... LAW EVI'IlLJ1.1 A;UAi. ?? III O)l CIANCERX'Y-FltL i,. 'ftIV D'(i . 00 oi F O11)1ti) -, I F. itit MItt SO (ll' AtiERI (I:. 'li, wi~i. at I:leir ?? e StlS, tri.tittilI bY ?? nolble p!;tliiitjtE for the PJii'i-ie of ailt riiig thio mai ritigo ?? ofl tIW 2 Ia I qtn. se mi lI 1 arcijune5s of Abercoin. 'I he StYICtTOII it. vn *1. noil 21 r. W. Rtse t.Ij. yte'I ?? . Circums!awl-s wi,, t rci whiji ti ...


... LA U' NOT1CES-Tims DAY. C(tliltI' OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN.-Sittings at teit. I;Y'~arte 1111, I itotie, ?? v Wade, ?? heard- ! FalBi~le V : tlitocs, ttbe s;;!ie to, Afttr whicil, appeal motions and motions. Vf('t'.CAN1'1,i.OJlR' Cot!'r, 1.INCOLN'.SINN.-913tatten. Motinon'.-Alotdtrryrc a harry eeoclat alfpanttwo; byotier - i;idd v illd, ditto. IiOLLT.S' ?? ?? CIIANCllnY-LANE.-Sittings at ton. ...


... CHESHIRE- AS9SIZES. I I . a, ?? . - It.n BpEAKUZI. INTO ATWAREHOLSE.-,JameSYates, 20,was indikted for breaking .into.the isarehouse.of, Perdinaud, andl .11!1a Jackson, at Macclesfield,'on the 22nd D2erh.' Ger. Intl 'tealing moneyto the. aiuount'ofof-£1 18s, 6d-' Ther, ?? another-coantinthe.indictment cb-areg him asvithctnling as a servant.- ?? Fctdihant Jisonde. 'posedi, that ho in conjunctido ...


... ?? -1.t1 ). rayANR ?? r On Friday, the 2:3d of September, en inquest baa was held at tle Gyfellen Colliery, near Newbridge, inp before Lewis lReece, Esq., Coroner of the ,'Eastlern troI Division of this county, and a respvectable Jury, awI, e on tle body of 'rhomas David, aged 21, who died ?? yesterday, from the injuries inflictedl by Thomas Ioc t ileyrick and Thomas Francis; wvhen tie fiilo ...

Cheisea Petty Sessions

... ,iCebsea Petty Sessions. Ts~gnup IllU AH Y IUtas; OF ST. lUKB e a .D TU eF PAI t;[ ttaS. -TJ0s mnornitg upwmards of oneihiudred inliahitauts.of tIte.above .parish sof aotnbteelhuadvred whbo bad bee.summoonied at the intapce ef ;te dtorvh trustees, appeared betoreGem;rge Bugue. Esq.,j4md _ Edgell,-Esq., cQUnty Jagistrates, toshow causewhiy 4beyhad -egecied or, refused to pay a rate 'of ...

Court of Requests, Kingsgate-street

... CVourt of Mequests, :Kingsgate-street. Could ia Sterne or a Mackenzie pay a visit to .these dreary Coults, a sad tale of human mismly would be unfolded. A whole pair of pannier full of buns (solid pudiling or two-inch bread and butter would look too ostentatious) would scarcely satisfy the cravings er appease the wants of the poor children, who for lack of any one to take, care orf theta at ...


... COEO1?ERf?' I1?QUEST?. FArAL OtiNlaus ACCrDstT.-Tuesday eveninj a lengthened itnquify took place at the Angel Inn, High.street, St. Gilea's, before M r. Stirling and a Jury, on view of the body of Richard Cooper, a fine youth, 13 years of age, who was killed by tin omnni- bus, on Saturday evening last, in High-street, St. Gilee's under the following melancholy circumstances:- Robert Rose, in ...


... D013THUMSERL&ND ASSIZES. T14C'IRSDA.Y, ,Ie77LI% 2iS. After havinltg litlcllited divin~e Se~rvice ait St Nicholas .Clturcti, Allt J ostic 0 'ilg, pt't(,i.Iitti~iitt aqijiiitllerbeliti-e I 'o uelick, to tile (:iulit) Court, %% ~II( lile i~lolssaitgglitteniiez,, tIl- e Isivuri Iii tile grall jijW DIMd 0(.Ils~ttli, chilllighiglet, foretlatli 1 ueiuh, 1, ' ~qt Himn FI. T. Liddell, E lin, tm; ?? ...


... COURT OF krXG'S B3ENCII, Nov. 17. 'I TIIE KliNG v. TiSli P1IOIRTWr'OUS OI THE MAN. CHrESTrlir GUA.RDIAN. Mr. Crosswell (with whom was; Mr. POO ) said ,that he Iid heen instructedl onl behalf Of Mr. Itoyds, to apply to their Lov dships for a mrle to show Cause why a erinrinal inforrllatioir should not be liled agairrst the defendrants, for a libel lubflished by themn, Pi ttile chrae. ter and ...


... HOMElr ('11Ci -ti 0RsitLIt, FinnDrs. U 1( N)\ N ( t ilI.. L efore l~ord Chief.! irsticeO ?? It ita is Dic'ier'ar n silversm ith, was indrr'ttd fur burgla- raiosfyv irelikirig aridC entering B1ak.-hull, lit Iobiringv% oitit, the rosilonce ot Capef Cure, Esq., air thle Hitli of lastidetubor. uand sitealingrit quantity of plate, his property. MrT. Jls see conduclted tire prosecution. 'I 10 ...


... WOOL I 1ICl PETTY' 1 ,EiSlOS-i ulAY. [BefFor R. S I ACI, Esq., ehairman; I)r. W AoISON, and I'nos. LNODNi, ELsq.] Iluy Aliill, a young isoeuinn lashiuliably attiredl, and l)V business ii dresi-nmaker, as brought belore tile above-nallned rimicistrates for re-exairination, churged svitb stealing a vi. riety ofi to icles, the property of urs.. lary Wlilkittson, ie- Siding in Ciharlus-atrmetl 'o ...


... 13BO V- S'lTi1 E ET. Yestitdny, .Mr. Ferstandlv:, a (iertnan, whose name, a fev years since, came betere the public ans connecte(d with n chargeplrefrred ingninst him bya Air. %k tiks, olletuiuitg sont, papets whicrl hinl been entritcld to lilia, tipplcirl to Air. Alinshlill fore ?? upaginst the ('olmilittie of tue li- terary ,lundt Srciety, for rte ii- ito tl grant him an al lowanrc out of ...