Advertisements & Notices

... FOR QUEBEC, /1 s - -,(WITH GOODS AND PASSENGERS,) To Sa1 yattitirelgy on the 1st of April, Tic rnem i k t:ie f~lt-SailinĀ° COrper-btseteaShip LLAN RUIMNEY, Register 385 Tons, Capt. T. SIMPSON, (late oftbe Victory.) Has most excellent Accommodation for Cabin and Steerage Passengers: - Apply to tfle Captain on Board, the South Side of the Old Dock, Di~rgzf-(e Whiteffiargate Bridge. Hull, Februz ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Practice 4 e. u ol.I essC~ may be peatfull CON1h Street, aq1Ior allthe'-a lql 4soF P. from hrlte per Celit. Pe - 10 Esc eq ae f 14 9! S6 P~~ i1') 12 1 44 10 6 17 l7 0 FO~~~ON4!4IL.?14 10 I-, jaj~zijj~' rrC~t. t4EZ 3 ON5I Cn Dhiltto, 0424 Per Cent 5uej A Pe ent. 4J4 Oreek,~~~ Per CeDOnt y er C' ec. 9, 90 ~ wo X, enthN 28 T~~~lE ILL ~~~ P A, Irrod Si atte P RivQuart er ct nna i~ ~Aeentonth a4 ...

THE Nobility, Gentry

... , and Public are respectfully infor med, the Pleasant and Romantic Grounds of the ELHSA NORWOOD, ?? extensive alterations and improvements, are now Open Daily, Sundays excepted. In consequence of the great increase of Pic-nic Parties, nuanerous Tents, Marquees, &c. have been erected in various parts, for the comfort of visitors, where parties will meet with every accommoda- tion and ?? German ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATUTION _. WATSON. No. III Drur lane, Sole Agent for the SALE of BETTS'S PAET RNH DISTILLED BRANDY. . WATSON, in returning his sincere thanks to his Friends And the Public for the very liberal support ivith which be has eean housured since he comnmenced business in Drury lane, begs to caution all parties against the falose and fraudulent tcs of hs n sneigh bourhood, who asosert that they prate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The ?? Works ar- all published by Anne Cobhett, 10, lied Lion.. court,-Fleet-street; W. Tait, Edinburgh; and W. Willis, Manchester. Just published, price os. boards, THE EN-GLISH HOUSEKEEPER; 1 or Manual :of Domestic Management: containing Advice on the Conduct of HouscholdAffairs, in a separate Treatise on each-particular department, aed Practical Instructions concerning the Store-room, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tefollowinj Warks are nll puiblished by Anne Cobbett, 10,'Red Lion- n; ,Juqt published, price 6s; boards, T~El ENGLSH H -USEiKEEPER' AL, ?? 9f.,missetlc Managceinet:~containingAdvice'on the Cqducteofl ?? its, in a separate Treatise on ekc priua el~attncn, ?? 'cnceeilaig the Store-roomn,.the dtaty' tiloa Larder, thmelitcen, the Cellar, th'e'Dairy. 'Together with Ea'tefj~~,wtht be meanusof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARISH OF BRIGHTON. NkTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an Adjourned . Public VESTRY MEETING of the Inhabitants of this Parish will be held at the Town Hall, on FRIDAY, the 9th day of September instant, at Seven o'clock in the Evening precisely, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Committee appointed at a Vestry Mleeting held on the 12th day of August last, to examine the Accounts of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DAN1CING AND CALISTH~ENICS. un. . 4tI)NAD, ritnrr.SSOfl OF DA\~Cttsr, toIbit' er e wionl-1 thee List crlsli, i V i!tiv' ilifitilltti', thim, ell 1:11VtS Ioi'tt (if t ?? distiiieoishedi'i I in~iivis, he will rigaini JOI poii his CLANS,4-i, ill itis! '1TOlN'.MIA I. Of I. 5'E~t iM 1, ?? Isint lile .411 it toII its styI ~I 'I fDIlII vI'nI, Iii'e latpies ii uviS I xitil 11 shirc of tlatiP Iatitol. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUJRCHIASERS OF GlLASS, CHZNA, ANDl EARTHENWAiSE,:, AlSN INVITED TO The Staffordshire Wareroom~s, ST. MICHAEL'S STEPS. A S the Advertiset is in constant communication with Manufactories of the first respectability and eminence, and confines her Siales almost exclusively to, Ready Money Custom- era, she can not only pledge herself to the QUxtIofY ithe Articles, but can sell them on the very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIASSENURS{.-For MADRAS, LAIT PNE, C ptein CnOARK~t Kvbtp, :* I Peek; r I t Dt c the I'Mt lostont, for :,e .Alsega crint thenIceO it lie l4ilc entr cli kii5s Wlilc WS' ?? pacageei * I cot'ci)I. nn. I. ciet Sit, Heir-us, or it 'Nit ,l I IIlA IA. ti NI ?? llII-(L(A, NXiii not receiv C A!of et eer ary. thc river built -thip ptle Ii JIHN LOURAin. lo c l. er PAcceei'tCT9 at lIcIrtflhiioith. ,IIi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2114 Cb MMIERCIA.L CLERTKS'SOC-ETY.-M. GEO. WADSWORTH respectfully acknowvledgeS the kindness of those Members and FriendO who sought by; their support to confer upon him the honour of Seeretarydiiip to their benevolent instltutiof. 12, Princess-street, 11th August. 1*36_ BNK OF ?? is lereby gicen that the ANNUAL GENERAL ,1LEETING'of the Proprietor, of the Bank of Manchester, svill lie heist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M*h+N'CHESTER MIUSICAL STIvAL. T HE Committeei m be to/ nolnce to the T PilbUtt that the FE STIVALi be Ield on the -week commencing tIe- 12th 9eptemrber, I5b. NEC ESER EXCHANGE. AT a M1EETING ot Gentlemen, held this A dity, it being inalemouh'l agreed'that the accomnmoda- tion afforded bY the prteent 'Fxchange was totally inale- quate to the great increase of thle population ant commerce of ...