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Aberdeen Press and Journal




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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... cyt13AP SCIOTCV1 -AND 11N~v!;TIMET(A1)s!irs), hae. * ZILIP &. TAYLORf, 40,tUNIOt 'is'r(psar),av cat os to haond a isree Steawk (if S(I Ito S iust~owil 3L A N K ES, at 1ijs. pet'pail', very Sit iing for, 'I:.sitft5 UITSaniCOIINTIIITA-NES. 7i;: niturei DI~mITIS ?? TICKS. S vnkit et iIsinI, unit1 ?? FLAN%'NELS. I k Ati llot' Si,,filn'' Broad anjd N;Ierow CLOT HS, l-,mlcvCAS9IMt',RI~', BUCKSSUNS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Fei'imtg ?? e~i~l TC-a. PrnOVZTABL-- AC-ENCY. OintlO il Stdl', G1':ANT AND1111, tl1EDo:~~iE 'I i (iwitiiilt lii.) 'iiltjtliittsyll'ov l i'iatti'ttif tloitr 1 Al~k . ii. ANI ImlSt N li. ey i Ciiict-tt ofsil1 O :t lllcttiio (lie otliti Otticil. vn tt~bill tirti elttl i'ad l Iorti. t 1i:llt .bri . 1''etLicense Ii, t (tiyrtl (IfI. tue SoLry tra)'. ki u l'eterIllvt. a'a l , I Slit Nov. 1886. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, ltY rtl 1111f ,~NI)TRS for SlIppl vioug thle 1 N Ffl.IG AI ,fr i un T ~.i x Mtonths, ri tih tille followinlg A -tides, int such ?? ties Os *ia II rejitired, ;Itd1 delivered ait thle Infli niary v XII SLINA ?? E, .-rsst. 11ae- - - - - -- - - - per CIO. 11s VI4VATI E ?? LNOA ?? S, wveighing ?? each, per Doz,~, (Inni11on BISCU IT, - 1)Doz. Aw I ?? wBl. ?? h11its nay-t he lolirli wi tli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ?? II Eli ;.I ?? l .o x ?? it ?? l l.~t11 !;D r. ?? 1;~Lit xxiii 11i' iI I AvitiL l' zitii liitl witIA Viitolt I; ii itt liii' t Av it i i t f Ih,' I 1iii'11i 11 il l tliit %'I'al . 0I.its'.lttt ''1tii L; ii ii i ii rmv lnt'L it lL t tr~'Cullit4 1 A, L(l it 4 ito t- : i 'iilv iti zi- I ¼xi'iiIeiil ?? T. b- ;G i le'I Cit N ,ILVE!, PL ?? 'i'ctini'1 ' v :I ?? - 'ii ~ !TCI v Lmli - iii ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW rSTABLISHAUN'T rotn clothiary, Stilk DiXarcmry, Rabeardailsery, &C. 27, URtOAtD STLEP.ET. It M SPH ILlIP beg's to iniformo his Friendls, both of To tVII anlt IPMt SI iILIC MIERBCERI, H-IABERD IASHIIER, &t. il (hat Shop, No. 27, itIt')AI. 't I V iv juiti t ritui nwl fioni t Ito Fn,11,1 It ht~kt. tt Iterp le hi 'etlatex ttilsi - S to ofilh,t 'we11st tind ?? Ft itldsm tn sstirttnt'ttt which, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIGHQ11LAND SOCIETY PRIZES, EIGHT, FIVR3, AND TWO SOVEREIGNS, FOR SKIM-AFILK CHIEESE, ?? ?? IIANVI'SllilE. Ct HE Connitotitlo ppoiiited ltit tinfix lat4!e tin' C iitiiolls, T adwr h Ilremiumiiis, beootby give notice, thtit in- Ledn optiossutbin fradtei ape y12 i li O'C'lCIie, enl 1ridaly, I18th NLvoniber, at tim Giordoin Arnis hlii o1 The COMpetitorS ?? IIILVe mntdi for sale, duting the Season ...

Advertisements & Notices

... zig Ity Y' THE iers STIRATliE0GIE FARMEWR CLUB, A PREMIUM ?? ec, will hi' givelt folc the. best in D11AUG Hi STALLBION, froze oat, quatoor, shlvitit onlth DMarket MN riv tif H ut1itly, nitl Tht areday theo 10th March curt, p)in. vided anyv Shttl appealt of mnerit eiifficient, illii the opti~on of lthe I ofijudges, t.O entitle Ititti to the( rienilituln -suich Scalllotl lu-lug hound to seive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pnr f ?? 1'initd, tolld Ill tint' Pot'S`loetltlti ,'ilt a1 G;E1NERAL MIEEl'TINItit ortil lxilAti'VANiTS ot, til Cow1t-:Ii-oOO11 Thur'Liv Wtisme 71t it'4 AI titled s ?? lit. ~ ~ ~ ~ JA BAMI'oot :, to. TOb t ttdtiit, WI Ite~w~l y t tii ficrsittotI ofitto~ Tiut.- ~ 'it)Elit3 tt' the 11 XCAivi A I It)s n ~l I rO mut~tl fli'wurtA (by ieI. oA loto It httitt ito thres Lod it.A~tt, Writi' Ae 2 Jiisla ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T TH E Annial Gencral Meetinugofthe GARDENER FRATER- L NITrY ofOLD ABsERDEEN 'ill be I ?? ii; the Town Hall there, On Tuesday the 2dl August next, at 3 o'clock, pelCiSely. There will also be held at Getieril Meeting of tile FRATERNITY in the Town Hall, on Wedilnesdav the :-d Auittst next, at 6 o'clock,,4for the purvose of ationedinig the Rules, ,and for other business, GlEORGE GRUB ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC. ~ b AIRC E begs to jintimits tlint shelineha re-consmnueoed a!iv- J1 ti i iltstructions iii SINGING, tind on Cthe PIANOI-FOJTE. l)Su, Ultion Street, 15h Aug. 11136. ABERDEEN GAS LIGHT COMPANY. YP'1hIE Aitiual Getneral Mesctjlug of' the PARTNrns'R of this COMPatANY n-as liv d in the Royal Hotel, ?? tule Iuth iti,t' ien the ReportS %'as toad andatpprosedl of, anld this Dividtends 't ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSE oF RIEFUGE. , ME'T'ING of the DIRMT'iORtS is t'i'qnestced, withini 111e Ali2150 of Liiie Institut ion, onl Thitiredlay the '25th elirt cut, at baI-tfpnst. Two o'vlock a fternoon, to make pr'elimninar'y arrange. nn'vtts foe thle opvlnilg~ of' tile Illstitiltion. Aberdeen, 23d A1sy. 18311. PUI3LIC NOTICE. R. C HAR LES MAC KI , His'iomtooltArT1EIt and J LrErri 'nrl, hoges 1t a rilnoulee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARD. al1 MITCHELL AND BAXTER, I -_TAX ING retttrnsd froins visititi th ?? I ownsin Eighulananti Seotland, whelree they lttve purchased .J 'he aI Sprocic of GOODS untdee the utost tdvanta geous ci rculistnetces, of resptectfuilly beg leave to infirm ltheit' Frihends, and the Public in 5 Ice gitnetri, titat thtey ititetud commnsitcinc ig Ti siitss as CLOT HI FRS, . DRAPERS, SILK-M RCERS, nti ...