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... CONSPIRACY AGAINST biR. SLY. 'Ibe Trial for the alleged murder of the late Mr. Walsh, which excited so much public attention, has terminated in the triumphant acquittal ofo Mr. Sly, his innocence being clearly established before a jury of his countrymen after a trial which lasted upwards of eleven hours. Perhaps the annals of history can- I not afford a parallel to tile base conspiracy ...

Carnarvon Quarter Sessions

... ?? Carnarvon quarter Sessions. of IThe October Quarter Sessions for the (County of iII. t Ir'larvolt colliticoced in the Shirchalil in tile 13- vel rough of Caritarvon, on Thursdlny hlst, before tite fol- lily low ig ?? Sir Iove ?? .1. Pairy, (!X- K .(J . 1 . t ?? (C hairmln m,) Lord N. w lboiougl,l. T. tc ( irreg, Esq., ?? Wtalker tolins, Esq., John lowlands, ?? sIj., O.J. Ellis Nanney, Esq. ...

Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... Anglesey Quwrtcr Sessions. On Tuesday these Sessions were opened by the Chairman, Johni Wi'illiams, Esq., assisted by Joln Price, Esq. and the Rev. Gethin Williams. The Chairman, in addressing the Grand Jury, ob- served, that not recegnising among them the faces of lany gentlemen w1orn hie had observed on preceding Grand Juries, it became necessary that he should ex- plain to them the nature ...


... COURT OF REQ UEIS, i f- SEnjVA'a'S VEIttSUS MAl 5ITERS.-TIWi 'sa io lect ' a ppea rs to be devtaboping it 'cf Lii ti , tI' .0- of''stiching lip ti)rn'me's rights,'aiid wlio p I !rs now-a-days to I bite tlicir thumb ?? at eitl Ier i- ye maid servant moust look to thle conISequencee- for instance, the following cases Iestil iiid tleidFJ - this Court yesterday Gloom v. 1Barlker'.-M~r. Barker, a, ...


... FLINTS11 I III-, losC I y Atics in SrAIMiilNG M111 INI iENT To K i ?? was at very brutal case. Ii tser ev soe John Cioper, and Alaui'i1 Cooper', his vwilb. 'T1w Attoriicy-U eteral stated the case to tlic . ury. Gill - lie saul thlt thle prirsonsers, John Ce0i)Ler sod Mtiiy Lionl Cooper, ivero clinured in one conui v jilth onilitelossly aO arid feloniously cut~ting and stabbilig Annt 'Williams, ...


... r it sinle A MODERN OeAT'Ro.-A tall, thin, march of in- tellect-iookiflgl young man, answerig to the name Of Slharp, took his place at thle bar, charged with druslkenness. pit Thle policeman saw the defendant holding fast by CiS ;son]io railings, dlelivering with great emphasis a long by- oration onl sunrdry subjects, and finding that hie was incapablle of walkin g, through drink, hie took ...

Montgomeryshire Assizes

... 'The Commission of Assizc for the County of Mont- gonmery was opened at Welsh Pool on Thursday, 21st July. At Buttington the Sheriff (James Proud Johnson, Esq.) was met by a numerous and respectable body of tradesmen, together with the tenantry, neighbours, and others, who had accompanied him from 1Monks- fields (his country scat,) and escorted him into town, greeted by a me rry peal fron the ...


... A ?? iat(; l'imi Xstil(|:' ihlitis Paul- or, a ?? joaliirti, wirinig a seock frock, tind lwho s'id lie was a porter in Cov,'nt-gardetn mar- ket, was blrouiglit before the IMlagistrates chliaged wvit I ainotinytg Anna Eivans, a young woaian of interesting appeartinco. Compilnant had been living with tde prisoner as his wife, but left him that tlty vneck in cotisettience of his violent temper, ...


... AN IMPUDENT INI'RVUDER. ALsLOn.OUCoe1-STIIELT.---Thoines Callaglian livas charged with the following impudent robbery:-ilr. Sweeney, of' Castle-street, Luicester-square, had a piity of friends ait his house the previous evening, end the prisoner happening to cattle by just at tihe theot a number of the guests hiad got to the dcil', wvalked boldly into the house wvith then), ntd took his 0se1t ...

Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... anglesey quarter Sessions. These Sessions were held at the Court House, in s Beautnaris, on Tuesday last, bebre John Williams, Esq., Chairman; Sir Richard Bulkeley, Bart.; - Jones, Esq., Holvhead ; John Price, Esq.; W. XV. n Sparrow, Esq.; Capt. Hampton; and W. 13. Hughes, 0Esq. The chairman addressed the jury on the nature of' the bills of indictment that were to come before them. I it was ...


... CENTRAL CIRIMINAL COURT-TUESnAY. SENTENCES ON Tllv. PRISONERS. to On Tuesday morning, at 'alf-past 11 o'clock, the Recorder, accompanied by the Sheriffs, Aldermen, tin and other City officers, took their seats in the New fol Court, and the Recorder proceeded to pass ?? upon those prisoners who bad not been sentenced at s the time of their conviction. The following prison- il I eas were then ...


... F:¢RGUS O'CONNOR ,. DANIEL O'CONNELL. t, in res- We moy patody a wvellihnown apoplithegm, and er4 say, tiat When Radicals ?? Ote!, (Cnescrvatives come at ?? trot.i, Suc'l is ectinenly theo case sitij an important, thloiigh somewhat ?? palplipillet, juA pet Io rtle, intitled ' 21 Series o e Letters, ifre Fe.ngies O'Conuenor, Esq.,; Barristert at Lacw, tee D1 litc O'Connell, Esq., t. P.; ...