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... COURT OF CHIANCERY-DEC. 19. (Before tle Lord Commrissionoers in the matter of Larly Kirkrwall.) At-the sitting ofthe Court, this case, which was spe- cially apiointed for this morinig, was called on. Mr Knight sail, he ippeared ii supporit of the peti- tion, which ?? that a writ de ?? inortire.ido might issue ta asecrtain the stateof mind of Lady Mirk- The Vice-Chanctliiro-Who is Counsel on ...


... 3. On Monday, Mir Spearman, Secatary to the Master is of the Horse, complainied that one of the toll-leepers On Ish Flanmnersmith Bulgie had taken the suns of three half- id ?? from Sir Ge(;rge Qeentin, Eqlerry to the Duke of Camberland, as toll for one of the King's horses, which I Sir George was riding. Sir George attended and proved ! the demanad and payment of the money. The Secretary of ...


... SHIIUFF CRIMINAL COUR'T, ABERDREN. t of Si'I(IilfY CtUiti.YlN.AtL UiJUavl,) e-nu'nrs. stls- Vcsterlay, a Cri oin il Coart was held here by AND a Ras M Ats URR , Esi. of lic- Murrayshlall, Sliriflof Abardeltsliiro, he 'h otirst piael pitlcI ;t the lir wtos G,-l(rwg Rtowo, firm servant, accused IIl or of theft, by opelaig lock-fast places. It appeared. that, in October last, the ir of tniael had ...


... FIITGI COURT Or JUSTICIARY. 1Tl he Coort r t yeoterrda, and proeecded to the triA. of 11arg'aret SetderrnI!, iharged lvith stealing a printed . ;rwa, an 1pre:), nnd a pair o. e, from a house i;. Grant's Close, zg-ras:ted hv previlouis cnnviction, and !being haliit anl lipote a thieF, pljnded G0ilty to Mtealinrg tie aroln and pair of shoes. The Publia Prosecutor ?? from tire other charge. ...


... ]MIPORTANT TO HlOAD TBUSTEES. On thc 8th October 18:32, a part of the turnpike road lending to IPeebles, near Earlyvale, was Suddenis' swept away hy tha Eddlestone water, which rsec suddenly and camie down in great force in consequence of heavy rains. There remained of the road a space barely sufficient for the ?? of carts and carriages, so as to make i ea- trecuely iliticult to pass eren in ...


... The Circuit Court os a opene in Glasgow on Tures. day, hv Lords N'rarvaiec and Mudsvyn. Mr Handorlido, Advitoa'ltDe ,:uto. Catrerine Stewavrt, who, to the cliorge of breaiking in- ti the wine-cellar helonginog to her rnatre's house, in St Vincent S reot, b etwixt ?? 13th of iune and the 25h ruf Siytod,!rr, and stealing 5everal d zcans of v iie, pledeld G(ailir act and part. In uonsideratiori ...


... H5ATTON CARDEN. EXTRARoDINARY CiraiGE.-On Tuesday evening, James flalford, a bay about thirteen years of age, was brought from Rosamondl Street StatioU lHsscO, chargeld bry Mr Edward Archer, of Al:tn Street, Islington, wyho was described in the police sheet as a g enfl--rm.nn, nith having 5tolen a tin box, containing sundry articles, and a rat trap. The prosecutor stated, that on Tuesday ...


... SHERIFF CR[MINAL COURT, Il flr:_ -, I Wednesday, Der. G. ox John if eden lsoanmd Rolert Hlenmleeoo, fleshers, accesed o' three different s acts of theft lone of the acts havieg been committed by meaes of house- th breakingi, and of being habit antd repete thieves, anoi Iaving been previous. th ly convicted, were put to the bar, and pleaded Not Guilty. The articles f stolen were of little value ...


... - I., . I . I A meeting of the Board took place on Monday, the Lord Provost in the chair. His Lordship mnover, that the Board should aid the efforts of the House of Refoge in freeing the streets of vagrants. After several of the members had observed that the whole tlhymen ought to aid itt this dutr, it twes resolved ira the- mean tine to au- thorise one of the daymel to aid the purposes of the ...


... HIGH COUIIT OF JUSTICIARY. MONIi:A', J.ANUA.R ' Ii. The first case called this drv c-res thfit of .Irr7q7r Irrra/r ecrisert irE nio oeggtrivotedr ass-rflilt on A[au garers M' Grirgrr, itr Garner, tn tir leijrry cif li-h porne earl rdiienger icf rl life, he hrrvingr wirn crevirteri if twe sitilar assaults olls oo he ni'son of his cifi?, olldtire citrer oil ihe said 21cr- garot MI'Grigr.rr The ...


... FRIt~DAY, JAN. a. in Bdenjamsin Pender i is aoccllsel 'of forging andi uttering . a tt il' noer for L.50, tin the 27th eif 1zlanarV, and n ct15thelt bill fir 21i3 lOs, on tho l1tll of April 1835. 1i I plneldod Not Guilts. hi It appeore(I fromt the evidenre in the case of Ponder, that the prisoirner and Mr 1iarshall, fllnltor, Goedreocic v3' Hill, had been in the hsliit iii ilit isosiness. Mr ...


... I.ONDON POLICE. I MANSIO0N l F.IoueS-rUssrAMPF NEWPAors' Sr lit boy, about ton years of age, seas brought bfr i i Pee Laurie, chlarged with beine a vender Of tenpelfly Sunday -rsspae Sir Peter Laerie said, that be haM bean informed, by whiat lie considered to be good atithn- rity, that the eivil was increacsing daily. Il~e then direct. - d thiat the defendant shl be onind in IBrideaell - ...