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... ASSJZE INTE1LLIGENCE. OXFORD. MIURDERi.-TI KING V. '1'lOM.1AS CLAY. The prisoner was indicted for the wilful murder of Thus. Cooper, the gamekeeper of Major Weyland, by shooting him. IEli7abethi Cooper, the widow of the deceased, an old woman, stated that on Tuesday, the 3d of Nov. last, in the afternoon, he went out with a gun and a powder-flask. IHe was rather deaf, and was an old nitan. ...


... POL IICE. L-- I -.1 ?? ut rs. THAMES OFFICE-- 1'ziE B131I~ ALir,1i ut LEOo.-On Mr. Broderip taking his seat he to the Chief Clerk that on his way to t1e othf i, of tention was called to a number of individuals e-, ag in a group on the pavement, surroundedl by a atperson, and on inquiry he found they wert a part s the British Auxiliary Legion ii the Service of ii, Queen of Spain, who had been ...


... 13O W-STl'LEE'l'. IK-EXAMINA11\TION i 1111. SPANIARID CIIAItI D W 11TH dENl)IN i C(11siiUidlD:.I: LLii s'r llS i oonll r1ite GENEtAil I'OSr OIaII(I AIT LiVxli'oolm.-YcsteTrdy J,4Sep1h Or- aine P'elayoi, the individual chairged weith the above ltrocious Ct, by whieh thc life of Barnord, the stam- pvir at the Liverpool l'ost-otlice, has ncarly been sa- crificed, *as broughlit before o\lr. Aiiul ...

Carnarvonshire Quarter Sessions

... Ca'nanvonshire quarter Sessions. T'he Quartcr Sessions of tho Peace for the county of Carnarvon, commenced on Thirsday last in the Shire [Hull, before Col. Jones Parry, ?? Chairman, Lord Newborniough, W. Ruoberts, Esq. Mayor of Car- narvon, J. Lloyd, Esq., J. Rowlanils, Esq., S. 0. 1'riostley, Esq.. 1. Walker Jones, Jsq., It, (arnons, ]sq., lev. John Kvfln, Rev. J. V. 7incont, Rev, Grillihl ...


... I SALOP ASSIZES.-Sz.iiwvsuu8n', Fml Jui.y 29, 1 LII.IE. CASE, JONt.S V. JONES. (BeJl)re flir. Justice Pailesin, und a Special Jury,) Mr. Richards opened tie pleadings in this Cause, and AMr. Serjca at ?? ia an elemitt and lorcible speech addressed the . lry oil the part of tie l'aintiff. After statig suniewliat at larg; - te vaiiou, election ?? that had taken place at t wriia-rvoli, still the ...


... TRIAL OF FIESCIII AND HIS ACCO.,11PLICES. n, toturt s Peers-Fljteendt Day (ctncluded,) a- The Procureur-Generai closed his reply upon the evidence by calling upon the Court to award sentence of death against Fiescbi, lorey, Pepin, and Boireau, as guilty of an attempt, wvitd, mlice prepeltse, upon the lives of the King and several memsbers of the Royal lo family, Marshal Morticr, and the others ...


... I COURer OF EXCHEQUER, 13TII JuXE 1836. r IOEtONcN r OENMISE OF IAil AND OTHtERSI).WY-NE, ESQ. r-~~JUDGMENT1 Mr. BAnION PARSE-In the case of Roe on the demise of Hart and others v. Wynne, in which the Df verdict was found for the defendant, a new trial was ie moved for on two grounds, first that the verdict of the Jury was against the evidence, and secondly there was a misdirection of the ...


... C1iONOLOWICAL AND STATISTICAL TA- I BL, FORt THE YEAR 1835. 1 JASUARY'. e 2 Mr. Foote brother of the well-known snnff- a- manufacturer, vas murdered near his own house, New a oess, and in the open day. Ile was in his 73d year, le and the act was ascribed to a conspiracy against him, id connected mith land-letting. or 5 The general election commenced. 6 The Quarter's Revenue was published, ...

Carnarvonshire Assizes

... Carnarvonsbtre Assizes, .. ?? ?? I 'ave an nl~~nidcmet~ of Mlonday'Is prcedns ?? e t w eeek lay a detitil of thle Particu- ,,oure our ICadr lat5 idnie i NSL Ai HT ceIrti. ~ ~ ~*s U i indicted for thle manola uglter of ~ l'bsnclefunt of the Amuericana Sbip, Drco, be Iif elat, te veseosl then lyinti ill the '\lnaiStrits nf' I asgr.iurs as set forth it) thle dcviieOe, and called thle ...

Merionethshire Assizes

... ?? Assizes. Mr. Baron Gurney arrived at Bala from Montgoane- e rysh ire on Saturday Evening; and on Sunday attend- e. ed Divine Worship, accompanied by the High Sheriff, n J. E. Borscott, Esq., of Hendre isaf; an excellent Sermon was delivered jy the Sheriff's Chaplain, tile a Rev. W. Hughes, Rector of Corwen. g On Monday the Court opened. Tile following are the Grand Jury:- G. Howell Vaughan, ...


... r it sinle A MODERN OeAT'Ro.-A tall, thin, march of in- tellect-iookiflgl young man, answerig to the name Of Slharp, took his place at thle bar, charged with druslkenness. pit Thle policeman saw the defendant holding fast by CiS ;son]io railings, dlelivering with great emphasis a long by- oration onl sunrdry subjects, and finding that hie was incapablle of walkin g, through drink, hie took ...

Montgomeryshire Assizes

... 'The Commission of Assizc for the County of Mont- gonmery was opened at Welsh Pool on Thursday, 21st July. At Buttington the Sheriff (James Proud Johnson, Esq.) was met by a numerous and respectable body of tradesmen, together with the tenantry, neighbours, and others, who had accompanied him from 1Monks- fields (his country scat,) and escorted him into town, greeted by a me rry peal fron the ...