... BFINCIi OF1A(ISFIIA't'ES. j iloSDAsV, March 7, 1B36.--Prcsent: Sir 1). Scoci, Bart., V. Sl iY ltii, W. FRAN;Ii.ASI), MAd Johnl IIAI.I, I'StIfs. 1jenry Braveryi a butcher, in thl servie of Mr. Bsattle, w.s chargcdl witlh having received a conduidinb)lc stun ol iowecy onl bi master s account ruoin the housekepl~ce of Mlrs. Goldswi tho Silvool *plutce, ;d which lie had tappropiiated to his Own ...


... :LO1ND4M POLICE. MARYLEBONE.-CRUELTY OF A HUSBAND.-On Tuesday, Mr. Charles Loy Cox, a young man-of gentlemanly ap- pearauce, residing in Lambeth-walk, was brought before the sitting Magistrates on two warrants, the former obtained-against him by the parish of St. Marylebone, for desertion, and the latter by his wife, for a violent assault. Mrs. HARRIET Cox, a woman about 26 years of age, and ...


... CENTRAL -CMH NAL COURT. EXTENSIVE ROBonRy oF-BUT-BR. -James KMe- 6i93 and William Sari&e8 ore indicted(foi stealing a hore and cart, fifteen casks;l.and. l4001bs. of butteri the properey of Thomas Webb; and :Joha xo~iowwaiB indict'ed-for receiv. 'f one cask- and ?? bf btbteiW, -part of t1he SNve, well-knowing the-same to be stolen. - ,, rroin the evidenc6.b1vg%9tihober efwiessesj It ap- ...

Abingdon Borough Midsummer Quarter Sessions

... Aziwl!(1Iol &moiig/h ?? Quarter Sessions. ie Thlese Sessions w ere ha t in the Town Hall on Friday the St Ist instsnt, before Henry John Shepherd, Esq. Recorder of nt the Borough, lie having been re-appointed to that hononr- Id able situation. As a matter of courtesy, the Mayor, NV. D. le ilelcher, Esq. and the four Justices, J Copeiand, B. Col- lingwood, R. Bedcock, and J. Kent, Esquires, ...


... t iMANSION-HOLUSE: l Amongst several gin-palace cases which were brought be. fore the Lord Mayor, was the following:- A young man named Joh Gast, a tailor, and his wife, were brought up, chaigeI vith having paid attention to the gin- shops, to the peril of the life of their child. A wvomkn, who lodged in the house in which the defendant also lodged, stated that she heard on Sunday morning, the ...


... LAW INTEL LIGENCE. COI'11 RI 1' ('HA NC ER Y- 'l'c nAvi.. CFiiliFi V. ki'iliIt. Miir. JAcit , onl the pai t of' the ddemlenllnt, Mr. Fisher, ap- peareds in Support of ii tletitioli to have yi' oilirdtei of aittachmtetnt set lisidti on [lie ground of irregularity. Thle pi-titioner, who ih one of thre late solicitors of Eurl Fe rrelts, hail neglected to Pilt in anr ansawer to a li Ii filed ...


... CITY c U(J117' Uk iLCQ(E.STS. it iu I l h]11 in ;1 Ve n 1 or 1 fll Erio. !in ilr 111. ton Sntiirdlny ?? ! Iwe.s Ohi an.l :.t illteli-la,, f~llipli ?? tie Qivcti'.. lie ii fhcoc'ilr~ey, lsi~leinoo, e'ucoei~o I Ai ,r. ?? in ' PI ?? ill ?? \\ nil1, lto 2i S,, ?? ii;ilil:t o1l iolt it i? ' bern lal 1I,, r. ?? ?? iiSiii5 i ii:1 Tlnn I Sllppo-r 'he nmot urice paoll ?? tule ' )li' ll Nas ?? I!C niee ...


... LAW IATELLIGENCE. COURT OF CHIANCERY-WFI)NESDAY. [Before the Lords Commissioners, Sir C. PEuys and Sir J. BosANiQlYr T.] THE FIStH4ONOE118 CO)MPANY V. THItE LORDS OF TIlE TR1ASuRLY. 'this appeal was argued on Monday. The question, it will be recollected, was, whether the Lords of the 'Treasury, who had been compelled by Act of Parliament to purchase cer- tain wharfs on the banks of the Thames ...


... AW INTELLIGENCE. APPEALS.-HOUSE OF L.ORDS. a [B~eforei Lurds LYNsorIoTir IDEvoN;, Pr.Neati, and CoitaM ~10Y ANDt OlTIntr V. B1501 AMti 011Ps. h T'his was an appeail tront a decree of thle s ?? which bad been affirmed by Lord Chincellor B~roughtam th directing that certain annoities granted toi tilto appellanti th should be considered as ?? tront the 5th day of' May, mt 18-24. It appcarcd that ...


... LAW INTKLLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANC'EY-FAIDAY. nd Sir ti [Beiore the Lordi( Commcshnioiers, Sir C. Perys a n ? J. BOsAN-Qt-T.1 t ri7 5iiil\ N'5R' COMPANY ?? T51XlRSl t ooeHRsTY. t l'he argumnents il thiis ?? vs ere resumed tlrsrm,.ratin. .Nr. Kritin rT on behill'of thle S Aietv, proceeded tocontand C thit the bill'row filed by the Skianners' Company and thoie a Other Conpaesv who appe.tild in ...


... LAW 1A71 I.LI(;EA'CE. ?? I ?? t'lli'tNltt-, I tee iii ?? I : ?? . I t? liii I ? * I- tit ' it., iii.- I o' it I t t 'I itt tilt lit! Ii ?? itt ii. 'it ut - ?? tt 0 ii It '1 2' iii,' ? iii Ut - ' - ?? vi? ii Itt . . t - I ?? ii - ?? ' 'I ?? I t.i It 't it Itt' ii ?? pt..KtPx .?xor t? V tt4ltiti ?? o.t it viola u. it. 2 t . ?? it- ?? a' I ?? I' It' Ltt it' ¾' tit U' ' t .t ?? ?? 'ti ill ...