER 0E' sitE F1SI:MONGERS' COMPANY. This was an appeal from an orderof his Honour the Vice. Chancellor, directing the plaintiffs to pay all the costs of the reinvestment ofthe produce of certain docks and warehouses purchased by them ...


... LAW NOTICES-TffiSDAY. COURT OF CHANOERY, LINOOLN'S.INN. Sittings at ten. In re Cooper, lunatic ?? v Earl Maeclesfleld, ap. peal ?? v GooOan, ?? v Jones, ap- peal-Elli3 v the Attorney General, ?? General v Pear- son, ditto. VICE.CI1ANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S-INN. Sittlngs at ten, Forty 7 teny, two petitions, for ?? v Scruton, ?? r Mfackay, demurrer, forjudgmrnt-llotiono will he afterwards ...


... CENTRA.L CRIMINAL COURT-MONDAY. At ten o'clock the Lord Mayor, Mr. Alderman White, the Sheriffs, the Recorder, and the other officers of the court, took their seats on the Bench, and the sessions were com- menced in the usual form. The RECORDrn. addressed the Grand Jury, and observed that from the appearance of the calendar, it was not likely they would be detained long by the duties which ...