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Advertisements & Notices

... DAN1CING AND CALISTH~ENICS. un. . 4tI)NAD, ritnrr.SSOfl OF DA\~Cttsr, toIbit' er e wionl-1 thee List crlsli, i V i!tiv' ilifitilltti', thim, ell 1:11VtS Ioi'tt (if t ?? distiiieoishedi'i I in~iivis, he will rigaini JOI poii his CLANS,4-i, ill itis! '1TOlN'.MIA I. Of I. 5'E~t iM 1, ?? Isint lile .411 it toII its styI ~I 'I fDIlII vI'nI, Iii'e latpies ii uviS I xitil 11 shirc of tlatiP Iatitol. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;;FR TNC.RT. , 1(pET(UN ROO S p, 0OGRAi1IiE ti AT) ADAME TONrIEfl cIA' SEN' ° DiC CONC IERT. EV Ay the 8th January 1836. oil ?? PART I.i Iona pild o Forte St (OCrIIASE nd A~ir Vd tit59 r leC - -s ?? 113rIcrz t 1Qt ey_ lviichon Beethoven. iuiiri~ ~egin~ritnitK .Tellini. a ?? -B R 1Bellini. tin! iiO~r~ouvr~e- o ;r~r;Etjl 1 OtI~rez or~vrel: , ODessaur. rea Idm TtK~t^;~gthoceele- 105i1 j )To. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j14L AND ANITRICULTIURAL SOCIETY 14 / ~ / ~ J E R A L M I E T I N G o f th is /t0iN'T~pusunttothe Charter, w till be held of~ %CIEtY iesH, on M ONDAY first, the 27t 2t RE A ' ?? t held n it i te. or n S St t at ane o clock nficnoafternn, when t is re. xten dr na a hour, .BALLO, a~ Its' ssoeotr ble preciielly set th e h u , a , ci eotcl'adl~r` wII lt.,e iseco there. is ?? a BALLOT 'NEW MiE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HAMBURG, 1st July 1836. FOUR DAYS of DRAWING of the SlIX TY-EIGaTI HAMBURG GREAT LOT- TERY being past, and the wheel being reduced to the trifling number of 6000 (say six thousand) Tickets, Tickets warranted undrawn are now selling at Banco- marks 140 or L.10, say Ten Pounds Sterling. The first drawn Prize of Bancomarks 300 receives the Premi- um of Bancomarks 1i,000, and the last drawn Prize ...

I i I I I v i i T ??

... II I I y 1 I I I . i 1; ?i i . j .5CtCllrlC FANCY BALL. l / f ti nimerls applications v Of tiler th - il1 iQIO iro oili'lvrd he allow till w 1.1 n t r i~lrL ROOMS. rnrittoua if tile I _ir01li, on ANCIENT Di ?? lini:|x rIX Is l ' tL lie > I BL xoo. G 0tALRA'Y a~nd it- ?? Iovl illl h~E 0H0 ~ ?? tto to Cnouone tl atl VIeat' Royal in July llm' z:.ilirrFR hllnrS SGEORGE SREET. TI idI~ovICONTESS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW TURNPIK)3 ROADS. MfETING of the PROPRIETORS and all others iniorerted in the different proposed New Linres of Turn- uk. comprelihendd in the N'otices already published in ti . Jtl o .ili.rna1 . will be held in the Comiltittee Ituoim of t ( 1. ' louse, on Tuesday the 4th of October next, initne- .iit ., a'fte the conclusiont of the busijess of the Mieliaelmast ; ue n 4. 01111EVty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEZT ABErnD1EN COAZ. PUD * this ob'ovnt el(j(e wib lie ?? il jivoeloisn TN'T'IIT'0t tilO IVIKrtO for IlaSt yeiMr, to CIoet Dirioetoro, ?? 11(111' te~Ocfoi' pr1ovurTiI(1.' sutlselipihIIIO ?? tile ITll~ihg AbordlevieiT 20hio Oct. 831;. B E l O 1 C O MP A Y. I17 NIDrl MAiT(ION lo isI HPRE1111Y GIVYEN', t~int tht' El 1141 ?? ?? oleel ?? Pl'IiNil TEN' ?? 'o1' 81111' (ili be ?? (It tie o mpTT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS AND STATIONERY. J. fGlUTHEflLAXD, tflOOKSF:t.Lr[ AN'D STATIONELIt, ABERDlEEN, '~)ESPECTrULLY infornis his friends and nulmerouis Cleslotiiers WLthat he. has lately ciriv ed fromn Lontdon, where fie selected aII Thjrye ~issortoipiit ot' NEW and SECOND-HA'ND BOOKS,nw el*, im,~at hsis Shop, 153, GallowgittS, among1. Whichl are( the follotviig, TlieaFolioi'A 141iw~rphial d-igl- illvarionis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LCICLIIVI F..PAINI TIONG, AC ETETR. Tr f~ 11Jh2;itWORESofLIVING |AY SOPEEIN at tbe GAWIEItIES of the 01i93a sjla Tickets, Five Shi, ?? of the °onDiO.l |1Y BOOS GEORG STREET. II| pLvADY HARlRIET START t IiOHOT. lADlE LE;R 1RECTO115 beO to anlnounce, that fill ~ TI AS~MBLYfor tile Season will the ?? or the Fanay Boll iiU . reee ?? 1 *l0i ,t ?? 0ed'00 eadmoitta-cc afte' eleveten Qi 5C!toO Book ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ioCM' M5Is MISSING. ii/1) AI XC ISH, a native of Ja. for Gb i5 ,ll) thle montlh of Jute 9 ii ei hel 4 j. fof since. Ilc is about six ?? 1. bi t t e, antI Dhet 92 V Calrs of age; I alwsif very ore I! j[;in r OW{>es~ta in>> Air~tl ltie Is ,t Xelrt -1Geli front Gbo n i st, ishoru e j'r 'femirspisttif, but W It , .I IllI0Bi AIal.,,aiilio him will he %ti mol C fully re- ?? \ll'n `C.Iu P. O ., E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARPETINGS AND RUGS. I-li SUBInCRhnE IM ?? to 11and, anlothol', Conglniclutf Of thet Genuhtiie ThAN NOCI(BCRN' CARY'WTINGS and( ItwdRi'lI ?? hiii v oit at over the hj sdonbi tin'. their'i e'.coliiiri si (i il-ai liltv, wh~ichl hel is sel agti the vet'v L .ws ims,uf'RTCash. 71, Kinig Street, lfit/i May, 1831;. L T W Rt R E Di 0 V A L. Z- F Itcr)nl Vi/ yra'tifre~l/ ,i'kiAtrli'djii' :/s thin' ...