Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Tuoeday, ithc 6th inst. at thu; Colegia'e Church, Manchester, Air. Johni Scott, of Gr1osvenor- quare, Chf- ton-upeo-)fedlock, to Aliss Ellen Davies, s,?cond dlaugh.. ter' of Mlr. Davies, forcriely of this town. On Thtbusday last, Itichard Jackson to Margaret Tay- ior.; onl TuCSday, William Fox to Ann Inhtgart; on Monday, Thomas Everitt to Ann Walimiley. Onl Monday last, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 6th instant, at Fife House, Whitehall, the Vis- countess Milton, of. a daughter. This dvent eonter.c the title of Viscount Milton upon Lord Fitzwilliam's second son. On the lOth-instant,. the Lady Alics Peei, ofs a daighter-- On the 28th ultimo, at Cahir Houseq Cirsistopherlie Mansel Talbot, M.P. for Glalorgasi to the Right Hon. Lady Charlotte Butler, speoil saughter of the. b4e and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I tuirt})%, ftlarviagr, & !Frattj0. BIRTES. t On the 27th uit., Mrs. ] vans, of Friars Terracc, in this city, of a son. On the 7th inst., Mrs. Hughes, of Vaynol Ilouse, Carnarvon, of a daughter. Onl the 4th inst., at thet Chancery, Beaumaris, Alirs. HIugh Jones, of a son. .IA 1RIAGES. ; On the 7th inst. at this Cathcdial, by the Rev. J. llamer, Mr. Edward West, of lUimchotsc, Middlesex, s to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' XD ?? 3i1rtti0.'-'' . On Thursday last, the lady of R. F. 14eusman, Esq. of Lune Bank, near Lancaster,; of a son and heir. Ont tse26th ule.,at Eatonpislace, London, the lady of William lwarc, gsq. M.Pe taf a son. Wartag On T aesday Iast , MIr. Pdtrick tenn p to Miss Susannal Livesey; Mr. John Hodgkirsoti;toMiiss Elizabeth llolhe; on Monday 'last, Mr.' IJ'sepit' olding,' to Miss Margaret ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Thursday last, at our Parish Churchrby the rRev. James Pedder, vicarof Garstang,_tbe Rev.. John - Pedder M.A., oft Kirkham; secoed son;so the lateRev, Jenmes Pedder, vicar of' Garstang, to l4arierc4, eldest dauglhter of Jarnes Peddr, Esq. of Ashtoix Lodgle. near this town. On Monday, the 2nd inst., at' tin 'pyivate V~tltlic Chapel, Clitton Hill, near lAinchster, and on the followiiig 'day ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Wednesday last, by the Rev. R. Carus Wilson, Mr. Peter Watson, to Miss Martha Ibbotson Fielding. On Tuesday last, Thomas Rose to Margaret Walker; on Monday, Richard Brooks to Agnes Hargreaves, Wil- liam Brooks to Elizabeth Dennison ; on Saturday, John Ball to Ann Taylor, William Park to Mary Taylor. On the 20th inst., at the Parish Church, Leeds, Mr. D. W. Banks, professor of ...

IPSw [CI, :tr~dpr Xo

... peanfcr 0 S BzRTHs_.-n June last, at Port Louis, Mauritius, the lady of Capt. O'Brien, 87th regt., of twin sons, one still-born, the other only survived 10 days-l6th inst., at Redgrave. hall, the Lady of Goo. St. Vincent Wilson, Esq., of a son and heir. MARRIED. 9th inst., at Wldtehaven, the Right Hon. Lord Tharlow, to Sarah, only daughter of Peter Hodgson, Esq. : 9th inst., by the Rev. George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF M4DAKE MALIBRAN. We regret to: have to announce the death of this celebrated vocalist. After a short but painful illness, which commenced on the Wednesday after the opening of the Manchester Musical Festival, she breathed her last on Friday night, at the Mosley Arras Hotel Manchester. Madame i'1alibran was engaged to sing at the Manchester., Norwich, Worcester, and Liverpool festivals ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nil:.TrloCiNUS IN IloUNIIUI OF' THE 1111Ii ''ll0 1A SON AiNi HEIR ?? SliR JOHN VLitiE:tS. ?? p'rliei' ten:ri try it tlre tupper litricts of rlis C0ou::tV, r i billg jil'ortim Iorl' rire',i bit ill ) I si nll bci I-,rit IIrrirury lIose, i:rrirerliawltey Ic- solvned to deiltorl7i rtrn, hy mrirhble fosti ties, the eriver.::l joy whicli tbr welculrre rllteilipelice httid dilljitedI. Avcotiiilgiy, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | TEE LATE zM. ROTSCHILD' ' i - . F I # :4. z ! !. ;I i 'I - I . A *Eeco~uiter bad been -pretty ~ieU &Ien1bhe4' ithljhe x64~t iie ?? this binjob~ moe-6dr~id, .th~ oleale auiber~*whkatheff BrgtS ;tt ljotvee~;, ;j~ h '!t'dh ea¢t~h of Mr. Rothschild; 'ia ihich hias just tkkenjula~ee at Fiukfort, is an event of no small importance in the political world. From smalI beginnings he, attained, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SIRTSS. At Leith, on the loth current, the Lady of the ReveJAMrE GRANT, of a daughter. At Tillery, on the 9th current, Mrs CHAMerns HUNTSR, of a son. MRR IED. At Londol, on the 16th of August, MDr DAvmD LITTrEaOE1N, to AGNEs LoCKv, second daughter of alr John Pea', Cus- toms, Leith. At Carberry, an the llth current, THOmAs SMiTH Mac- cAt!., surgeon in Musselburgh, and assistant-surgeon to the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF CHARLES X. The death of the ?? of France, Charles X. was announced in Paris on MN5ondity. 1-is Majeoty -died on the 6th inst. at Goritz in Jilyria. TIhc Royal Exile, with his family, lately removed from the Castle of Pragic, much to the annoyanceof the Austrian Government. Ot the 4th inst. the King was in good healtb, and joined his family in cele- brating the anniversary of St ...