... LA.W lPvTELUIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH-SArunDAY. [Sittings before Lord DEM5MAN and a Common Jury.] I.AY Y. 1AWS 5)oN. Mr. Tttetmrr, and NJ r. ARiCIHBLOLD appeared for the plain- tiff; Mr. A ICItHOLD, in the absence ofhis leader, stated the case to the J sry. This was ain action of libel which the plajitill',a traadesmatn, had found it tiecesarytobringagaisttlhe defendant thb publisbei of ...


... **LAFV INTELLIGENCE. Id COURT OF CHIANCElkY-Tvesnay. n At half past ten o'clock Sir C. Pepys, accompanied by tie *nl Aaster of the Rolls, the Vice Chancellor, and the Mllastcr e Wingfield and Dowdeswell, entered the Court with the uc'a r ceremonies. Theoaths of allegiance aned supremacy, 3nl B. the onth for the due li'scharge of the duties of the office Qf Lord Chancellor, were then ...


... CROYI)O PETTY I1ESSIUNS-SATt flDAY. [ Bi!ore T. It tii, ?? nlt i Il ts sit, EL;q.l lI E BlUl'(iL AI, Al' ?? IlP LIA )-11 L.L CON'. i F:-i-ltl. N UO' O.N I: (F I' l1' PARI'TY. At the s;ttilg ol tih belich on amilutdaty, (olcililat, the chief oo'iltaolt of C'ro n * came bltortre t h ji'tuastarats for uile purpost ot t wti im o qiritte . ith tile foiltowitta sing ltat tat rtent w it il hat ?? ?? ...


... LAW I lTEL LIGEN CE. CO(.URT OF CHiANCEIIY-WIFNun DAt'. [13tfore the Lo lt, CIIANWL~lIAM aild Sir ?? . PI I HOArQUtII II riI ?? Ie; coNMPANY V. 'III 0 IP I SIT '0111 FIi. 'ihe nirguillenit, in thes ease were re-itredi t16 1i lwil'li-lI t thet I i W ?? (iFLiONL~iN 0 fil ho pperl I. 'Io I te SIT C s I sud with Sait C. XWi, iii ecuII, !or t ho' Cotuporai)n of London. MV. 1K NIV RbiiEYi cand .1r1. ...


... LAW lMiELLIGFNL'R. COURT OF CFlAN(Fl?Y-MoNoti. tiritnoto t n?Pts. I he foim of action sugirosted by tie Lord Charicel' br on a former day wo agreed to to-day, and the ?? otdered to lie brouti ht wit htn a fort night. It is to be an acilsin of e?ectntent lye the heir-at-law of Mis. Newton, the teetatija, in the cause egainet the plaintil in tile suit, who is her dovisee, I he qenetion to ts ...


... LA ITV IA'TELLJGENCE. C'OURTI 0OF CHiANTICIY.-JTUESAnat. 'lbise vwa an op pea from - on ?? Ut tile X ?? dlirecting thre Master to it viewI% lis rep oit Wvith respect to the runilitir of journit ~, and thie expenske atitendant on ?? %N ]bicl si 'oud ht' aflowiI to Mfr. ('haric ltui ton Wyatt toe I ~-ctil ,i c'iii itt P',ir,, onl chaffa of tili,' priii ill the caulac gaiti 4 e Mr. Parke 'Ibe ...


... ?? h or-y (*r - , II lo W1 l.1AI c! pII I. IHt ! Ie- - 2 . ith .I I th I I l It i'y Ai* I ti t w w ( I. ,.i , ?? eI Fei U (X-. 1,1 i.u .; . :. ! i i t ( x .; c, 1 I . q' I 1, uI prire, I'i e, : n M.prr', (lee ?? l'r. ! p~r. ire, lie'~l ::p; err (m ! e n.(; I) 11 to , Ir 1I Ip II ! 1 'i ' ?? F! r 1\ . P1i) >2 I I'ee j ( h ' i 'or ti , ; e ' rp y 1' , w ci , :e ! V 1 i' ?? p ?? liltI : iU ...


... | A NrSI( N-1 10 US F. t Ierlday an ti v r1y rlaon, namned J ! e ielles 'iAs a Ii lit ii,. Il+;.re It e ' ord Mila or, chargeil witl, huving ob - tained poreioit of three £110.1 and iliree II1) Blink of Eog- ilnid not-, aunder the eCrculmtance, me titne d in the follow- virierhlei, e taken unier rx\aminaiition by Alr. Bush, lie qo. licitur til the (comrvittue of ?? for protutioni against | ri ...


... ATTlEJPT ON THE LIFE OF LOUIS PHILIPPE. EXTRAORDINARY EXPRESS FROM PARIS. MORNING CHRONICLE OFFICE, MONDA Y MORVING, TWENTY MINUTES To SIX O'CLOCK. We have just received the Jouernal de Paris, published on Saturday night, which contains the followvillg:- a This evening at six o'clock an assassin, armed with a walking-stick gun, who had lain in wait near the gateway leading from the Tuileries ...


... LAWJJ' INTELLIGE'jN'CE. cut C'OhURT O31 onr, INT Hlk, 1AH ?? OF 1111 G[Et%3ut I ,t1L% scilrloli 'ei Tlis-, wie aI le-tino ' of tia gover-tol an ti ui icce of' tlie Itir Shiiit-ury lree G~raimmar Salici, pla~ying tbct thet-c% may ?? Ide' toveeteti o iii tileright of pri ,i-intaiott to ci rtiiin ct-cile-ia'tical alt pre-brimcnt-, Lithcrto hit Idi iv the corporation of the city of ?? hriw-Jicry. ...


... CORONERS INQUESTS. An inquest was :held last night be fore Mr. Payne, at St saitholomew's Hospilal. Jamer s'inoai, a patrol, said he was on duty about eiglit o'clock, on the 14th instant, in Skinner.stieet. A gentleman told him a man had been knocked down by one of the post- hoys of tile Twopenrny Post-ofhce. fie went to the corner of Snow-hill, soil tound the leceased sitting on n mao's knee, ...

Court of Requests, Kingsgate-street

... Court of ilUeque.ts, Cin;5sgate-street. A PATRIARCHAL STOcxBROxEz.-A venerable old man, of the name of Chittle, and who next year will number ninety-eight winters, summoned a wide-awake looking gentleman, in black, for 11. 18s. The plaintiff. whose extreme age and debility excited the com- misseration and attention of the whole Court, stated that four years ago the defendant had employed ...