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Advertisements & Notices

... 1' 'l pBLIC M]EETING. , aStySON KNOWLEDGE I ke hec Lord P,.eeost of rhe Cify qf eF Ai tic iclaned IInhabiat ?? U af11 tou r eqect thatyur Pu Jlci fljl themr 5 Legislturej u ropfl , of Pet! I' clt ices lealar p-uie qae ,e~ lle r leo n. Darlir, 32, S Blo S ar l'ect.gfiduca folS I' ffeon,' , Duke Streor or teal BasO ~ac~A. l Iunilor, jan. 66. ,tn 'hi l c ton I elgton Street so icicauceei1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ir/--T0N'5 COFFEEIII0USE, , T Q RFrI S Torre T, ra nCr. ' IJs; 1bSen COnTtinUeS to have F taint, of BILeat ready from One go that rentltemen anti Others G *10r!rc e ?? ol tile shortest notice rI an Pt-te of Meat to choice, T leid, o A 2' far Parties, for Dinners or Suppers- d as Scoeted, excellent Fried Fisb, Dt ?? S0P~e~%i..Tonrts ,1 2l.' ines and Spirits l'tet t riat~tY ef Londen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g PTO h^e tile honour of an- f/I iSMLIA6& l G~itid Gentry, that ei wil 5arf tC Nobli~jtl'Y EVNIG tb E5t RI ljoanis, onr) ve the 71t1 M.arch. cor tt10DA ~~a his a Grand Bit ?? idr tirrgert5an tirom then Duose far te I io~ ed for th e foar te I ~ ~ e ssly arriO ccas io , by J A nII be 1110si. ShIops, JA CcisiiirajS r t . His ?? ~ GEORBE STREET. Jnd M1S~~ES yAN IEjrVICz respectfully ...

?? J lie7. ?? RTON'S

... COFFEEHOUSE, HU, HrraTER. SQUARE, TRON Cauacir. HIS Establishment continues to have a variety of superior Joints of Meat ready from One to Six o'clock every day, so that gentlemen and others on business can always be supplied on the shortest notice with comfortable Dinners-a Plate of Meat to choice, with a Pint of Ale or Porter, only hid. Private Roonos for Parties, for Dinners or Suppers- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p1 IUi~AMAof JERUSALEM, on to ?? htich displays nearly all the iu. Ir. ^daenationed in Scripture, painted from rlo the spot by 51fr CATrFIM0VOOD, Ar- tireti'chr nith the Views of NEW b a: I }t~tllhv anirplt descriptionc, &c., will | 0rad beplaced by the PANORAMA jilrl~~r~ien at any time from 12 to 4, and from in 1,.-Childlren and Servants, s6d. poittae Ce_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YRON'AL BANK OF SCOTLAND, 17 oR,$ Edinburgh 6th August 1836. r coF COURT of DIRECTORS of the BAgNR of SCOTLAND yive notice, GE3sN~itL COURT of PROPRIETORS will adt jtr Oce in Edinburg, on Tuesday the ,rnest, at Two o'clocafternoon, atD ?? tire Cleorter. llruat ROBERT SYM WILSON, Secretary. /2 ' SCOTTISFI UNION. A FoYw SALE, ' IiARES in th]e above COMPANY. 20 > Applys post paid, ?? Office of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MiLPUTYtLIEUT'ENANTS' BUTTONSI. 9UHFUNIFO~lMN BUITTlONS of DEPUTrY.LIE~U.r 21, Union B~uildings, Oct. iS, 18,36. i Pr H I- flr.V. Wi. K. TW~IEDIEvvill proach aSEEl. r..MON in UNION VIIllti, n h evening of 8S~tioiArii fiht whleu aI Collectioni will be iiiadto for the benetfit ?? thel ii liii of thle ?? EveiNtiN SOiloo Of UN I ON ti A'ilUn~tmi, 15th. Oct. 1836. V JOHN DUNCAN, no sr ANiD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASLI K~~ ?? ?? IC ot ASE2TB.'i'avil td, plalcu inl the ?? RO00OIs 10 :slo l,xxy, the 211t Iiiieliriillt. ilil~1il'11~ ntil at Ti'll I '!toc .-COrdS; atd ?? menits as lusual. T!1 -11'iAI'MtS 511'' 1`0111ItiCld to 1i1('1t Ini tili Cai1d 1100111 ol thleI pjl:~j~ (on thle 291th, at liailf'past two o'clock, to inakc ?? ?? thle eVeliilg. ~\ iiIivlwra1 )h'tie'Iii of' TlURtNPIKE~ TRUJS'TES for t l i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SILVERl PLAT~E, AND PLATED WAJItES, &c. .4 7 L ONDON PRICE S. UliTTI l aix-i S 0 N, iiicstttlylticti h 7I'4. at .f ilti leo .hi Felitils antI.1 thel Pitli'lie to, thtire pieV. SO.'t VVIN exteltisive Stock of' SILVEHR lLATrE tail PLATE]) (UCIODS, beg to sac tivit the' ir ?? ~1It. ?? just ?? htiti - t ifE l)UE \A Ailn 15 froo othti te the Ccc I-.~ t CVit 1e ltiire 'lABLE Im N I V i-s.rv (lhhlt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r'B'0 11 E, St oSiC1111TB It O) ! orat/fu111 licti A'nme/edlqos the Aow IV 0 0' P11 ,l0 11( 'w ll1 iai /e, 1' .,n'sia l- (I/10ll hiim sin Ce hi hus leon l (1 ?? llo,1 . the 11.t' wIC 100 I's, and1 biryo /0( fintileMOC /it,/ T1o NO. Gli Si'. NICHO)LAS ST1IMET~l, the0iNI111A'TEIA' OPPOSI00TE TO I110 ICIA) S1111', ?? of h iszfr'ilds Ivill, recei ve lis terg [001/ aIt/Iln/lol. No '7rA OF l OT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AIBRIEICAN TXMIREM FOR SALE. Thire ndll he exprsedi to Salv, by P'ublic Itoup, oil W 1ed1iesdy the 21st hist nt, ait the Suliscribrr's Thitbvi, Yarid, oowdee, -- HE eltivee C' A It ( 0, 1owV l!lrilirra, esx the ,; h Ti, 11 ,haiopeare, Cpirptaill RosrE, fio0111 QUilBEC conistillz of- KM I 0 Fei8i 5300 licrt REt) miid YELLOW PINE. ? 13100 Poet WHITHIOAK. ~28Ol) rvct ELM. 90) Pieces YELLOV PINEl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is NOTICE. ) 7fSHE GENERAL MEETING ofthe BFNEFIT FRIEXDLY d L SOCIETY of INvEauniv *Y;ill be held, in the TonwN.HALL, a on Tuesday the 12th instait, at 2 o'clock, r. m. ?? a full attend. ance is reqluested and all those who do not pwy up their arrears, a prosecution will be ininediately histituted againist them. t By order of the last General Meeting, d Inverury, 41h July, 1836. ALEX. PRESLEY, ...