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South West, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... BRZSTOL E'OLZCE. CO UNOIL-HO USE, SArUZWAY, Oct. 22, 1836. Magistrates present: the Mayor, Messrs. Stock, Wood, 0. B. Sassde s, and Herapath. James Burston was charged with being drunk and beating his 'sife. Complainant stated that she had been married to the de- fendant, who was constantly ill using her, 27 years, and had nine children. For several years he had neglected so provide for her or ...


... On Saturday last Mr. Baron Alderson arrived i haiy s eraem carted by the High Sheriff, (Daniel Cave Esq.)wownot es: to meet his Lordship in an elegantchariot, drawn by four beautifulI deaty's bays, accompanied by the Under-Sheriff and officers ; the caval- linger. cade being preceeded and followed by a large body of the police 5l.11 py- mounted, under the direction of 1Mr; Biahop, the ...


... ',,SOhERSE.T ASSIZES. The comfinissiots for Otis vcounty WatS O~twnecl at Tanetn.o Snttitrdse, 0 td I-hits it'vsl ene1, .1at tt. tv Ai. 3 itstii'c Littlesiale, who did ?? tin ie front L~ao oesmotl till thatt tale htour. ' Ier were SO priovt-tlr' for trial, and 34 rau~oss. 7 of' thean -ftr specitt' juries. At 1I ji,'elntk on Sunday morning. th 4ng6 Sir .- h ilt'ilals, nt,ttt'itd divinie ...


... The commissioners have presented their report on this subject, which has been ordered to be printed. We give the following ex- tracts to show the objects to which they have directed their ntten- tion, and( the results at which they have arrived. We have (say they) directed our attention to the following points:- 1. To regulations which have been adopted of late vers in order to render ...


... 31?.ZSTOL POLZCE. ?? (C'ontin~ued forompage 4) f -i CO CUNCIL-HOUSE, THUMD~tr, Oct. 27, lSS6.. EMagsstrates present: thle Mayor, Messrs. Stock, Ash, WOONJ J; E. Lunel, ansi Herapath. '02 John Shepherd was charged waith being drunk, and assanithg Policemana 191. Complainant saw the dsefedant,. who. was tinge.~ eaig against ashutter in Redclift'.street, he desired bimnjto ,go on, and he refused ...


... ?1LZSTOL POLIC?Z. CO UNGIL 10 USE, SATLJZ1DaY, NOV. 5, 1836. Magistrates present: The Mayor, and Messrs. Newman1 Stock, M'Bayne, Wood, and G. B. Sanders. Anthony Cary was charged with being drunk st half-pass three o'clock in the afternoon of Friday. The ?? was stated in the charge sheet to have been committed at 7 o'clock in the evdning. Mr. Newman said he should liberate the offender on that ...


... . I O - L - OaiCM- - CO UNCIL.HO USE, MgONDAY, Sept 19, I836. ?? Stephens and Attwood brought up their listsof night charges, Which were disposed of as follows:-- George Webb, for being drunk and fighting in Baldwrin-street, at half-past twelve o'clock, Saturday night. Fined five shillings and discharred Thomas Board, fir a similar ofence, in Lewin's mead, at half. past one, Sunday morning.- ...


... ,RUJRAL POLIJCE. TRIERC is an erudite article in Felix Farley, of Saturday, as the lath inst., on the alleged projected NWhig Rural Po- ch lice. Ministers have sent out a commission to inquire into It the efficiency of the present rural police of the kingdom: if in it is reported to be eficiient, it will remain ine sltaff quo; if (t on the statements of the landed interest and of persons of ...


... fl?ISTOL POL!C?. COUNCIL-HOUSE, SATURDAY, Nor. 12, 1830. Magistrates present: The Mayor, Messrs. M'Bayne, Herapath, and Stock. Charles Webb, constable of Tockiagton, was charged with being drunk and assaulting policeman 69 5Coioplsina said detendant was drunk in hireedmead, and quarrelling with a man about a chain sad handkerchief, which the nian said he soak from his little boy; upon being ...


... TH'Et L.AT:E TRIAL FOR SASAULT.' [We ?? foltowinrg letter, together-with the re- marks app~endled to it, from the coiumsns -of ouir Ciseltenham contemporary. - ; To Ctie Editor exf e/le Cbs t enhatd er Jaiar- - Sse.-Oppsecd,-a5 ydsaavowddly and ?? to the poiia principles andetdvocacies of Lord Segrave, attidof hi& Lordship's brothers, YQu have .uevertfsele.qs at all tiwes-so Ionourablw driwn a ...


... 3SMRERS'ET ASSIZES. T'he King Versus Joseph Biodribb Sherring. gentlemaft, and 'William Bla rkwell Cross, solicitor, both et this city. 'Ihis im- porttit cause caine on On nWednesday. 'Ihe-defendants wvre in- -licted for ell alleged alteration of an entry in the parish register of Whitchurch, on the 23rd of February, 1825. W Mr. Sergeant Boinpas and Air. Ball conducted the prosecution, r and ...


... These Sessions commenced on Mlonday at the Guildhall.-The E calender contained the names of 84 prisoners -The magistrates on the bench (without their gowns or any insignia of office) were J the right worshipful the mayor, Win, Fripp, Esq. ; the slierilli D. Cave,- Esq. 'IT. Daniel, J. George, G. Golditey, N. Roth, 'and1 A. Hilhouse, Esqrs. Mr. Serjsatt Ludlow took his seat in the usual place, ...