... IF-0J4L-ACmo An old man tained Coker, who has been many years a labourer about B llingsgate-market, was brought op, having got drunk and abused the officers who took care of him. The defendant, it appeared, has been in the habit of working from three.in the morning till eight,, and generally has had the. remaining- 19 hours to spend between drinking and.sleeping. Mr.,Hobler-Why,.l am ...

Insolvent Debtors' Court

... ?nsw?I? cut boro' Cuwt. -Wlifant lrons-wof eppnaed-hy-Mr. Nicholls fos a Ifrgqne ;~ he was s-ppertedhy9 r Wdotiroffe. It .appeared 'that thee inisolvent't had been arrestid-sonie time- back-by two creditors, but rhat on the eih day of thisi month they hadl sent a discharge to the prison, and that duking .three daysi the insolvent had -no detainer lodged against -him-; i, hearing waS lxed ...


... A LOQuaCiOve MoDERN TRAPPIST. -Mr. Daniel Devid Few, a little old gentleman, very much resembling Mr. John Arthur Roebuck, M.P., was summoned for the sum of 16s 6d. for rent alleged to be due and owing to Peter Thomas. his landlord. Daniel's appearance was most extraordinary; although known to be in possession of considerable property, his garb was that of the most squalid wretchedness, and ...

Insolvent Debtors' Court

... In.soweut Debtors' ou40i4t. A METHoDTsT.-Joqsep Grayson.was bpposed y Mr. Cokeo on the part of a creditor nanmed Worrall, andi supported. -by Mr. Nicholas. The: insolvent, n elderly ian, -hadbeen in partnersbipo with the.opposing creditor as millers and smiths inYorkshire,.wbich: partncrship was dissolved in.the. year a1829; he had siuce .then !been in partnership with his-brother, and he ...


... COU.RT OF SEQUEIT. L.AusiALE Cosz oP Tu rwo DAnim BvLaannmtExs.-Otn huday isat, when theoge-erofte Court called these euphl n paus-tionjiet, two sloot feflowa whose wearing apparel gave testimaony tabtey were had-mnd-morter men, stood before, and began tWstate helirases together C iaste-4tos- atop. little; pray which of you is the complainant? The B13g11141!1 W.'re both complainants, your ...


... WESTMINSTEWR SESSONS. AssAuLT AND F.loss Inpsow x .-Pe. r Ewns end Mo. .n Wood were indicted for having, on Saturday the 18th of.June, as- saulted and falsely imprisoned Sarah Neale, a child two years and a half old. Mr. Prendergast, who in his opening described the male pri- soner as the ' fancy man of Mrs. Wood, conducted the case for the prosecution, and Mr. Adolphus defended the ...

Bolton (Lancashire) Petty Sessions

... aolton (Lacaaeasire) BPetty Sessions. WANTON MISCONDUCT OP AN ENGINEER.-Joseph Hernby .was .eharged with misconduct in the service of Messrs. Brooks ani Smith, flax-spinners, Little Bolton. Mr. HnIdere appeared for the complainant, and stated that 'Messrs. Brooks aned Smith had-eugaged -an engineer of the name of Garforib, to manage one of the engines of the mill. Garforth nwas to enter on his ...


... !'VLJCL'Ei LL&L ?? [Ic itCcc-ccit-. b-0~ pi le 'cnc i ccciii ds, -c c2tierdiac vciccw-cI at t he Lci tic lut t lin cl . II is, V 'clin i !u;I cci. ?? I xea i i I, iI ?? fI o ti III Lcc Icc lccc. cc .1 dtI ce-; \\ rcigI, I,cc% LIT ?? t I~icc - Ic ?? IN0 ?? I 0, ci ti c1 1)C:1CLI, Icc-I citl a ?? N 0 ?? lDCO [IIIc I c- st,'ct, St. (c an--. c.1 occupjil-cl%%, iticic -c,c occ li ?? (cci-, willc ...


... CROYDON PETTY SESSIONS.-JAN. 11. SINGULAR CASE. A young female of very prepossessing appearance, named Claras lilinson, was yesterday broughtbeforethe Bench, charged with steeling a watch, value six pounds, the pro-, perty of a farmer named Gutteridge; and a man named Jarns' Decker was charged with inciting her to commit the felony, and afierwards receiving the watch, knowing it to have been ...


... INSOlVENT DEBTORIS' COUlJI I HDAI. [leforc Mr.r Conlnisnoli lae Bol IN.] This day the CourtrcIsrned i~s sitings, when ,9srah ?? *as opposecl by Sir, W\'OIlIGIaOim, on behalf of 10I . John Ashley, solicitor. Mr. Cooei, supported thle itisolvent, from whose examnma- tion itappeared theat her husband imet wvithl his death in August last, by being thrown out of a gig, since Nw lhich time she bal ...


... LAWd INTELLI1fGENsE. COI RT OF CHAN CERY-S^AreoRAY. WA'\lSaON a. MaiRfiAY. ha thisrace the plaintiff is therepresentatix aof the executor of the partner of the defendant, they being owners of a vessel trading to thes East indies. and the (lefendantacting as corn- roander. The s.hip made four profitable voyaages, but during the last the defondant' pacteerelied, enid his b~rother becorming ...


... MARLBOROIUGH STREET. DARJING RosErt.-Elizabethl ?? and Jane Redldy were yesterday brought before MIr. Chambers, charged by Eliza- beth Thomas with the follrwing daring outrage and robbery. The prosecutrix saic she was passing through M1aidenheed- passage, Silver street, on Monday afternoon, about 5 o'clock, vs ith a bundle when she .was sudderlv laid hold of by one of three females who were ...