... Gallon. t. 4. Fine London Gin ® ® Strong Cordialited ditto Celebrated Cream Gio (very fine) J2 Good British Brandy Patent ditto, scarcely distinguishable from French.. FOREIGN SPIRITS Excellent Jamaica Rum Wedderburn’s beat Ditto Finest Imported (proof) Martell’a Old t Brandy (proof) Old Rum Shrub Callon. 12 0 13 0 14 0 30 0 13 0 Quart, d. 2 0 2 6 0 0 4 0 Quart. 3 0 3 3 3 7 3 WHISKEYS. Ooffoo. ...

Original Poetry

... .1 I Ii I Origtital Pomp. >4 - - J 9Y Di)rZnT& O lMperus: thou bringes all good thina.-1ki r,,n. I love-the !fight I her getttle sway Chaaes each earth-born care away And, jeaslous of all allen-things, Around my home her manitle flings, Attuning ev'ry heart th sharc The! fond atcletie nr nestling there, As circled near the glowing hearth Dear voicess viell the guileless mirth; Or spirits of ...


... LITPAATURE. $elect Prose Jerhs of Milton. Vl. I. Hatchard and Son'-This is the commencement of a highly valuable series which must be eminently-useful; as rescuing from compa- rative obscuritythe thoughts and opinions of authors whose richness of illustration, depth of thought, and splendour of style, may be in vain be looked for in the productions of our own age. We fearlessly hazard this ...


... lFIIZS IN SET'TENMBER. FA * sat 1q. 11dw1o icesday, 13; Bodedeiri . im. t ml 'jii rsdimy, 1b; Beaulill- 8ltluesday, 2O; orth- \hmm ?? Ig- reimi Siturdiy, 3; lNevill, t ] ?? li t z tl] S 10; Ban gor I vidav, ;'-; ?? 11;; LIllberis mind l.limulyfni, : mli' ' rmmai'v~l' Ieuesday. ?? Pe'ill-ehiio, ?? ' icimtiC', -hmriimoii Y QI2himmmsy 6d, mmd 5 F1 o tlieicil liridemy,-J3, Beddgelert, ?? iil ...

Literary Notices

... ?? Nottfo.- . _ ?? ?? ~ Z I M ?? IT'Y ; a PLoem song in Solitude. By Tlhomnns (iazeibria, Jones. Huglles, London and sol(1 by all Booksellers. A copy of this Poem has buen sent to us for cdi- torinal notice ; bat we reitlily tind at once admntit our ialtbility to ?? j UIdgielet oil a work wlliclh his beeni framed 11a1d worked O1u1t, colisseed- ly, in utter disregard of the strict und ...


... p 1q. A ?? ONI lINI iA iil . 1. 1P-11. W\ho Could, :al 1et oult-li e thu Iilmcluing Sighlt ( ih, Av' Io ?? st alid ?? strvis of' so ?? light I ?? tii golIiT 1r ill I Iet viiot stood, luril'd lilic a1 lostl, witih ;ll thje ta e aid lustre of a A ?? cIistdillO cltl bii, to t0i1 0ouil Aiid rtliiaiit ilol lhis sacred breast suironiiid But atll tol, thiji the l)iit to shroudt For shulll itt ...


... _a_ . r. . ?? r'egret to announce that the Bisbop of London has had a serlous relapse, and has been interdiced by his phy. sicians from attetirlirrg to busijess of any iindi tcrr a consi. derable time. It wais generally rumoured in the city on Tuesday that Lord Slilg, the gover ior of Janmica, had resigned, and that his resignttion had' ben ?? joaper. This ?? we believe is correct.-Globe. ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... Miterary and Scientific Notices. Tatit's Edinbusrgh 3Msgs-iflle larceli, 1836. TAcT'S ItIAeeAnsN1r, for this month, coutacins, as usual, a good selection of rieces, its prose siar verse. We have a welt-writtell review orf NIrS Troilope's 'Paris aesl the Parisials;at it is fell of excelleet and witty citiicisrn, and sarcastic huseosir. thossgh, assa whole, it may be coosidersed too severe Onl ...


... : POETRY ?? - Oh !lo0% flP to the sort blue skyc rching aibosth~ee, bright aud fair; Cold is the helrt, and dull tio eye,l Whllich feels not, sees not tod is teT e Lool; roiild thee, or, this spacloris earth, with every varied beauty rife . ' t Starts not an; bistant tilloght to ?? Of mihn SWlhOSe presence gives it life ? t Survey the billowy, bohmdless dlop; Ts there lo voice salutes tihine ...


... IMPROMUPTU, a' On,% recent Marriage, announced in last week's Mercury. t ol U'hen tynmpathetzilcatst their Fates unite, c hlow rew have Prospeces that appear so brighl-t . . g. Or promise more conlnubial Delight 9 J What time thia earthly Pilgrimage must cease May Heaven reward them with immortal Peace r Dtield, Feb. 22, 1836. 11, = - ,-11 ...


... BEF112AST A S.O('CA Ti ON' 01 A H TJS1'Tl'' The drst exhibitito of the Bhove SOc'ety wivs op ene]d to the public, on Tuesday list. We are happy to ftid thit at lefgth, the arti ts oft this town have perceived the nev s- sity of an exhibition, not only for the pirupose of imtprovile the pdblic taste for the l'itte Arts, bitt also fto the iniprove ,nCert which it is atniversilly llowied thalt ...


... LITEfHAR V NUTICE. Tbe[f-,,e nd Abttcc of Cv1tfssiqns, 1.6ioq i/ic substance ?? ,aClt, be deliwried adth X/cMvd~ny ty' the Generalj .S~nod o U~lster isl Co& ut By I/se Rev. JAMES CARLILE, of DubNin,. 'Tis is Ia pamphlet of no ordinary description, anid in the ?? circumstances Of thle Sy'nod of Ulster it will be rind with avidity. With Mr. Carlile's views respecting tue inipropriety of ...