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Aberdeen Press and Journal




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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... (CAI't ?? L'.i00,flU0, il G00v SI:MT1S or £10 eCIcII,) Establisliedl 111' tlw ?? 1 F, o Loian,, ttlpoll, Rovoltssi o es, can. ?? orab'Twelt:ll', iliries or AssuriLalnce, anil Liro Iliteests, ill pos. soskioll (I'ILipimiol (I ;iII' 1 31'iiriti vlltI4 or llivioi Li ilaiwtlOiaLti, Do- oitLi'l, til 5o1vivL sii1p ALL itios ; ?? fi v PJL' the Ilivestillont o'I (;C:1jsit; i i al ?? itlo'so ?? ot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARD AND EUCATION. ES3 ?? M(W BES ilez tol hiltinate tha~t, 111 'olIlsoII'ii'lre of ?? . -1~totie 110 re'ol e~l oil Illsfoliiowiog Scale, wirit1' will t1111 11(1Ik.: T E R 1M S, 'I/oarid, Laduinlq, alld Rebiclionll~, ill fiAnwish., GreekA, La/inI, F'ri'chI/, ?? 1.!te. as 'q il'd G o'1 etl Iit'lei , ti n/er 10 ;'ears' ofaIge, Forty G Cii oS pet' Younf2 Get'A li'ent abtov'. I ti, 1111 uitlelC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRE ANID LIFE' ASSUR~ANCE F' CompANXy. SAL N4o CAPI) )t'TAL 31, ?? ?? -0T4EtSLfLION,.Xialr Governfor. THY3' y10.T 'NOBLE THIE %MAI1IQ'11S OF lN'LV .roi ChaevTvax11. THIOMAIS BEST9. Fts), }~N tite FiIRE I)MFA'.TME'fICNTJ, t~ii. f',iean veom- AV hiivst itloe ttlit 1r ?? of P ropvrty againlst Re C('M MON 10ll .. . .l.. .1.. l;Id. II AZ N thPOlV.. ?? fbI. ?? 1)01 ION HIAZARDO)US ?? Id. Cii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUTCH FLOWER ROOTS, SEEDS, &C. TIIOMAS CLEGIIOltN, & CO., SIUln.oE, NURI IISERYMaiEN, AND FLOIRISTS, B R tO aniniouince then irival of an extensive ?? B taltion of D)U'CI FLOW\\ER tlOOTS, in excellelt co,)- ditiill, selected of the finestvai'ictieS, Consistiiig of I'ACItNTIa, l'(Ui.Y.NTtIIU, NAOlCtSUS{', JON2CtILS, ANIONONIES, RANUNC:LIIS, IIIS, CROWN INIiVENiSFs, AMAILRLLIS, GLADIOLUS, TULIPS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Md,1ERDEEN TOWN AND COUNTY RANIK. iINTIMATION is hreroby given, Iii termis Of tireeighthi Articlet of otatof Coparitnery, that it the Arrimirl G.'Iieral M~eetin! cfr ij ''coipany', held oII diel. 0hi inswtant tire $II loting, Gucirldellen iipr ele'LieA U:irectors for thle errsuirig year', Nvie. Aijli;XAN'DER B3ROWVN Esir %erehrsrt, Abonleco. e Lrt.r-ri.ctu. VI LL IAN BUR311N ETT. of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OPo ~ o nrn'OVAL, AND F~RESH ARRIVALS. ?? \I !ES HAY & CO., Sit E ?? and U ?? ALE tt 1Ai~iIS, lteZ lii itti znt tweI E31 'A om extensive Pronisesn, inl tile Shoit, No. 33, Union Street, Th/ird Shtop ?? 1~rt ONdS .et'et w ti ?? Thanlrs to thel orniei'ii ol~i'i'ils fin' theirliberalho S11i p Iott theiy beg liave, to tthatt 'iir'sw'sopeoitc t~in ~toli, noil will be fable Ito keepv anl ilw;~iolak ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rdISS LA1IARE?'S 13AR~IiNG ANDl1 DAY SC?ROOL, UNION TE11RACE, AIIEI1DEEN. ISLA1.1,IE11T, With gtteh. ?? Ir pet itdt 'Foit teel yearis, Itgs tois itinuiate, thitither SEM)I NtA I lop' 1ouNo iUtE will Re-open on ?? the 11thof Augnst. 'iit -lo ouse is in ti :11iii V sit naitioll, atid )vell suited for such all es- 11 ost ?? referenc es will ble Owven onl npplication. Tcirts verv moderate. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROPOcSAL Pon rSTAbI3ISl4iN'G THE great adlvanrtageis arising from1 sttearr Narvigzattion, ave nlow% T so SvvlI kn rirrr antirtid esl rrkrtld tidlart it ?? be. ?? a wvaste offrine to di late uponr theila. TIO ficil itlate intt r- conise andi corn rnerci.l Commnicnriation betwveen diffleverrt andi dis- starrt parts of lie, kis i dtoril is thle first step to tmrrtoveriitrrt to platce2 of thir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rr R .t'.COIUO of SAC RFD MUSIC takes place in ST. AN. Tbt q i:w clHAPIL, KING, STRfti.T, this Evening, at Eight oec 33i 31k. !tod Tickets, 2s.,entry by' thle N`VetrY doo ; Itlack Tickets, ive Is. jlti- In' die frout door; to be hadl of' Mr A. Turriff, 33, Union Pire bcIZ .3 sojcn S treet, or at the Vestry Or' tile Chapel. Alierdo:.,f ai. 13, 111311. Tat TO SHOEDhIAXEnS. Gil , i IJun. begs to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE1 OV LADIES' WORKi. ?? TrII PATRONAGE OF THE COUNTESS OF ERROLL, M~RS. ALEX. IJANNERSIAN,. pat 'MRS. PRIOVOSTI IILNF, atf MRS. tPIlIN (I VAL DEWSAR. tic. air SA LE of LAD1)1ES' WORK, for bezbool'of'the J, lleivilx C'izitcol!. will take place iii the Puzblic Reamsi, iiiStreet. on '1Thurszlav thel tt2d Decemober ne.xt.I *Iealzzount of Deblt affecting, tile Church is still hirge, , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FEU-DUTY AND ROAD SHlARES FOR SALE. FEU..DUTYof~ll 1s. per annllu, wclltsocured on holluse property in Aberdeen. T'WO SUIJSCIIIPTIONS of ,t00 eaCII, oin thoLAUMtENCE- K1511 TURtNPIKII IUAD, with right to ?? corres- e )oIIdlIg thieretO, 3IiUd to IaY Off P'i (fel ?? Oil said ItoaLd. l ApplytaoALEAxDsxnoil JuPr, AdveMCMtc n MIC DESIRABLE FARaMS IN ARGYLEShUIRE. s; to To Let, for such a terni of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P t ) P E C T 1V II' A TO IlF t>STIABiLISIHtcD IN ABERDt BEEN. 1. Tr' is ?? that thoe 1'itl:e of the COIDMponY solleA ']'TilE NORSTH OFe SCOTLAND tire asi-d Life Assuramce CompanY. II. That thle C;ult~Le StOck~ shall be gCl,oth)l,00l, divitded into 1ii,600Ohl iai-es of {20 v.Clh. Ill. Thtati call, nlot excteilting tiipercent., shall blie adi'on eat-l shovti-to he 1-aii as soon ats ?? Company ...