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... There vcre only three cases brought before the Court tb on i7londay, one of %which being two young men for the Cl robbery of Glenfuir Houso, proved to be of very consi- sierabl interest, both frain the extoeit of the obooty car. te ried off, and from the circumstance of a companion of bi the thieves, whno was a witness in thc case, being sent to ti Bridlewell for three months for gross ...


... A~v~cSONE.Yesterdnp(Tuesday) tile Rev. AlrJ. (I Campbell, the minister of Tettenham Court Chapel, in at Torttenharm Court Renai, appeared before the( sittieig 1lila- by gistrates, Messrs Ralrilnson artid Hosliins, on a Salmmons Wi rirtaineorlagai uSt, him Mr Charles William Wiserur, ha ph ae r ofavero i the. same place of w'orshirp. olrrg- l inag him snith hosiog, ori the morning of Sunday ...


... RIGH COURT OF JtSTICIARV. ?? were four eases appointed for trial on Monday before this Court, which were lispesed of its follows:- 'Andreav1,e-kiejolan, alias Bluchanan, alias il, Wrinrny, and Johrn Hunter, pleaded Not Guilty to an indictment charging them with two acts of theft by opening loekfast pisces, aggravated in the case of the first-named prisoner by his breina habit and reputea thief ...


... Curious APPCracTION-5iJ'ARYE-aoxEr Potric ?? ricr, LoNDoN.-A ta l yoahr. man, iugreen livery turn- ed tip with red entered the otlice, aild addressing Mr Ralinsain, said, It I wanta little ofynor advice, Si,.- M1r Ralioson: WlVit's the matter ?-Applicant, I've had a terrihile rumpus with nor ?? Roelinson: W~ell, what have I to d- with ?? Oh, hut she emptied the slp pail in e faee, and spoiled ...


... Bow STREET.-On Tuesday William Mann, driver of the hackney coach, No. 372, was summoned before Sir F. noe, by William Rae Wilson, Esq. author of A Tour through Palestine, Fe1noce, and Italy, and other works, for gross misbehaviour and insulting lan. guang. From the evidence it appeared, that the defendant was engaged to drive Mr Wilson from his house in Stamford Street, and having some ...


... 011 Alonrlov, thie Court met for the trial of three cases -Lnrd Gilli, presihing. jeers. lellrra:y Or Anrlereou pleandeud GiltY of two arts on thelt, (c umirtsed in dirfferet shops in the Nligis Street, oer the ISth andl 21st Dee o-ber, cronsistilrrg ?? a pair oi bnets from each, nragravited bv habit and repute aei pre- vintos ceonvietions.-Senteane, 15 months' imprisonment in Biridlernell. ...


... r.. - A; T - ^A. V-L House of Lords, February 6. Meeti 'Edibur~brgl Water Company vr. Waugls, Treasurer of ,ad the Edinburgh Charity Workthouse.-, Nelson v. Fa. set fo rish. 111F In these cames, appeals were yesterday presented from move the Court below, and the respondents ordered to answer entrui within four weeks. but ni AP'PEAL COa3-4TTEEr.-Comrnittee appointed to con. ty. eider of the ...


... .. I . I. .1 I I.e, - ?? I 1- IP. On Alonday, Archibald Ah'lidlry pleaded Guilty tD I 3.stealing a horse, the propertv oaf John Henfl rson, from I a stale ir, Cowan's Clise, Grassinarhiet. Sentenced to seven year,' transportation. T /aOnia2 Cowan, pleaded Guilty to stealing, on the night of the 24th Deeearnb:r, fnim the forecastle, of the . srho(:ner Fife of Ieith, a leaither jacket, a pair of ...


... A, . .1 z i House of Lords, Feb. 10. lut r Buchanan v. Ferrier.-Sawers v. Arrnstrong-Brenmner tion e. Kerr.-Johnston, v. Robert so l;. Wou In these four caisee appeals were on Monday list pre- hern sented from the Courts below, and the respondents or- intn dered to answer infossr weeks. last Hill and another v. Cunningham.-Wisliart v. Wilson vorr or *Wishart. prcs In the first of these cases a ...


... PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEOINOS- | SCOTLAND. )f RETURNS PRESENTED. i. 4th Feb. -Court of Session. -Number of causes h a instituted and decided in the Court of Session in Scotland in 1835 (by Act) ; to lie on the table, and p a be printed. I: *e 9th Feb.-Parochial Sclioelrnaeters..Copies or ti extracts from all the Presbytery books in Scotland nl le of cases brought before Presbyteries respecting I ...


... House of Lords, Feb. 12. clar Since our last letter, the appellants in the various ap- of peals, which have been presented during the meeting of Parliasa ant to this date, have applied for, and obtained not leave to enter into recogaizances. hav In Vere v. Vere et al. the respondents are ordered to will put in their answers peremptorily in a week. Drummoand v. Spittal and another. In this ...


... HTGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. ANDERSON, V THE SUPERINTENDENT OF POLKE, This case, which lias excited eonsiderable interest, particularly amongst the jewellers and lapidaries in Edin- burgh, camer on before the whole six Judges on Monday in the form of a Bill of Advocation and Suspension at AIr Anderson's instance, against the Superintendent of Police, sehen their Lordslhips unanimously suspended ...