... MARINERS «TV AM ciiip TOWN BOROUGH KINGSTON UPON HULL, STEAM stfli' TRINITY-HOUSE. HULL. . . r . 19fA Nortmber, 1836. 9t * ,4# Town or g is hereby given. That iv JOSEPH BROWN. oo« of the Ham. TVOTICE I* HEREBY GlVlil, tar bn Pilots, it SUSPENDED tbit Cor- V that VENIRE for the TRIAL poration from acting at PILOT for the °f CAUSES in bit Majesty's COURT RHR period of TWO CALENDAR MONTHS. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Tuoeday, ithc 6th inst. at thu; Colegia'e Church, Manchester, Air. Johni Scott, of Gr1osvenor- quare, Chf- ton-upeo-)fedlock, to Aliss Ellen Davies, s,?cond dlaugh.. ter' of Mlr. Davies, forcriely of this town. On Thtbusday last, Itichard Jackson to Margaret Tay- ior.; onl TuCSday, William Fox to Ann Inhtgart; on Monday, Thomas Everitt to Ann Walimiley. Onl Monday last, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? rr iI r it o$ttl a ra, -a ?? _ _ ---t cjt _- : - tr( prs WEDNfSDAV1, Novernber 30, 183G. rel Ilimnei-At N't, Ulion Street, on the I2ttli ost. Mrs [IA .KlII, of of a daughter. co Married ?? 31, Masilslhat Street Aberdeen, onl the 23d e: inst. by the R1ev. James Gibson. Avoch, WILLIAM;N~l MACeK ., I' Esq. tolmii , tlo eresss.shire, to IsAsiMLA, second lnaugtuter of Mr AnoiuEsv )oULI.:s, late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... :a3i!x't'-hS. At Prospect Benms, Leitls, on the7th iust. :tirs Theomes Ilay, of adauaghtr. At Dustfermline, on the lst list., Jnimes i. WVarren, isq. MI.D., .Esis-otit- surgeon, (hit dregasn guards, to Catherine, daughter of the late Andlrwcw uLhaerfriad, Esq. In the bledofJoncaic, t Montage vy on the l4flisfJune, by tlit' ltee' :J(h515n Smith, A.M. WVitiam Elliot, Esq. Captaitni itI Mejty's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... April 'l itt t'ro'lotrlte ?? rootnfo tff itiuanghiati, the l.aty of the oev. N irs I vrenix, a a,. Ifc ttor auni Vicar of 1:ralrey, of a son, fin thf 2lith tlt, it', th' zev. Jatomes air I edger, or liarkonis. twna. toi ilenrritita, ai'ni cit daighttr of the Iel .foht Shaw', Irq. ?? IlL' i tilt tilt. ty tt R evt Henry loo alotle, tastitretgft, Ato Saline |M. cooper, if ih;ifsis, to. NiVkry, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNE , 1) J A kt D Ec sl f v21 A Bitrtll0. Dec. 16, at Bradford 1louse, near this city, the Lady of Berry King, Req., of a daughter. ecc. 13. itn time Royal Htospital, Plymouth, the wife of Mr n1. i1arkin, of a dt;lughter, still born. lDec. 12, at Sailem Terrace. 13arnstapto, the Lady of Captain Leonarrd, Royal M.lriles ?? Service, of a deaghter. Dec. 9, at ,lifton, the Lady of Robert Rankin, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TIHE LATE SIR JOHN KENNAWAY. We ?? Only SpaCe in 0111r last to notice briefly the death.of Slt JoHiN KY.SvNAVVAY, at his scat, at Eseot. The lamented Baroinet died after a few days illness froli a Padlytile afilection, which commenced on Saturday the /2(5h Decbemlir, aid teriinated his existence on the mornul, of New Ygar's Day without a struggle or a groan. It seems scarcely provinec to give ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D)EA TI! OF LORD FORBES, M.P. \\ ercsgtt to .a 'imote the i atde iti of' Lord V i- o` f Forl e, elile to iel tile Earl of (rimuidl. ili, lordaliip %,it-i Mti.i tor ili e t iuot l.ofig'ori, Ihieh it reprtteritei since 18tfi, i tilI al el) te ichit Intelruptiol, w hen iMeslr. Ilalp a, IRork(, |Fl1 \ litme sat it lki aColilty, lbt 'iere turtied out on petitior. ?? * as ai-i ( ',hiali ot ti he M I ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Bishops Stortfnrd chu- cih, Mr. Slater, of London, to Mary, youngest daughter of Airs. Ashley oft he former place. April iI. at St. James\s church, Mr. J. Flarding. Montpelier, to Sarah. third daughter of Mr. J. Chapman. Banwe-ll, Somerset, April 1.3 at Carhlampton, Somerset, .Mr G. Goldnev, of this cit,. to Eliza, laughter of Mr. Nicholais Paraman. of Duddings. April 14, at S:. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 6th instant, at Fife House, Whitehall, the Vis- countess Milton, of. a daughter. This dvent eonter.c the title of Viscount Milton upon Lord Fitzwilliam's second son. On the lOth-instant,. the Lady Alics Peei, ofs a daighter-- On the 28th ultimo, at Cahir Houseq Cirsistopherlie Mansel Talbot, M.P. for Glalorgasi to the Right Hon. Lady Charlotte Butler, speoil saughter of the. b4e and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 17th Instant, at Derby, the wife of the Rey. Williamf Fisher, of a son. WIARRIAGEU On the 15th instant, at Easton, the seat of Sir. Me Cholmeley, Bart. by the Rev. Andrew Corbett, Reetor of Renneworth, T. G. Corbett, Esq. of Elshaw Hall, M.P. for the Northern Division of incoinshiren to Lady Dary Noel Beatiuclerk, sister of his Grace the Duke of St. Albans. On the 15th instant, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -4 ie BIRTHS.71 Id On Wednesday last, at Comptontplace, Eastbourne, the ICounteso of Burlington, of a sonl. t- On the 5th instant, at Aston Hall, in this county, the S.Lady of B. A. HUolden, Esq. of a son. CIf V1AnatIKAGXs . :h On Tuesday morning, at St. Peter's Church, in this towng Df by the 11ev, ?? Fisher, William Hoare, Esq. surgeon, to Mlartha Louisa, second daughter of the late MAr. ...