... SHERIFFS' COU'RT-TUMRSDAY. SMiTiH V. GAINtFOiD. Thii was all action involving a question of considerable imiportance to brousekeeper3 in generd.l It nppearied frons tie statenient made on behalf of the plaintitt, that tihe delenlantt is a lady or property, living in 1 iliton-crveeruat, and the plaintiff was ina her sel vice as cook. Tihe plailititf entered tle de-enidait's service in November ...


... any Yesterday a Court waq hell to receive the report of the committee of the whole Court in relation to the Aluici- pll Intitutions of Ihe City; and upon other importrnt busiulesi. k. Mr. SAVAU F. presented a petitirn from Esther Ager, a and plumilber andI rdizer, in lFtter-liuse, who had been compelled vac, in 1J'5 I. tidke up her fieedom at an expense of.£46 17s. 8d., 3mi- praying that thw ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS-MONDA Y. These sessions commenced this morning, at the Sessions- house, Clerkenwell, before Mr. Sergeant ANDREnWS, Chair- man pro tem., and a full beach of magistrates. The calendar contains the names of 65 prisoners, charged as follows:-Assaults, 13 ; assault with intent, I; idle and disorderly, 36; misdemeanour 2 larceny, 11; threatening,2. GAMING iHOUSES. Mr. ADoLPHuS ...


... 130w-STREFET. BntrAT. ASSAUlT.-Oi Saturday Iliemas Coaley, a rutlianly-looking fellow, was brought up on the following charge:-Mr. Jefferie-, a gentleman residing in Fssex-street, in the Strand, stated that the defendant and four other men ciame to his house with a cart for the purpose of taking away the dust from complainaats house. Mr. MiSHUstL..: Is he one of the persons called flying ...


... INSOL VENT DEB TORS' COURT-TuESDAY. [Before the Cuier Comr ISSIONEn and Messrs. Commissioners B~OweN, and HARRIS-] Samuel Johrnson, described as formerly of Addle Hill, Doc- tors' Commons, victualler, was heard ipon hispetition, which was opposedi ay ir. WOODROITPI, on belalf of Mir. Henry 1Thomas, a builder, for a debt of J360. Mr. COOKE suppor ted the insolvent. From his examination it ...


... LAW NOTICJE; DA) . COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTtiMINSTlER. Sitiigs it tell. Seal Dy.-Kay v Thompsion, appeal part ?? v Toltelove, ?? for ?? re Dovenley Ilospital, motion. Appo1al Motiots anid Motiona wiil be afterwards heardl, anti Taylor v Waiters's appeal. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WFSTMINSTER. Sittiags nt ten. lotiois . ROLLS' COURI', WESTMINSTELt. Sittiags at tell. Motions, and Robert v ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY-W IRDNESDAY. LOCK V. COLMIAN. This was an appeal from ain order of the Vice-Chancellor, argued a few days ago. His Lordship now gave judgment. 'The bill was filed to recover possession of certain lands held under the custom of the manor of 'Inunton Dean, in the county of Somerset. The de. ftrcdant claimed to retain those lands under an as. ignment from the heirs of the widow ...


... SPAIATM ALlEl:GE) TREACllEIIV O( GEN.C(OIIDO A. Il he Hlirt brig, Osprey cutter, and Royal Tar steamier, have this week arrived from Santanderi The Osprey leit on the 9th inmtant, on which day Lord William Paiget marched to join trhe British Legion at \'ittoria, with 50 lincers and 50 urtillerinen, an(d two 12-pDunder guns. Ihe letters from A itiorira mid Santanrler, by these vessels, give a ...


... IINSOLVENT IEBT7'ORS' COURT-SATURDAY. IN THV m AT7ER or ii!! rFTITIoN oF MARY ANNORTLESS. 'This rule for a re-hearing, which has excited so much interest, had been twice before the Court, was obtained by Mr. Woodroffe, on behalf of Messrs. Bolton and Underwood, assignees of the estate and effects of the insolvent, calling upon her to show cause why she should notbe re-examined, she having ...


... POLICE if'TkLLJxL'g. I he e Im~~'l'daV, '111HUtt ?? .`,iIt , a young 1itiiai of resper- I wfl t tble exii tr, wi ic]ted *l ~i it ?? re'exattiinatiin, on a )'ca I At p ;t illj C itt notes witi mion-ip, the propercty, of' (titerIIt'l prs'eriitor ani tie pji boner, it atppealed, wsere botb ro ?? it itl fli i~--r'ice of, 'Iii-. Itr-oike'-, a Ft(ietidi'tper, resid- tjic tA trg it ~No. 47, IDuke- ...


... I MIDD)LESEX GENERAL SES.SION._-Sm. 22.1 APPEAL DA t. [Before Mr. Sergeant ADnAMS, Chirnan, and a full Bench of Magistrates.] ?? Br3whes appeonle'l againist a conviction by M lessn.s llroughton and (rove, at ?? for enieavouring to force XV illinin Baylev, a person carrying on the trade mlid business of a goidbeater, to make Ha alteration in his mode of regulating and carrying on his said ...


... (COIONERS' JNQUES7S. Least night an inquift Wtis ?? lieforv ;\lr.Payne, at the laieon, Falcorn-square, Aldlsrsgat s.treet, on view ot tile bodiy ot AMr. Francis Lfll, rged 5 3, a respectatble silk-nranufactirrer rcridlinc in the above square, who put a period to his existence unlfir tie iollowing melancholy circumstancet. Mr. Charles Lea, son of the deceased, deposeri that he rae called up ...