... CENTRAL CRIuIINAL (COUaRT--MAC ?? 'iliese svoskhoiR tan imettet this zertin 'H I'iedLra lMiyor, tOIc' Itelordt-, Ir. Stere atti Aral ll, (talalCiollo StCg act, ANiekrilletl Sheeritls, Sc., t(O It thlir seats tittel t'latt. hle Gra ettI Jury Were thell soI (tn, cld 'ilI h Iti(s ctittI. Proil Cededii te ulirgt thetia ic the utstiti alitintner. lIt' olseret llitat altl ill. Ily tplaity petil(it ...


... MtU RDER 01 A CHILIJ BY 1ITS MOTHlER. On Wedneslay an ilique-it iva. IcId at the ?? of a pi r- son I,. ntred itarnint, at llorblcii, fore W. Stcrry, .LrI., coloner, on the boly of Mary A on Ros Ilille, a Ie ciiht imontho, who %a s murdlernd by b-h r mothr (r n thc a y pr-. ceding. Rock lli, tlhe fath sr of the chidl, is a jouin)linin bricklayer, a respectable nian, and his wile, wno pI vious ...


... These Sessions commenced at Guildhall, at 9 in the morning on Monday last, before Samuel Kingdon, Esq., Mayor; Francis Newman Rogers, Esq, Recorder; Wm. Lee, Henry Blackhall, John Harris, Wm. Crockett, Wm. Kennaway, and Philip Chilice'd De la Gardie, Esq., Justices. Wm. Henry Besly, Esq , was sworn as Foreman, and the following with him composed the Grand Jury:--Harry G. Kersteman, Richard ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGENCO. At the Cavan Assizes, on the Ist inst. the Crown Counsel withdrew all proceedings against the Orange nen, indicted for walking in procession on the 12th of July last. Tnis he did in obedience to instructions from Lord M ulgrave; who expected that ?? the proceedings in Parliamernt, and the example of obedience set by the Duke of Cumberland, there would be no occasion in ...


... POLIC9. MARLDOno~loH~s~rREET.-Robert Smith and W~illiam- Davis, a couple of boys, 'in full professional costume of thc order Chummy, were brought before Alr. d Conant, charged with the Isigls crime and misdiemean- our of having a ttempted to carry off a portion of the 1' .e contents of Lord Derby's dlust-hole, the property of o ; thle dust contractor of that district. n 1 Please your ...

Carnarnon Quarter Sessions

... , Parnarnon Quarter Sessions. i §I l i as -1 s|.- . X O Thursday last the Easter General Session of the Y .'iaeae+or the county of Carnarion, was hulden in the .: coiurpt-~U , :Carnarvon, before Col. Sir L. P. Jones D a- ?? iy Phi 0. H. ?? chairman, Lord Ne *orough, R twar NaniaeyI, R. Gatnons, ]sq.. F. Walker Jones, in 1sq Rev. Jon Kyflin, Rev. Griffith Owen, and the I Jnve loho Jones. I- Iho ...


... COURX OF KING'S BENCH-MONDAY. ITBlE AIPPLEBY HALL AFFASIR.rl The K~ing v. the Proprieorsts of the Satirist News. se ic Paper.-'lle Attorney General was instructedto move, M Ison tie part of George Moore, Esq., a gentleman resid- pr id ing in Leicestershire, f~or a rule to show cause why a l to criminal information should not bc filed against the lis proprietors of the Satirs'it, nswspaper, ...


... I I t'uithlljaad Jf'on Ol, flist.) CRLO\N 13AIt COU11T. A tsn~ .-Ire'phBeet', 13, NvI'l illdiettl for havi tug oil tile . h it ii'f 'iIIOUv thle 4th ot' No vem' t l'ost, wvilr'nily ?? Ii Pavokhau, i11 tihe North (I1f D)mvItI. -Comiseitfo uit troleolit'' 1 M'1 ~TiyrrelltoIu'r Ai'. tth1tat. ile &fimuv,~ of th Bid P'lAttI'0 lv Alv. ?? FOitlola~eI. tter OTlll'iS i'~.t2*a'i i lat i' t v el)' ?? ...


... FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE POOR LAW CO.MMISSIONERS. Every part of the proceedings of these Commissioners teem Wili iMportattCV, tlley Dhejsg charged with carrytteg tlitle xecothlts a Rrisat meoseese itt I-WSeinir, tenilehinthj oned moot saesutesry its is tiriely believed. cad rendered impeerative seot nererly by the degree oft demso'esli. zation among pa lynch tbhemeelveee to which tits n ii. ...

Alleged Murder of an Infant

... Alleged Rlmairder of an Inflant. On Tuesday-an-inquest was held at the- Csledooiaa Nurserys West Hackney, before Mr. Baker, the Coroner, and a highly respectable Jury, on the remains of as newly-born mnale infant, which is alleged to have been murdered on; Saturday last by a young woman, named Jane Hate, immediately after she had given it birth. The brief facts are these :-About six months ago ...

Case of Horrible and Fatal Misery

... Case of Iflorrible and Fatal Mlisery. 7 I - - . . o . . - .. .____ Jackson's fxjod Journal has published a copy of the evidence taken on an inquest at Hailey, near Witney, on Monday last, before Mr. Westel, one of the coroners for this county, on the body of a man unknown, who died in a pig-sty, from inflammation of the lungs and chest, produced by seven day's exposure to the weather and ...

Kilrush Petty Sessions

... Kimush FPetty Sessions. A MAN OF MANY VENTVnES.-A wizen-ficed, jocose-looking little pensioner, better known by the sobriquet of J umping Jim than his real patronymic, was had up and charged-by ameighbour of his own, a Mrs Roughen, with having licked ber childer, broken her back door, disparaged her husband, and abused her. selfV Before complainant had well waded through this formidable ...