... POaL ICXs. An old man named Coker, who has been many years a labourer about Billingsgate-market, was brought UP, having got drunk and abused the officers who took care of hin. The defendant, it appeared. has been in the habit of working from three in the morning till eight, and-generally has had the remaining 19 hours to spend between drinking and sleeping. Mr. Hobler-Why, I am afraid you will ...


... P 04 £CA. FOUGERY IN THE CIry.-A young, man ofrver respect- able appearance, named George RBiaie, was brought before- the Lord Mayor, in the custody ef Roe, the officer, charged with having committed a forgery upon the banking house of Stone, Martin, and Stone. The circumstances of ttnecase excited somne curiosity. Rebecca Staples, housekeeper to Mr. Thomas Jiarigua, a $panish merchant, whose ...


... 4pJU141 e . DUSTY BOB AND HIS Oss.-A flying dustman, named Robert Swain, alias Dusty Bob, was brought before tile Lord Mayor, charged with having stolen a bottle of Champagne and a bottle of gin, the property of Mr. Callon, a wine. merchant. The cellarman of the prosecutor stated that the prisoner was, a few days ago, employed next door to the prosecutor, in clear- ing away the contents ...


... RELLPI'IUN OF 'JIEE POUR LAW CoMvmIsSIONEu AT CARLISLE. (Abridged from the Carlisle Patriot.) EXTRAORDINARY CASE. Thursday last was the day appointed by the Poor Law Commis- sioner for addressing the magistrates and overseers, and all others interested in the poor laws, at Carlisle. Before eleven, the time appointed, a number of weavers and other operatives mustered near the spot. i G. G. ...


... DAt': Y't~u kkiw ~U~~vutilebtor.' (ourto These lU; r. coMgissiowfr Hat-Is.) ~tlie dischitge of-thei-n rous ti Oqtsti; e i enfljdeaga, I cbrcujt. They have 'gat fr'dm feii'o'dldk i~t~i doni~l iii-the evediij,,67ehoftbegr',tat mass of business which was befoete~ado ontii st 'towards enabling the applicants fr eift e hs-uea,~ll ~thbir families on this day. Wbhey xbi~itiwio a hwfh~lt' Iidba of a ...


... S.URhR I;Y SESI'VAS-- I VEDN.SD.4Y. [rl ?? I 1. Iioic).i s, liv, and a f'll Bench of M)lagistiate,.J iLi:. a ?? , a Do tih le of pieloFC n appanrante, the dakih Ii r ott art Oft l 11i hop growc- in ?? 'n di Ciitr fcw it al lig t Cvo C iltit irlilge ...


... FVIDENCE TAKE1N BEFOR1E Triir C0I113r1liIONIEil, SATUIIDAY, rm3ii UAcY 20, 1836. rY. [C,{nqi 011111 rilOM . TE iOi1' i (~Iiitl~Ct C (F YESTERDtAYi. iety is Comlparing the dili-ipline ot our1 armly With' that Of tht it tile Prussoians, do you conceive tha~tour Hi~ei~lioe for all purpto-es pated. in thle liold is the(, more effectuall, or thitejc -Not to be coot- nit iii a pan d. We could liv'e ...


... CORONEARMS INQU'EST. On Wednesdliy aftcrnoon in inquisition wns held at the King ol Prussia, before Mr. Stirling and a highly respectable jury, on the Iomty ?? Arnold, who was burnt to denth in the fire at Finchlity. Ihomas Gregory, ostler to Mr. Parberry, of the Queen'e Head Inn, depoied that lie knew the deceased, who was a lh uliorjng rral, and was occasionally employed jobbing at the inn: ...


... POLICE INTFLLIGENCE. (-ILDiALL. 'iesteidiy Eleano? Lsimp, a poor wo&man, who voas w charged wsill piltloilwn a chiclen iron! the FtaI ot Mr. Plortt, it poulserer in X\wgate-nrarket, ?? finally examined befirt, Sit Peter Lautrie. She having been imprisoned lor sonic days, the pro-ecutoi did not press the charge, and the miagic- trate diwlargesd hei. A charree was ?? made again't IVimnel , a ...


... POLICE INT&LLIGENCE. BO0W-STREET. i terday Arniha Bonas, tile dIA% er ol thle Del) i ?? Co0 i, and Richard GiOrdinier, tile giard of tihe - i e etretgc, apppekatd on surnimou's to ansve: ?? laid by the llorioudible Newiton lellowe-, Alp., c gilit g thein with baving been gailty of rude blavio iii tbnltl !. him, lie being a pussenger by theii coach at thue tije. Air. leleles stated that on the ...


... SHERIFFS' COU'RT-TUMRSDAY. SMiTiH V. GAINtFOiD. Thii was all action involving a question of considerable imiportance to brousekeeper3 in generd.l It nppearied frons tie statenient made on behalf of the plaintitt, that tihe delenlantt is a lady or property, living in 1 iliton-crveeruat, and the plaintiff was ina her sel vice as cook. Tihe plailititf entered tle de-enidait's service in November ...


... any Yesterday a Court waq hell to receive the report of the committee of the whole Court in relation to the Aluici- pll Intitutions of Ihe City; and upon other importrnt busiulesi. k. Mr. SAVAU F. presented a petitirn from Esther Ager, a and plumilber andI rdizer, in lFtter-liuse, who had been compelled vac, in 1J'5 I. tidke up her fieedom at an expense of.£46 17s. 8d., 3mi- praying that thw ...