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Advertisements & Notices

... lggiJINrBURGH ACADEMY. ?? t~RFcTORS and PROPRIETORS 1D D ?? to DINI3 together in the |r 0f tljcA oa FRIDAY tce 29tb inst. being the U'5i ?? NCREI1FF in the Chair. *ee One Guinen, to he had at the Hotel, Tfr~itsejlXf the )rprletors as wish to be present are re to put down tleir names, on or before Thurs- T,.urve 6TufSt. ARCHD, SWINTON, Secy. *rtb Jl4 1S36M. ( ST CUTHBERT'S OR WEST CHURCH. It,' ...


... . 5I/ i O~~lD GENERAL MEET- ^ B o tl TRUSTEES is to be held in thb th eelsferry, upon Monday, 26th ?? ~ruIe is requcdS, as matters of importance n-itbt reo ROB. DOUGLAS, Clk. p erarltoe 10th September 1836. ~lFll E AND FORFAI. ?? ?? FERRIES. / / NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. SBS(CRIBERS for the purposes of ;rf 'ttts of 1lnrlinlment for erecting, improving, J dhe nintaining FERRIES & PASSAGES ., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADvElTEISEDIE NT. N ?? ofa ItetiU;isi tionhbytaY (pioni of ?? Conitmot:i. . tol Hlo>id 'IriuStets of the 1St Dis I';ct of Ban lysiro, I lroby C;Ill ii (1iNIIIAL MIELT IN(. of sjtj il tl'islEES. to bie liv1! ?? th)e oldinlti SllO;Ittilnt Itoono of Ittitf, opol 'l'liisdav the Illthi (I:Iv ot IClii-lVa ilist., at 121) cjltls ltlooll, tot the0 I)oIlil0se ?? caisieiilr. iitg tle ?? of, repaiilg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILL le Lot for tin' Seio,101 b plio P it'lliil r Il'? tl thle 't'llo Fioldsth Aprilio'Tn rnl di ?? 1' t II ?? ote, .(0111 (11 010(1115 a' 7:10i15i, f111 :11v0 pardvll.'e11 tollp-dr'essv. ThoN ?? wvII Av'tel'el, inil afford snper'ior sheoltelr. Thel roup tit ('o0m101nce. t :1 Oclock Atrio Gr'ondhoi'm l oar's, AnrcU 12, 18137. Fi3i HE, GaR.,I'AeTnics Ut' li1',TEIZtIEi~O faiml TflDST'ACK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sq(,t[R oftha ubva-leratii tiet Peitition selliob In5live the 111agis~l~fitesto eir I ?? ot conjultin 'IVhl COilt. t ia.CaIIIV dates, before filling uip the p'vasel t Va. itobe held wvithk ti die Roval Hotel, Abeivreen, to-liorrowv, ito L i% lo'CIk, trttenl tilei Slbeit ?? arit55 re'quested to auctidl. l 7th irehbWrvtt, 8. I'mR BALFPOUR, ql'OFESSOR OF D)ANCING, CALISTHENICS 0, C. M T ?? ri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VISIT TO BANFF AND PETERHEAD, R. FOWLER, DENTIST and CUPPER, respectfully inti. e M R ?? his employers in Aberd(!en and its Vicinity, that he I will be from homne for twelve days, after Tuesday the 11th July; t previouts to which, he wrill be happy to attend ?? or in. dividuals who may require his professional services, ins supplying a the loss of Teeth, either Natural, Mineral, or Artificial, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )itn ABlE .DEEIII GENERAL DISPENSARY, Ito r.p At a Meeting of the Dinauorots Of thle AIIRtEPNnt - G McNeMAt, 10tSrPxsiAn, hold ?? the 1-louse of noad the Institution, 24th Nov. 18361 a tof Provost MILNE ?? the Chair: 0 up T~ HE followinig Report was Ictad to til Meeting, and, e Talong with the acconipanying excerpt front the Minutel, direotod to be inlorted in the Aberdeon newspaperst: General ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F Y VIE'. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. tl d- E J0 i t1 I'I It I E,, SultCEox, very rlitefiflly tl W v~cllltls~elgesthe ?? OblL~e of Putici ?? be- S~ stowed (1;11 hui sillee lie CommencedlC PLLtlice illt ?? i; ld L begsL tj ?? ?? he has Ite1LiVLld to ?1.r I'1 ?? COIMACIaI's, L Bllrilge End oif lyvie, MwILCe le expects to ftild 1LLiee aittentii ) P pidLLL to theso iho JELLy ?? the ?? to give hlni tiLciL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALEXANDER SMICLAIII, 'L1ate of Sinctlair and Simsone't B~road Stree't. E(iS~ til reut iin his 2i'ate-fi thlatik~s to his Frienlds adl -3 pl!,foi-' hit kind anti liliblerlsuplt hhlt'asiiiknyhu I ?? ti lat 19 els i:1t cjan heta i a liti li;M-OVE D to those SIaci~lots andeletitt ?? ll No. 37. thnio-1 street 12 slicli arei now bv Iinit fitted up iii a sii evior' 11ian1lel'. call Ai:, ola''. t th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THPE AINNUAL EXHIBITION OF' MIR. CALVERT'S PUPILS tile coarse of whitth an ORIGINAL DEBATE, (TTil ioai1PosITlON 0OF Til i1tI0 , ON THE COMPARATIVE 'MERITS OFP ANCIENT AND) MODERN ORATORY. ALE*CTtURE, by ~I*I'CA INAIlT, onl tile CAUSeS why Moidern Edit- cc tioni has p roduc ed so lbv goodI Speakers and Readlc's: tand Other Novellnes. PSI jlitu'i/515,see handbills. CAR-PETXI'GS, &c. T1HE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CTI RS. l LOH r'espectfullyV announces10 that hli'~l- SCOOL Nrill __ RE-OPEN onl MONDAI next, Augutst 1st. ii, Silver Street, 26ht Jttly, 8A LIST El (Nnsiglitter of the Iatt it 3 Smtilth, Ttvachti r) it' 31.INlS her shi tere thaitlt a to hter F'rientds andti te PubliIic, tot'- t;t iipptort witti whit hl titet Ihtv c fisot ted heri, attd btegs to ifrl IItt tin tat itir S~CHOOLt for EN GLIS i, ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To-morrow tvill lhe pnthlished, Part . (price 5s.), TXE NORTHERN FLORA; OR A DESCRIPTION OF THE WILD PLANTS BIELONOGINO TO THE NORTH AND EAST Or SCOTLAND. . NWITHI AN ACcOUNT OF TlEIn PLACES 01(7GOWTIt ANTD PROPEnTIES. .B ALEXANDER MURRAY, M.D. , Alarirleri: A. lilow s'&Co, fril (JEO. ClASnE & SOX. Ediri. . igil: ArIAll & CHrAHLtES fli.,CK. London: SaNIrrl, EiLEER, &, Co., C. - This Part ...