... HAT'TON -GA R D IEN. 30-ioPt Ael A.50.AG', ~- ) -ster-da Mr. Johsu Firncctt, i psiiting at tie-unj, l~oonocs, bruci stert this ofilce, which lIe( haid received from the tioteriusi Joseph Aildy. 'thle folloising ci cope- I It is the(- ?? riglit of erery liiit/ili stbject to enit- ploy his capital andi exertions in any manner tie may thmink pilsptir, ant coutrat y to (lie laos, of his couintry ...


... NWRTHlEIN, ecIILutlT-LANCAI-ITLn. MON>D.\. [130fte ?? J Ustice ('CO.I ?? iC.) oO, W . IAdIllAt 1. W tiIClIT. Ihtie ?? lor tF e deteedlit haming been concluded *.lsortly atl(l the ope ring of the court on ?? niornmig, Mt. (lt iLI.I 1)'jlrlieedelitoa l,lrcsctlhe juiy for the plitintifl. ?? ti eot.i . terocy ol tlu testator had btien ( ndodevoute(t to loe ?? tedl ?? ]L,;,Yrned, ( 'millsel for ...


... POLICE JNTE[,LlrENCE. MANSION-R(tol1SPlit Yesterday Phrrie.1dsrovn, a girl Ei,aat lIH years of age, was brough up foe hiol txantinotion upon the charge of having reeleoed and harhoured a feode chbild seven months old, the daughter ofa trades. 111,11 0f lethnal green ' ottoeti l'atworthy, knowing that the childt hail been otainiiied by Ifra ld frimoia little girl riajued Itiza Souter. The m- ...


... CROYDON PETTY SESSIONS.-JAN. 11. SINGULAR CASE. A young female of very prepossessing appearance, named Claras lilinson, was yesterday broughtbeforethe Bench, charged with steeling a watch, value six pounds, the pro-, perty of a farmer named Gutteridge; and a man named Jarns' Decker was charged with inciting her to commit the felony, and afierwards receiving the watch, knowing it to have been ...


... POLIC'( E.IXY ..IUI?JVCh. DOW .'TIUJ L: ?? Ye-tprd.',' ilttt't .r in itldlir, v, o imol-od ti ?? wit'h ICI:liig-e ie! ja-t tlili ini fit' lall~ t1 (;pIr-llily Owf jtivellierY anld olJ r * i- e In i-e tl p''rt e lI tp.oL 'rot (A ll '.A.rts I, it' ItJllzini'rIitrixiArle( -otoluie(4ta-!la up trtx '11 . l ati~: t a ltloupl Mlr. JI nttti:i, Toh iippe.tral for the p'nnrt' .liotI, aCdirt, ed S it 1: ...


... P1F:06MA 1 \E COU TI- 'It TLDAY. it [ IBelore SnI 11. 31\4 I0eI.] ?? 44'~ t ), 141 lII g~ti w liri) a ' ult to Spu N ?? I the Xi 4I1,11 4,fI he l4 itte Mr. Jamoes Wool, Of (ibid -Ier, pro)poonbdio g onl It1 god -elwiil to thet o'.ill. I i' ?? Ilailor died )i hl- 2Ilth of April, I 6 Sridll , pocs~st-ie of e ry co'i, rdt Table property, tile dl? -t ?? l :le ?? pi~ne, II ifl the alletionliif to ...


... INSOlVENT DEBTORIS' COUlJI I HDAI. [leforc Mr.r Conlnisnoli lae Bol IN.] This day the CourtrcIsrned i~s sitings, when ,9srah ?? *as opposecl by Sir, W\'OIlIGIaOim, on behalf of 10I . John Ashley, solicitor. Mr. Cooei, supported thle itisolvent, from whose examnma- tion itappeared theat her husband imet wvithl his death in August last, by being thrown out of a gig, since Nw lhich time she bal ...


... MARLBOROIUGH STREET. DARJING RosErt.-Elizabethl ?? and Jane Redldy were yesterday brought before MIr. Chambers, charged by Eliza- beth Thomas with the follrwing daring outrage and robbery. The prosecutrix saic she was passing through M1aidenheed- passage, Silver street, on Monday afternoon, about 5 o'clock, vs ith a bundle when she .was sudderlv laid hold of by one of three females who were ...


... MtU RDER 01 A CHILIJ BY 1ITS MOTHlER. On Wedneslay an ilique-it iva. IcId at the ?? of a pi r- son I,. ntred itarnint, at llorblcii, fore W. Stcrry, .LrI., coloner, on the boly of Mary A on Ros Ilille, a Ie ciiht imontho, who %a s murdlernd by b-h r mothr (r n thc a y pr-. ceding. Rock lli, tlhe fath sr of the chidl, is a jouin)linin bricklayer, a respectable nian, and his wile, wno pI vious ...


... CENTRAL CRIuIINAL (COUaRT--MAC ?? 'iliese svoskhoiR tan imettet this zertin 'H I'iedLra lMiyor, tOIc' Itelordt-, Ir. Stere atti Aral ll, (talalCiollo StCg act, ANiekrilletl Sheeritls, Sc., t(O It thlir seats tittel t'latt. hle Gra ettI Jury Were thell soI (tn, cld 'ilI h Iti(s ctittI. Proil Cededii te ulirgt thetia ic the utstiti alitintner. lIt' olseret llitat altl ill. Ily tplaity petil(it ...


... .; POOR-LhAW BILL. .The advocatesi. of his nevw Law have held -forth -t the country that a savingwas to be effected by It :workings, .while thbmpoor~themaelps -were' to be bettered ly it; but, Vrincipally, a saving of the -poclcet Was to be t he' resuit. W% hevqlways-thought, that,: uincler tbie old laws, eufficient the liaiid btX the R to ot6pas~t jirn~s were ~i~~in'th fawd o^t4iie pa- yer ...


... -Ti %Oi, i-i I- REl.4i-E5 rS_ I t 4 ?? R r , q The gravity of the C6our was most piominendv upset by a terrific row between an Irish Plaintiff fri male-afid'a Scotch ?? .f'the 8i'me gender-l 'tbey met, 'twas in a&r6W dI; lidt the ineeting of ?? iatd Rhoderick Diu was, not more impassioned; -lthonuhg- m'dre dignified: a fairer sanipleef whattmightbelei pectid from a couple of Kilkenny cats ...