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Advertisements & Notices

... S IAN HORTICULTURAL SOCI:ETY. I WFRtJ1T COMPETITION Will ta 1Ce F Rt the I ertmeattal Garden, Invetleithi, on tf 'h 31,t AllIst current; when Premiums 0 rJir~d35 zledf - pecheR. Nectarines, Apricots, D be uamenr Pers, Grapes, Pine Apples, and v' tefi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lwV. -. - - LgGH P~~I~NS. SOCIETY OF PIJE Rof BUCCLEUCH and Eth EARL of ROSEBERY I-E esp)ectfully BIIne 01 C()3ITTFE and Associate-, C Shscri or Asoratn .e SrTCONI) CONC HUT 0S0,10, ~~til tke PIlaee thre i0 NG, 12th 11ARC1a 183, 5DBoll %is rSSD UIBJ ROOMS.5 oaDA r.^p Hd:firriayezte PqRGE STREESTIN E-11fr Y I? 031S- ;;fS IITA9- IAc T. ,~ozH pABT FIRS'. ~ ~~3jp~lO nti Mr P~t~ r{|10!ieD nGj~vnni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OBERTSON wvill R.E S U ME HuNG the THEORY & PRACTICE ~u nfis Areadety, No. It, Queen Street, on 2ll~ ' of Oetnber. Terms, &c. may be knowvn 3leerTh. tn at 39, Prince's Street. r r t present in the Music SATOON, 39, 71re rr It I:'a great VpietV of SECOND- RAND prxI:`,j.lINYET, SEMI GRAND, PATENT 6l;iAY,'SijuARE, &PLAIN SQUARE PIANO ei V ) 1 el, tly returned from hire, some of them fosTS,' t~I ...

U ?mr L O1N, AND PIA

... NO FORTE 1lE0iM' ACCOMPANINENT. MUv ;aRRAY respectfully intimates, 4 1W r~lI ill rSUME his TEACHfING after hrel:aY the 3d January 1b37. ~fsttc,,!i!,Ec STI;EET 13 AAE D'EGVILLE, 5 /lO S OF DANCING, 1'gl ~ST uo annOUnce, their CLASSES triOPEN on Vednestlay the 4th of Janu- ticg STREET, Edinburgh. BANK OF SCOTLAND, hdinburgh, 3d Deeember 1836. 4 COURT of DIRECTORS of the ~R0' L I ANK of SCOTLAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J''rC;AJI' 0pCideNof athe Ct°iDiro i.,S Of the 6 r1 rve Five hil t 5I.g ~,,arsnaTicketsFv lD BC , 5 ofter o . 0. HILL, SeCY. B BEGISONa jioWorO~ of the Seregn iit as lirtir fl\ C'E oftbe StjEt /Epict 'L ?? fIN o t Ac.i'int and3 A ?? siiiON'S Of dik .Laiig th h 'i''ctlE edto l reshlutltill, tof PPRi o Rt ordfl tie 2d of April next, atin !or wof AstrtotherIsswebotesaer. CO'~P~ofSCOTLAND i~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C MPrBELL requests the Hl~l~liSof he it of EIIDNBUJRGH to do I~lLL,,~tgi moctrtlbint jfte WATERLOO §1 Ji l stitt; IA Y5' (MONDAY), at TWO begs to inform his Friends o tliit hlat RESUMED tivir g 'cii3 oy74 jrITALIAN LANGUAGE privately and in Classes. ''1T STREET. p'oRT WIN. ,l, 0 BONDECD, ex the IVILLTA3I dthe Acohix. fronm OPor~ro. upon Con. p.1r~rls F MAICARTHIUR & CO.'S at't icesl; (ai'ie ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ir1 OTTJSH INSTITUTION FOR TIHP IJACATlON OF YOUnG LADIES, A (;,IATSTAR SRETWEST.A 13, Gram - ~~~BUI jOURTIH QUARTERLY TERM SAI '-mi lNRTITUTION cominences On MONDAY Trio ao th Ir, ItNew Pupils may be entered. Repi t110,1t o fI CT[TRES ON BOTANY.. tbel LlCGL LIVRAYt, A.. .S an!] g 1ii. I.OI 'je iris Course of LECTURES on IO.. t6ddl 'Mule . hj illisttitlt,01r on SATURDAY the 14th of the [I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I FRSEor LECTURES ti' tf ON;TIJE JI/ id OF rilE MATHEMATICS. 1, ILOSOpHy OF THlE M pK rRIP ELL ~vill deliver this Wiuter 9)COiF rI lECTURES on the PHILO. 3 IATINEATICS, commencing open Nnl1 iner, at One llihit, in the Natural DLcturc Rooms, opposite the Royal Inifir- LCT URESO NATURAL PHILOSOPHY el jsee ze be delivered, as usual, at Twelve ?? aJ l;. enta omreeniv Course is intenrled to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIN FSCOTLAND, 136 13,kNK OF S ?? October ]836- , ErRA MEETING of PRO_ gr 'rslEfORSffnal 28th September 1836, having, f ,t ofi 0Parlin~ii'ft, arithroiged a DIVI- mTROFITO on the COMPANY'S CAPI- f~~cfr theh entf ended ?? 'fXi;T $ et of r 0h Dividend is, by the Court of ?? pn l;IIB of Scotland. appointed to corn- p~stiO0 C' theI Ith inst. r l; nce) AiRC . BENNET, Secret - EN s'E SALE OF SUPERIOR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PULCMETING. //j IPAL BILL FOR SCOTLAND. MC MEETING of the HIERI_ T ll5BI ar RATE PAYERSof tho PARISH D. L. CtITI BERT'R will lie held in the ofS V s W S T K I RK, A' 14th June 1836, at 12 o'clock noon, s rfIUES[DA feene o Or T wdat stepo should he talken in reference to To HILL rn provide for the better REGULATION m be Bi'L CORPORATIONS in SCOT- andore espe-ally in reference to the Sections ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It.v - . - t of several Persons of D is s be a SECOND CONCERT by 3l nnet l>ALTONI, Signor PAL- rananLOHR, ?? will take R'oaas on SATURDAY rinr4hof ir duly a nnounced. YAL 13AM OF IRELAND. H,;Ti a gvo notice, that they ioCTO from persons qfisired to r-~e~lre~CYAAGER of this BANK, being n Cc for.c8;nie l fr Discount, Deposit, Loan, and hire eitha, t mc ini als (under seal), to be lircorill to ...