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North Wales, Wales


Caernarfonshire, Wales

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... rcnn11iil T ?? i:7-IA se a- Oxron.D.-il1r. Joh1n ilnirrfrd, who was tried at Ih the last Assizes, and found guilty of the capital offence ts of attempting to discharge loaded arms at 31r. a- Giles Ladd, with intent to murder him, was placed at K- the bar. in At the last Assizes it appeared that Mr. Mi'ountford had sent to lMir. Ladd a tin case, filled with a large d quantity of gunpowdder ...


... CENTRAL CIRIMINAL COURT-TUESnAY. SENTENCES ON Tllv. PRISONERS. to On Tuesday morning, at 'alf-past 11 o'clock, the Recorder, accompanied by the Sheriffs, Aldermen, tin and other City officers, took their seats in the New fol Court, and the Recorder proceeded to pass ?? upon those prisoners who bad not been sentenced at s the time of their conviction. The following prison- il I eas were then ...


... F:¢RGUS O'CONNOR ,. DANIEL O'CONNELL. t, in res- We moy patody a wvellihnown apoplithegm, and er4 say, tiat When Radicals ?? Ote!, (Cnescrvatives come at ?? trot.i, Suc'l is ectinenly theo case sitij an important, thloiigh somewhat ?? palplipillet, juA pet Io rtle, intitled ' 21 Series o e Letters, ifre Fe.ngies O'Conuenor, Esq.,; Barristert at Lacw, tee D1 litc O'Connell, Esq., t. P.; ...


... -as !ry ATrEMIPTED ASSASSINTrIONx.-Ol Monday evening, ailner Barry, Esq., was attacked by agang of rtllians 'd on the Icanha-road, county Cork, whose evident pur. of pose was murder.' Mr. Barry happened to be Ct armed wvith pistols, one of which he discha rged at a er- ringleader of the party, who fell, and the rest iied. 'IIle yname of tile wounded man is O'Keefe. Mr. IBarry ns. was ...


... I)ISTRKSLINUi ?? 2s~lavy nitglt ;n inuent aitx ?? te Ow M ?? Tuesday nigitt ain inqsutiot wai hitld at (ie MCt1 r- before itr'fi hantd ihightly-reqi-tecsibo -tsi'y to2 ltVeiutTO mauclit tlitli dutl i e Sir W~illiaml Hewilttt 'Il at J at rvblvingsi beten Smo ura, prarcetledt to vtir tile boaitt(if ttit. isCcaStrI I ''ilrant, wisfit ?? ia h umble -toot \\l a ?? bc *iirocoIt jti't'a.t'52 afalt is ...

Anglesey Assizes

... Anglesey 'assizes. I3RrFACII OF PROMISE OF MARRIAGE. ol ni MAROGARIET EDWARDS V. ROBERT WILLIsAMS. h [In our last, we gave an epitome of this action, wN iwhich terminated on thle eve of publication ; we now rE lay before our readers a more amnple dletail-the case I, liaving excited considerable interest.] hi BExAvsAnRo, MAncir 21.-i'sr. WVelsby opened the ci pleadings. The plaintiff sought to ...


... K~t.'5lNGOK PETrTY SESStoss.-A SMIALL ALLOU' - ArNce.-Elis~li Watson and 'iThoro Hilays, file twro le mien who assisted the police in securing.1A1r. ~ir~I a-were charged with having been drunk tand disordprl1 ' is in the Broaidw~ay, Hammersnoith, on iaturdaty nigll. St~ Watson, in answer to the charge, ?? tnt ii, wll as drunk. Be had been to a cook's sh.p to inc,, This supper, and be had but a ...

Denbighshire, Easter General Session

... Ienb~ghshtro . Denbighshtre, Easter General Session. f an . 'hl'e General Easter Session of the Peace for the en D county of Denbigh was opened at tie County Hall, the i on 'Tuesday, the 5th inst. before Mr. Joim Hoaton, of' tfi , les Heaton, chairman; George rifflfth, Esq. Garn; pe Wilson:Jones, Hsq.; Al?.P ,; -Geirge Naylor, Esq., . i Plas'Clough; Capt. Clough, Min y Don; and Capt. te Wostyn ...

Carnarvonshire Quarter Sessions

... Ca'nanvonshire quarter Sessions. T'he Quartcr Sessions of tho Peace for the county of Carnarvon, commenced on Thirsday last in the Shire [Hull, before Col. Jones Parry, ?? Chairman, Lord Newborniough, W. Ruoberts, Esq. Mayor of Car- narvon, J. Lloyd, Esq., J. Rowlanils, Esq., S. 0. 1'riostley, Esq.. 1. Walker Jones, Jsq., It, (arnons, ]sq., lev. John Kvfln, Rev. J. V. 7incont, Rev, Grillihl ...


... I SALOP ASSIZES.-Sz.iiwvsuu8n', Fml Jui.y 29, 1 LII.IE. CASE, JONt.S V. JONES. (BeJl)re flir. Justice Pailesin, und a Special Jury,) Mr. Richards opened tie pleadings in this Cause, and AMr. Serjca at ?? ia an elemitt and lorcible speech addressed the . lry oil the part of tie l'aintiff. After statig suniewliat at larg; - te vaiiou, election ?? that had taken place at t wriia-rvoli, still the ...

Anglesey Assizes

... Anglesoy Assizeq. 'I'lre (C'ormisi`is for this crntrts wvas Opened nil W\vdlscdi;ly evullt 'it a eailrilaris. I'hl .t irlg, Sir ,lrhn Va:1t' dani Was eie'irtod into town11 li tbe Hi !, Siheril', Ilichard llrr\ ?? 1F a wrls, ESl. and tryv I . usue;I c(srpillv Of ,r nlr' . r t1 ?? hiS lordship al- tended diiVilC sc Vice anid at eleven o'clock entered ?? (nlsnty hall. Ihe foll nwino gedtleine ...


... COURT1 OF REQ UESTS,-MONDAY. to A LoQUAcIous AoouuN J TAi''is-r.-Mr1r. DanielI 1r' Diavid Few, a little old gentlemast, very much reses- elf bling Alr.Jolen ArthitrlNoebuck, ?? vwssuininoned u ed for the sum of 16s. fd. for runt alleged to bc dee and I ut owing to Peter Th'omns, his landlord. ])aniel's ap- h ?? was most extraordinary ; although knowni ng to be in possession of considerablo ...