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... ain inquiry to assess the damages to be paid by the defendant for an as- sault committed upon the plaintiff the lessee of Drury Lane Theatre. great interest was manifested in the proceedings, and the room was crowded with members of the theatrical profession ...


... ACCIDENTS, OFFENCES, 4ac. A FALLING GOD.-On Monday night, on the conclusion of the perform ances at Drury Lane Theatre, a young man respectably attired threw himsel from the front of the 2s. gallery into the pit. T he people were going out at the time ...


... -A young man named Simmorts was on Monday placed at the bar on the following charge. Edward Thomas Stated that being at Drury Lane Theatre a few evenings ago, he had, for a moment, entrusted his handkerchief and gloves to the care of a stranger (the prisoner) ...


... fracture her skull. She was immediately lifted up and carried into the shop of Mr Jones, surgeon, at the corner of Holborn and Drury lane, who afforded her every assistance; after which she was conveyed to her home, Smart's buildings, Holborn. APPALLING OCCUaRENCE ...


... before Lord. Abinger, when the plaintiff proved his engagement for two seasons at 181. a-week, to play at the Theatres Royal Drury Lane and Covent Garden. After raising some objection to a point in the evidence, which he did not ultimately press, Mr Thessiger ...


... from expo- sure to the late inclement ?? Burden, ostler to Mr Pearse, proprietor of the King's Head yard, Russell street, Drury lane, deposed that he had known the deceased for the last 18 months. He knew him by no other name than that of: Old Tom. the ...


... the King, and in default be imprisoned in the House of Correction for two months. THE DuxE OF BEDFORD AND THE RENTERS OF DRURY- LANE TucATRE.-Mr. Adam, the legal adviser to his Grace, has forwarded a letter to the secretary to the committee of pro. prietors ...


... chonotirabte', enterpriaing, and distinguished individual. I George Alitley, examined by Mr. 0CciE: Ilam a mesesenlger I ait Drury-lane Theatre, and recollect on the 29th of April, irn Ithe night iime, Mr. Mlacready vio lently rushed into Mr. ?? room, aid ...

Insolvent Debtors' Court

... stated that he was going up Drury-lane between five and six o'clock on Friday night, vhen he saw the prisoner draw a handkerchief from a gentleman's pocket, and run into Short's-gardens, an adjacent turning in Drury-lane. The gentleman passed on; he ...


... fell senseless ot the ground; about two hours after this occurrence his shopmates invited him over, to see some friends in Drury-lane, and having proceeded to take sonie more drink they had scarcely been seated when the prisoner entered, and prosecutor instantly ...


... to the late inclement weather. Robert Burden, ostler to Mr. Pearse, proprietor of the King's -Lead-yvtd, Russell-street, Drury-lane, deposed that he had known the deceased for the last 18 months. He knew hint by no other name than that of Old Tom. The ...


... stated that he was going up Drury-lane between five and six o'clock on Friday night, when he saw the prisoner draw a handkerchief from a gentleman's picket, and run into Shert's-gardenis, an adjacent turning in Drury-lane. The gentleman passed on; he ...