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... I COUXI' OF KING'S BENCII, SATUnDAY,JAN. 30.I TH rTHE KING V. ROBETSiis A rule bad been obtained on a former day calling i'upon William Roberts to show cause wvhy anl infor- it, motion in the nature of a quo was ronto should not be Ely filed against him calling upon him to show by what cliI authority hie claimed to be mayor of the horough of is Carnarvon. as Thie Attorney-General had to show ...


... -as !ry ATrEMIPTED ASSASSINTrIONx.-Ol Monday evening, ailner Barry, Esq., was attacked by agang of rtllians 'd on the Icanha-road, county Cork, whose evident pur. of pose was murder.' Mr. Barry happened to be Ct armed wvith pistols, one of which he discha rged at a er- ringleader of the party, who fell, and the rest iied. 'IIle yname of tile wounded man is O'Keefe. Mr. IBarry ns. was ...


... I)ISTRKSLINUi ?? 2s~lavy nitglt ;n inuent aitx ?? te Ow M ?? Tuesday nigitt ain inqsutiot wai hitld at (ie MCt1 r- before itr'fi hantd ihightly-reqi-tecsibo -tsi'y to2 ltVeiutTO mauclit tlitli dutl i e Sir W~illiaml Hewilttt 'Il at J at rvblvingsi beten Smo ura, prarcetledt to vtir tile boaitt(if ttit. isCcaStrI I ''ilrant, wisfit ?? ia h umble -toot \\l a ?? bc *iirocoIt jti't'a.t'52 afalt is ...


... rcnn11iil T ?? i:7-IA se a- Oxron.D.-il1r. Joh1n ilnirrfrd, who was tried at Ih the last Assizes, and found guilty of the capital offence ts of attempting to discharge loaded arms at 31r. a- Giles Ladd, with intent to murder him, was placed at K- the bar. in At the last Assizes it appeared that Mr. Mi'ountford had sent to lMir. Ladd a tin case, filled with a large d quantity of gunpowdder ...


... KILRUSIH PEtTTY SESSIONS. (Frome the Linier'ick Statr.) ie A MANi OF aTANV Vrnrurts.-A vizen-faced, jo- at cose-looking little pensioner, better knowna by the so- at briqIetoI . ?? J ii'' t ban lis realI patronl y[ai c, nt-was bl up intl chlrged by a neighbour of his own, ai nd Mrs. Ro01a1hal, with having ?? licked her childer, il e broken her back door, disparaged her hu sband and his abused ...


... POLICE JNTELLICENCI:. I To V~ 15 I. f.. -- M ?? JIr'iio ,nrs ; Cka car tr ng I ill Was bliroIIglttI ipl ,ole Si I1-. K vi:irle-l il ilriii ?? i nstiitu Iy niiglht, nI I I '.,s;lti o l'gic.. ThIomns lianlting, :I plievli(}~nan, jtti)!ql 11:1t o^}il li ( illryi night, cboiit II o'clock, Ile s:1ii Itt Iri,, lr * 1 iliiitI inl ,:Jjln-stlt'lt Sijilolk-l;Streni, iii CriiiIupss iVilK a I mI fealOme. ...


... C(,URTl (LI' R L' l S. , . cI.. L .1 - - - I - - _. - ?? of' IJ2.1 .\ SI1 XFSS/t11 V. V. stlill, ol v. ?? .tltt 1).ivrcr..-I)aliicl .Al ijrj~,h irs ia; ?? by a rudo unsophisticated Scotlclifilll oilo one year 1up) ira' thoe n1ortth), fbr i:Js. lid. II ,i vd CUiillti[ ati d tact of hoth parties creiated fullI S t55 II I t ' tdio only dtictilty wos ill ?? to ?? Scotch of Andrew Bl-nlr t t'r ...


... MIURDER OF A MAN' 13Y IIHS WIFE. Ie- ay, A murder has recently been made known by oneof t the parties concerned in it, which was committed in ocd Fralce two years ago. The particulars are as fol- nd ?? Icldise, the murechal of the village Of ict Majeloup, had lived peaccably with his wife for niany lie years, andi hall a blilnil y of five childrqn. In the early in- part of tlhe year 1834, ...


... TRIAL OF FIESCIII AND HIS ACCO.,11PLICES. n, toturt s Peers-Fljteendt Day (ctncluded,) a- The Procureur-Generai closed his reply upon the evidence by calling upon the Court to award sentence of death against Fiescbi, lorey, Pepin, and Boireau, as guilty of an attempt, wvitd, mlice prepeltse, upon the lives of the King and several memsbers of the Royal lo family, Marshal Morticr, and the others ...


... I COURer OF EXCHEQUER, 13TII JuXE 1836. r IOEtONcN r OENMISE OF IAil AND OTHtERSI).WY-NE, ESQ. r-~~JUDGMENT1 Mr. BAnION PARSE-In the case of Roe on the demise of Hart and others v. Wynne, in which the Df verdict was found for the defendant, a new trial was ie moved for on two grounds, first that the verdict of the Jury was against the evidence, and secondly there was a misdirection of the ...


... POLICEl. it UNlUN-IIALL. *X INlPOPTAVI- To Nomis.--.linos Doyle was charged to with committing till assault o0 Willitim IDvsn, whi:o complainiieil that tle ?? bid pulled his ?? to With such lorce is nearly to havie separatod it fronit - his fice. At ill events, he wals feaufiul, ifltbe piroplul- h cy of thile doctors w -ere to be tl peicldei upon, th at thle eviolence with wibich his nasa I ...


... Wontrotic. It seents to have escaped public notice hitherto, but there is little doubt of the fact, that the increase under the head of stamps, in the last return of tile quarter's revenue, is principally owing to the powers of attorcy and other taxed documteuts, called forth by tile distri- bution of the slave compensation fund. Ihe tax in a great majority of cases is out of all proportion ...